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My 2016 Yamaha 242X thread....(MORE photos added 6/14/19)

Ugh now you tell me...
Added an external speaker for my Vhf. See this thread for details. Below is the photo:

@Julian how thick is the fiberglass where you screwed the rod holder on the fore (front ?) side of the helm storage? What size screws? Predrill first? Do you think it went into the seat back?
Not very thick ....like maybe 1/4 inch at most. I used some short fat stainless screws. It doesnt take much to hold it up.
Not very thick ....like maybe 1/4 inch at most. I used some short fat stainless screws. It doesnt take much to hold it up.
Think I changed my mind on this too. Lol. Pretty cramped in there with the amps mounted on the back of the seat back from factory.

I’m really struggling with my organization mods, here. Wife says let’s just use it as is for a bit until we get a vision. I’m not sure that’s allowed, is it??
Think I changed my mind on this too. Lol. Pretty cramped in there with the amps mounted on the back of the seat back from factory.

I’m really struggling with my organization mods, here. Wife says let’s just use it as is for a bit until we get a vision. I’m not sure that’s allowed, is it??
Sure it is.....see what grows on you. Go to a few gatherings and check out what others have done.
Think I changed my mind on this too. Lol. Pretty cramped in there with the amps mounted on the back of the seat back from factory.

I’m really struggling with my organization mods, here. Wife says let’s just use it as is for a bit until we get a vision. I’m not sure that’s allowed, is it??
Yes it is... but u have to make. Verbal commitment to the group that you still have plenty of mods to spend money on... it's a binding contract.
Yes it is... but u have to make. Verbal commitment to the group that you still have plenty of mods to spend money on... it's a binding contract.

Already installed the trash can that @seanmclean linked to a couple weeks ago, I have a bow roller on the bench waiting for first launch, installed trailer guides that I took off the old boat today, and started getting supplies gathered for my onboard air inflator. And, I ordered a new surf rope that just came in. Does that count?
It appears you still have the fever!
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You have an exceptionally bad case. Didn't you have a prop boat just two years ago? before the AR210?
You have an exceptionally bad case. Didn't you have a prop boat just two years ago? before the AR210?
View attachment 92289
I sure did. Lol!

But, we’re making memories as fast as we can with our little ones. :) Just took a trial run and a few gatherings to verify that we really are a boating family. Should be pretty well set in the boat dept for awhile, aside from modding it to make it ours.
Here is a photo of the new Garmin Echomap 94 SV (with GT 51 transducer....not the CV51).

Not set on the final angle/location, but you get the idea. It is big! Wanted to be able to see it from the back of the boat while fishing. Also wanted a nice big split screen for depth and location at the same time. Plus touchscreen is critical! More transducer mounting pics to follow!

Here is a photo of the new Garmin Echomap 94 SV (with GT 51 transducer....not the CV51).

Not set on the final angle/location, but you get the idea. It is big! Wanted to be able to see it from the back of the boat while fishing. Also wanted a nice big split screen for depth and location at the same time. Plus touchscreen is critical! More transducer mounting pics to follow!

Aloha @Julian what did u make that mounting plate from that u have the RAM mount too? And how did u install it? Nice setup...??
Got my aluminum mount welded today (@swatski 's idea) and mounted, cable run into the boat. Now all I have left is to pull the cable through to the helm! This is 1/8 aluminum angle material I bought at Homedepot, cut, shaped and then had welded together.

Transducer is below the keel slightly so side scanning will be unimpeded.

I was thinking of pulling the ride plate to install this and didn't need to as I was able to just drill through and line it up with the bracket.


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Got my aluminum mount welded today (@swatski 's idea) and mounted, cable run into the boat. Now all I have left is to pull the cable through to the helm!

Transducer is below the keel slightly so side scanning will be unimpeded.
Aloha @Julian love this setup and trying to figure out how I want to do mines. I want to mount mines flat to the ride plate, but of coarse worried about the imaging. I know the keel will be blocking to that side of the transducer. The worry I have is, i like to go over shallow reefs/sandbars at times and don’t want it to break off. I know I shouldn’t be in such shallow water, but I do at times. Anyways nice setup, love the custom bracket.??
Aloha @Julian love this setup and trying to figure out how I want to do mines. I want to mount mines flat to the ride plate, but of coarse worried about the imaging. I know the keel will be blocking to that side of the transducer. The worry I have is, i like to go over shallow reefs/sandbars at times and don’t want it to break off. I know I shouldn’t be in such shallow water, but I do at times. Anyways nice setup, love the custom bracket.??
Yeah, shallow water was/is one item I'm going to have to be careful with. I guess those with lots of $ would just get one that can run 2 transducers and put one flush on each side!
Here are 2 more photos I took today of different ram mount adjustments. One higher, one lower and further right. Each has its merits, lower works better for sitting, higher works better for standing.


Now I'm off to Israel for a week, then back to water test it.