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I see white & gold...my wife saw white & gold initially but then it changed to blue & black. Now she can only see it as blue & black. Weird.
Pink polka dots, ....fer shore !
Looks like blue and black (with some gold in the black)....but I'm sure if I adjust my monitor I could make it change!
Rarest of all VW accessories.
For people that want a bigger 5th wheel trailer.
@itsdgm and @andy07sx230ho I love them and want one! ..... of each!
I can't believe I had never seen one before and they never took off.
My wife is a little dismayed that I think these are so cool although she secretly lies the VW bug and trailer.
She also just informed me that they would be one of my better choices of stupid purchases because if I got one I will at least have a place to sleep. I say Carpe Diem!
Its filmed in Rome so Id guess yes, its a Seadoo, we don't have Yamaha boats in Europe :(. (do you realise how lucky you all are!!!!!;):p)
I don't know If it's trending now but I saw this on a science show last night and thought some of you might get a kick out of it. Jon Claude vandam (sp?) has nothing on this woman.

Here is another one from the same show.

Those are awesome videos Ronnie! Amazing what you can do with technology now! Gotta wonder how much time it took to program those copters to do that!!!!!!!

Here is something a little more mundane, but cool none the less....Michael Winslow does Led Zeplin

Those are awesome videos Ronnie! Amazing what you can do with technology now! Gotta wonder how much time it took to program those copters to do that!!!!!!!

Here is something a little more mundane, but cool none the less....Michael Winslow does Led Zeplin

@Ronnie: That video of yours, "Daring Stunt On Rope Between Two Trucks"
was like a little incredible. Mixed in with a tad bit of CRAZINESS - Like what was that girl thinking ? LOL !
Needless to say, I ain't gonna try this later this afternoon. Nice find. Thanks, Mike
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This is not new, but if you love Fishing, and boats, it's always funny !
Hoping you enjoy ! Have FUN - Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
