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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

It used to be every Thursday I think...

The mail boat comes on Thursdays. That is where supplies for the island and stock for the stores comes from.

Fuel delivery may be on Thursdays as well.
Anyone know how often the Sands gets fuel delivery? I hear they’re out of fuel now...

The Boston Whaler crew arrived yesterday they are notorious for gobbling up all the fuel on the island along with other supplies
It is good that the Whalers have consumed all the old fuel so that fresh fuel will be waiting for you.
I have to get the shrink wrap cut off my boat this weekend and make sure it starts and runs.....
Naahhh.. Just pull it to florida.. We will all help I cut it off..
I would, but they shrink-wrapped up and over the tower and all that surface area makes it a bitch to tow....... over about 40 mph the truck starts doing wheelies.

Edit: Although now that I think about it, maybe I could flex-tape the bow part of it to the bottom of the windshield and use that as a wave shield in case it's rough crossing
I would, but they shrink-wrapped up and over the tower and all that surface area makes it a bitch to tow....... over about 40 mph the truck starts doing wheelies.

Edit: Although now that I think about it, maybe I could flex-tape the bow part of it to the bottom of the windshield and use that as a wave shield in case it's rough crossing

I would keep some of that stuff to wrap around the tower. I plan to probably use wrap around mine do I don’t have to spend 2 hours scrubbing bugs off of it.
I would keep some of that stuff to wrap around the tower. I plan to probably use wrap around mine do I don’t have to spend 2 hours scrubbing bugs off of it.
The moving wrap you can buy at home depot combined with painters tape is what I will use this year. Used painters tape on its own last year....adding the idea of moving wrap this year - should be faster than all tape.
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The moving wrap you can buy at home depot combined with painters tape is what I will use this year. Used painters tape on its own last year....adding the idea of moving wrap this year - should be faster than all tape.

are you talking about a bow cover? painters tape can hold the weight of the water over the bow ?
are you talking about a bow cover? painters tape can hold the weight of the water over the bow ?
No, THEY are talking about protecting the front of the tower from road grime and bugs during the tow to Florida.

I was talking about a Flexseal Tape bow cover
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So, tell me more about this tower wrapping idea. Are the bugs really that bad in Florida? Is this common practice? Am I going to be highly disappointed the entire week in Bimini if I don’t? :(
So, tell me more about this tower wrapping idea. Are the bugs really that bad in Florida? Is this common practice? Am I going to be highly disappointed the entire week in Bimini if I don’t? :(
1. Yes 2. Meh 3. No
So, tell me more about this tower wrapping idea. Are the bugs really that bad in Florida? Is this common practice? Am I going to be highly disappointed the entire week in Bimini if I don’t? :(

Between 1600 miles on rte 95. Living on a boat for 6 days. 5 lunches. Towells. SALT. Sand. Fish. Changeing. Snacks. Its a hard week on the boat. I dont fight it. And at least 5 thunderstorms will bathe her during the week. Hopefully on the drive home
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So, tell me more about this tower wrapping idea. Are the bugs really that bad in Florida? Is this common practice? Am I going to be highly disappointed the entire week in Bimini if I don’t? :(

I just don't like all the splatted bugs on the tower. Plus, I have a sound bar up there that I have facing forwards and its easier to just tape it over than to unscrew it and rotate it backwards. The tower cans, and board racks also get bug splatters. It takes me 5 min at most to tape it over and less time to pull it off (I only do the flat leading edges) - which for me is time well spent verses the time it would take me to clean off the dried on and splatted bodies. Is it critical- no (except for my soundbar), do I prefer a clean and bug free boat-yes.
2016 I saw little to no bugs on the tower. 2017 there was a solid film of big guts. This year I’ll be wrapping mine....
Lotsa people who travel here for car shows use the painters tape to wrap their hoods, bumpers and mirrors.
Bring dryer sheets, I have found that they are the best thing to use to remove bug guts from cars jeeps and jetskis:cool:
Bring dryer sheets, I have found that they are the best thing to use to remove bug guts from cars jeeps and jetskis
Do you soak it first, or remove those dry with a dry dryer sheet?
