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Some of those were hilarious!my son sent this one to me!
Here's a cool video of a train in some snow.....

That's a good one @Julian. I don't understand why that would disqualify the dog though. Isn't the added time penalty enough?
I wonder if the tug boat screwed that up or if the ship is completely to blame?
I would guess that the ship had a malfunction and the tug was trying to help, but it wasn't tied on to pull. They were at the mercy of the current.
uh...well...I don't think the secondary backup bilge pump is going to help on that first vessel he hit.
This looks expensive.....

OUCH!!! As if the first attempt wasn't bad enough. Then he comes back around and wipes out the other side of the dock too? Makes me wonder if he had already made a failed attempt prior to the video. Why else would the camera be rolling in the first place?
Im thinking the rudder is stuck, forcing the ship to turn to starboard.
Oh! Gee! (...inaudible...) RICHAAAARD!!!

Here's an interesting one that was going around the Internet pretty heavily yesterday. What color do you think this dress is?


Some see it as white and gold, some see blue and gold/black. I see it as blue and gold but am in the minority from people I've talked to.