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Bimini 2019 July 7th (Bahia Mar) depart July 8th for Bimini return July 13th

Watch out for the seaweed!

If you have not done so already, everyone needs to watch the video @Betik had from last year!

Everyone needs to know their boat inside and out and what to do in case of.

You will also see how stressful things can become in a hurry. And he was in good water.

Finally, I will be crossing at 6am on 7-12, weather permitting, staying in Bimini Friday night on our way to Exumas. So if anyone in the group needs anything, please feel free to reach out to me.

How do we find that video?
Looks like one of my crew is taking the ferry on Wednesday. Hoping that plan works out, I believe it arrives at Hilton RW...
Looks like one of my crew is taking the ferry on Wednesday. Hoping that plan works out, I believe it arrives at Hilton RW...

The ferry arrives at the RW peer. Depending on where you are staying he can hire a ride from one of the golf cart rental places to wherever you are on N. Bimini or you may want to pick him up by boat at the Fisherman's Marina at RW.
Looks like one of my crew is taking the ferry on Wednesday. Hoping that plan works out, I believe it arrives at Hilton RW...

I would send him with a marine radio so that you can communicate once he is in Bimini.
It is a she ;) hoping to be there waiting when they dock .... hoping. A lot of logistics to figure out. Have to get her from Kansas City (after work) Tuesday to Port of Miami Wednesday morning, also have to get he proof of return trip with us. Doable, just lots of i's to dot.
Looks like one of my crew is taking the ferry on Wednesday. Hoping that plan works out, I believe it arrives at Hilton RW...
you can use my rental slip to get pick up, mine is 19' in 40' slip the first to harbour. ( note: the direction is West up )
It is a she ;) hoping to be there waiting when they dock .... hoping. A lot of logistics to figure out. Have to get her from Kansas City (after work) Tuesday to Port of Miami Wednesday morning, also have to get he proof of return trip with us. Doable, just lots of i's to dot.

Check prices but she may be able to get a round trip for a similar or less expensive price which would avoid the proof of return hassle.

That is a quick trip for KC to Miami. Are there overnight flights?
I am looking at several options, flights land at 2pm in South Bimini, Boat arrives at 11am on North, we are staying on North, so Time is some of a factor.
I am looking at several options, flights land at 2pm in South Bimini, Boat arrives at 11am on North, we are staying on North, so Time is some of a factor.

You need to watch for different airports if trying to make flights connect.

When a plane lands on S Bimini there typically is a taxi (old van) waiting to take passengers to the water taxi to N Bimini. If the taxi is not there the airport staff can call it. But if my wife, daughter or a female friend was flying or ferrying in alone I would to meet them on arrival. Not that it is dangerous, Bimini is much safer than Miami or Ft. Laudedale, but communications are limited and customs are different.