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Delivery of Grimalkin aka FisherCat

What’s the plan for actually renaming that cat?
What’s the plan for actually renaming that cat?

Will be doing it next spring. We have about a month til decommissioning. The current name and port are painted on. So it is a little more work to remove. We have chosen the vinyl graphic and will have a ceremony first thing in May.
How do you plan on removing the painted name? I need to do the same with my trailer sailer.

How do you plan on removing the painted name? I need to do the same with my trailer sailer.


On a non painted hull, gelcoat, I would use something like TotalBoat TotalStrip Marine Paint Remover & Varnish Stripper
I will be ordering a gallon soon as I have paint to remove on deck that is flaking off. Previous owners painted over smooth and non skid surfaces. I will be experimenting with the gel stripper to see how it works. First on the painted lettering. The topsides and transom have also been painted, after hurricane damage in 2004 in Punta Gorda. So after the 3 names and port are removed I plan on sanding and prep for rolling and tipping of a new polyurethane layer on the topsides and transom. The bottom paint will also be stripped/ sanded and reapplied as there are many layers built up, making the bottom rough. The deck might have to wait a year as this must be done in about a months time in April/May before we splash.
May need to hire some of this out, so I don’t delay our launch.
I also have to replace/rebed 6 plexiglass deadlights that are crazed and leaking so I can remove the gorilla tape, crap!, I better get on that now.
Refitting is coming right along and making her shine will be the mission next season.
Installing the rails for the slugs that will be laced to the new trampoline. Pop riveting the rails to an existing rail system. Using 3/16" x 1/2" SS rivets. Had to buy a 2 handed rivet gun. I was lacking the ability to pop them with a 1 hand gun.




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Beautiful day out on the lake today. Mid 70’s, wind SSE 9 gusts to 17. Did more upwind sailing today, 30 to 70 degrees off the wind. Mostly close hauling and close reaching points of sail. Fastest speed was 7.3 kts with 14 kts apparent wind. Played a lot with the sail adjustments.



The Windex points to the wind.
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Those tail tales are saying you need to trim that sail!
Those tail tales are saying you need to trim that sail!

Those red/green ones are stuck to the genoa sail. Lol. The only one flying free is the upper one. If you are referring to the mainsail...those are not telltails. Those are at the reefing points on the sail. They are lines to secure the reefed foot of the sail to the boom. Yes a couple on reef 1 are missing, I use sail ties thru the cringles/grommets to secure the points. The line for reef 2 is not installed on the clew reef point yet. Need to replace a length of line from the slides inside the boom to the 2nd reef clew point. Birds built a nest in the boom since last Fall, while on the hard in Mass., destroying the line cover and exposing the core.
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We did a “3 hour tour” yesterday, moving from Burlington to Malletts Bay for the last couple of weeks of our season before we head South again to Shelburne for haulout.


Approaching the “Cut” in the causeway.



This is where bicyclists take the bike ferry from Colchester to So. Hero Island. An old RR causeway converted to a bike path. Pretty popular and many bikes can be seen.


Motor sailing, low throttles with the 135 Genoa out in 8kts wind making 6+kts. Nice cruise with following winds.
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We still have our boating shoes on. Ya, it snowed earlier this week, but today was one of the last 3 days of sailing on the PDQ in the 2024 season. Beautiful warm day, well at least later. Found some good wind in outer Malletts Bay, 10-12 kts and we made 6.3kts. Fun time.

A fellow owner of a catamaran friend of ours and this cats owner.

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Made the trip down to Shelburne today. The boat is scheduled to be hauled out at 8 am tomorrow. We headed into strong South winds, once on the broad lake. Maximum apparent winds were 23 kts, from the SW. the cat and her crew handled it well, averaging 6 kts.

Not too kicked up here, but we did see 3-4 footers further South.


The remaining foundation for the Colchester Reef Lighthouse which now stands in the Shelburne museum.
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Made the trip down to Shelburne today. The boat is scheduled to be hauled out at 8 am tomorrow. We headed into strong South winds, once on the broad lake. Maximum apparent winds were 23 kts, from the SW. the cat and her crew handled it well, averaging 6 kts.

Not too kicked up here, but we did see 3-4 footers further South.

View attachment 228056

The remaining foundation for the Colchester Reef Lighthouse which now stands in the Shelburne museum.
Beautiful! Your tender might do a little better 30' back.
Beautiful! Your tender might do a little better 30' back.
I agree, I had it tied at a length where I can pull that line up to it's midpoint and clip it into a carabiner at the base of a stantion forward, bringing the dinghy along side at the stern when I dock. It would ride better further back.
It was a good season.
Commissioned her 5/10/24 in Dighton, Mass. Decommissioned on 10/21/24 in Shelburne, Vt.


They put us up front, Right next to the office.
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Awesome! Thank you, will watch later this evening..
Wow Jeff, thank you for putting that here. That was bucket list material. Great video and all done on a 34' Hunter. Very impressive and makes me want to wander to that section of the Great Loop. Again, Awesome!