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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

Dan, it is a simple request, this forum is about boating, please take the politics elsewhere. My beliefs are much closer to yours than Julian's. There is no bias in moderating the rule simply is no politics. Please tone down your attack on Julian and let's all get back to helping each other enjoy boating.

I agree Bruce, you are the only voice of reason on this forum.
I agree Bruce, you are the only voice of reason on this forum.

Our committee of 5 that operate the forum @Julian, @Murf'n'surf, @OperationROL, @txav8r and I have a pretty wide spectrum of perspective and opinions. I believe that is a good thing as it allows us to work for the benefit of our diverse membership. Julian and I disagree about many political issues but our positions do not make either of us a bad person. We both have good intentions that are based on different perspectives. Now let's clean up this mess and get back to boating.
Rules are rules I guess but I think if you did not alow posting any thing but memmes in the meme forum I would not have to go 3 pages for 2 memmies lol
Rules are rules I guess but I think if you did not alow posting any thing but memmes in the meme forum I would not have to go 3 pages for 2 memmies lol
Unfortunately we can't constrain posts to particular types of content.....and in an election season, political meme's are popular and funny for both sides.

@Jebinok NICE!!!

I'd be like.....
Damn... @AZDANSX230HO
I leave you alone in here for a minute and there are bodies strewn everywhere!!! LOL

You should have included a meme in your comment about people commenting without pictures... see what I did there?
And I checked, and I'm pretty sure there are no politicians in the pile!
Damn... @AZDANSX230HO
I leave you alone in here for a minute and there are bodies strewn everywhere!!! LOL

You should have included a meme in your comment about people commenting without pictures... see what I did there?

I new I was breaking my own rule but not sure how to get a meme up using a tablet. For the record I like all memes rep. Or dem. Political ones seem to be the funniest