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Yamaha oil filter: What is inside?

Boat Crazy

Jetboaters Admiral
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Lebanon Missouri
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I Cut open a Yamaha oil filter today. Below are pictures of what is inside. ( This is the exact filter that comes with the factory boat, what filter that comes in the Yamaha oil change kit, and the exact filter I receive when purchasing a single filter from a Yamaha dealership for a 1.8 motor). I am NOT trying to state this filter is better than the other makes or brands. Only posting for informative information. ( Please note that the metal shavings were from cutting the filter open with a chop saw.)IMG_1851.JPG IMG_1849.JPG IMG_1850.JPG IMG_1848.JPG
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Interesting results, it is odd that the inside of your Yamaha filter is different than what @Ronnie found when he cut open in this thread https://jetboaters.net/threads/show-us-what-you-see.4515/page-33
Agree! I did notice his was a different part # and his was made in Thailand, Where this one was made in Japan as every filter I purchased over the last 5 years was. Both had the Yamaha brand name on them. It was @Ronnie 's post that got me curious. I knew that someone from the old site cut one open and looked like the one I cut open. That said, it is very interesting that the one he purchased was very different.
This is interesting and I spent a little time GOOGLING this issue, using DENSO as part of the search criteria.
It came back with something most interesting and I quote:

The webpage this comes from is: http://www.thehulltruth.com/boating-forum/358000-f150-oil-filter-substitute.html#b

And what they wrote was this:

"... the Yamaha FS F150-250 oil filter says DENSO on it.
it has synthetic fiber filtering,probably if salt water got in the oil filter.
paper ones could possibly dissolve.
there is NO conversion from yamaha pn to denso.
Denso car oil filters have paper filtering.
Denso is owned or partially owned by Toyota.
Yamaha has made engines for Toyota cars.
Therefore , I would think Yamaha went to Denso and said make this type oil filter.

SIM pictures and comments.
http://www.thehulltruth.com/shipyard...-w-pics.html#b "

The SECRET Key to this post is going to the web link they provided above - Again, it is:

The photos they posted show that they saw (experienced) the EXACT same thing in Filtering material that is the concern here.

Hoping this helps unravel the issue a bit. Best Wishes, Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
Agree! I did notice his was a different part # and his was made in Thailand, Where this one was made in Japan. Both had the Yamaha brand name on them. It was @Ronnie 's post that got me curious. I knew that someone from the old site cut one open and looked like the one I cut open. That said, it is very interesting that the one he purchased was very different.
I'm a little slow tonight, second of 7 nights shifts. I just read the other thread with your oil filter disection.
I've cut a couple yami snowmobile filters open from my 1000cc 4 stroke sled and it looks just like this one, some kind of fiber material inside. I always stick with the actual Yamaha filters
Any possibility the one Ronnie had was a "value" line Yamaha part? You know, less expensive and built to a different spec, etc.

Other possibility that jumps out is that Ronnie's part could be counterfeit. Not sure how likely, but there are $Billions of counterfeit auto parts out there.
I changed the oil and filters in my boat after work today. The filters are from and were installed by my local dealer so I will be interested to see what's inside them.

On a related note I checked out the ones my local power sports shop is selling, I could see ridges of cardboard through the perforated cylinder that runs down the center of the oil filter so I passed on buying them for $24 each and went for the "premium" purolator instead, $8. From the drawing and description on the side of the box it looks like the same thing that was in the yamaha oil filter I bought from the power sports shop.

I understand that different manufacturers may produce different but similar products bearing the same name and / or model but selling both at a price premium and without disclosing there is a difference. If my dealer is selling the filters with fleece elements I won't be a patron of the power sports store anymore.

...I understand that different manufacturers may produce different but similar products bearing the same name and / or model but selling both at a price premium and without disclosing there is a difference. If my dealer is selling the filters with fleece elements I won't be a patron of the power sports store anymore.
View attachment 19511

Reminds me of the CARB vs. Non CARB boats. Yamaha is not the best at disclosure. :cool:
So, you are supposed to change the oil filters too? Isn't it a lifetime filter? I thought if you kept the oil clean they were good to go. Heck, if I'd a known that I wouldn't have splurged on the pretty chrome ones! Damn. Now I'm gonna be out more $$ for that next oil change when it comes around. Good thing I got rid of the air filters....I only boat where the air is clean, so I don't need those fortunately. :cool:
Here is what was inside of the oil filters that I got from the dealer. I also put the element from the power sports sourced yamaha filter in for comparison. I will be buying my yamaha oil filters from my dealer from now on, well starting next year. It is easy to tell what filter you are getting, just look down the center. If it has a perforated metal cylinder at its core, chances are it the standard one not the one with a fleece element.

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
Ronnie, is that actually fleece? It looks more like foam, but I can't quite tell.

Mercedes uses fleece. Here's a shot of a Mercedes filter next to a paper one:

This is great information guys. Well done!!!

[USERGROUP=3]@Administrative[/USERGROUP] - This should be a sticky thread.
Added to the FAQ under maintenance #32.

I wonder what a K&N filter looks like inside? Here is what I found online.....

i've go two used KN's waiting to go the recycle bin right now, I'll see if my dremel can cut one open tonight,
Yep, those two on the right are fleece filters, very dirty fleece filters! They look like foam I guess dirty, but they are a fleece type material all compressed.
K&N for me all the way! Here's something to think about! Just about every Supercross or motorcross team run K&N filters on their 4 stroke engines.
I cut my KN 303 open this evening, I cut a few of the pleats and couldn't really tell what it is, it doesn't seem like any type of textile/fleece material

KN says
Uniform pleated Synthetic filter media provides high capacity and outstanding filtration
  • Premium Synthetic Media allows for high-flow rates associated with Synthetic and Synthetic blended oils
kn filter open.JPG