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    free hit counter

Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

I'll usually go from my stubby 1/2" impact to the standard 1/2" impact and if that won't do it i'll go the the 3/4" impact. If that doesn't do it I reach for the gas axe. That option has never failed me
"I need to practice social-distancing from the refrigerator."

"So, after this quarantine.....will the producers of My 600 Pound Life just find me or do I find them?"

I'll usually go from my stubby 1/2" impact to the standard 1/2" impact and if that won't do it i'll go the the 3/4" impact. If that doesn't do it I reach for the gas axe. That option has never failed me
I personally love the smoke wrench
I'll usually go from my stubby 1/2" impact to the standard 1/2" impact and if that won't do it i'll go the the 3/4" impact. If that doesn't do it I reach for the gas axe. That option has never failed me
Ah yes the smoke wrench has saved many a day
I want a smoke wrench.
Clear case of "Darwin's theory of Natural Selection" or just a good way to thin the gene pool. Are you kidding me?

