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200 mph on a bike....thats bicycle!

That guy on the bicycle is nuuuuuts!!!!
@Julian, I hope that's time lapsed ;)
@Julian , now I know why I'm bald and grey headed! I tried to see how many of those flights, after holding, diverted instead of finally getting into ATL. I couldn't count! It's a circus on some days!
I bet the bicycle guy needed a change of underwear the first time he lit that rocket! Holy crap!
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed girlfriend, 41, admits she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer".

Not the headline I would want to wake up to if I was Mr. Phelps! HAHAHAHAHA...... GOT YA!! He would have had to know.... right??

"She also told the magazine that she never lied to the swimmer about her past, saying it just never came up".

That one is too easy. Of course it never "came up"!

Unless you are under oath bare non disclosure is technically not a lie. I do wonder if Mr. phelps ever had a "crying game" moment, though if he did he may not admit it. He just got a DUI while in his lambo within the last month maybe there is some relation this story.
Worlds most ferocious guard dog!!!

@Julian, I saw that the other day. Pretty funny!!!
That's a lot of snow!!! Crazy.
Thats very impressive, I've seen tracks on a Land Rover but with the wheels removed.

Very clever invention, I was thinking how they stay attached, but I can see the centre bracket.
Excellent invention. Cost Is way out of my league, but those things could be a real game changer for some people.
Wow. There must be a ton of R&D in those. Looks like they'd be very useful in gettin around in some remote areas.