The R5 definitely rode a lot better than my '07 SX230, I didn't ride in
@1948Isaac boat in rough waves so I can't compare between our boats. The one minor disappointment of my R5 was the amount of spray we got over the sides at times. I would have thought with the higher free boards it would have been a relatively dry ride but it wasn't. What I noticed most improved about the R5 ride was that it rarely slapped the water, it mostly came down relatively gentle.
I agree with
@robert843 about the jet drive, if Cobalt offered a jet drive with the right motor combination I would purchase one. The only time I got stuck in Exuma was due to me miss reading my GPS and if I had a jet drive I would have made it through because the hull the of the boat didn't stop us, it was the out drive. Cobalt makes a claim that out drives can avoided underwater debris better than jets,, I consider this utter Bullsh!t, these boats don't have forward looking depth indication so how would you know unless you are going at no wake speed and had a look out.
Right now I still happy with having the out drive because the wife can handle the Cobalt much easier than she could handle the Yamaha, happy wife happy life!