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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)


If it was a Pro-Hillary you would be ok with that @Julian I have seen your Facebook page, you are a Hillary Fan. So let's not pretend to not be biased ok?
Nope...not ok with any political references here. And sucks that anyone has to repeat the rules that were decided upon. Lets not create any drama...none of the admins want to have to be enforcers.....totally sucky job when it comes to this stuff. Lots of other places we can all pour out our guts on politics....we don't need to do it here.
If it was a Pro-Hillary you would be ok with that @Julian I have seen your Facebook page, you are a Hillary Fan. So let's not pretend to not be biased ok?
Everyone has a favorite. We want to remain politically free regardless of what side of the aisle we sit on. Politics, religion and race related posts stir too many emotions and have no place on our forum. Feel free to discuss privately in pm's or on your Facebook page....not here. We are all friends and wish not to debate these topics for the good of our community.
Nope...not ok with any political references here. And sucks that anyone has to repeat the rules that were decided upon. Lets not create any drama...none of the admins want to have to be enforcers.....totally sucky job when it comes to this stuff. Lots of other places we can all pour out our guts on politics....we don't need to do it here.

Well I guess it's your rodeo tough guy! I am scared, shaking in my boots Lol.
And my ratings are better than anyone, 287 Posts to 255 Ratings, so you decide if I am wanted here?
Fuck you @Julian , you are still a piece of shit! Nerds will always think they are cool on the Internet Lol.
What happened to this?

Playing nice in the sand box... Can we go back to like the previous page and just delete the last couple of posts. I love this forum and this is my fave thread! Pleeeese.

I'm guessing there is some sort of past history or something going on here? Maybe an inside joke I don't know about? @Julian is one of the most fair and honest people I've ever met. I mean, if you got beef, hey, whatever...not everyone can get along. I get that. But if not, I'm about 99.8% sure you're reading his comments wrong. Nothing about what he's posted screams unfair or partial. To me, anyway.

Oh yeah, your ratings aren't better than everyones ;) :P

Not takin sides, just don't wanna see a shitshow. Gave up the bookface a long time ago because I got tired of reading that crap.
I'm guessing there is some sort of past history or something going on here? Maybe an inside joke I don't know about? @Julian is one of the most fair and honest people I've ever met. I mean, if you got beef, hey, whatever...not everyone can get along. I get that. But if not, I'm about 99.8% sure you're reading his comments wrong. Nothing about what he's posted screams unfair or partial. To me, anyway.

Oh yeah, your ratings aren't better than everyones ;) :p

Not takin sides, just don't wanna see a shitshow. Gave up the bookface a long time ago because I got tired of reading that crap.

You have some awesome ratings as well, Yes there is a history, enough said!
Well I guess it's your rodeo tough guy! I am scared, shaking in my boots Lol.

Dan, it is a simple request, this forum is about boating, please take the politics elsewhere. My beliefs are much closer to yours than Julian's. There is no bias in moderating the rule simply is no politics. Please tone down your attack on Julian and let's all get back to helping each other enjoy boating.