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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

Dan (@AZDANSX230HO) and John (@Zarrella), lets play nice please. We have been very fortunate to have very little need for moderation on this forum. If you continue to test the boundaries we will implement measures to limit the access of users who can not play by the rules. Please do not make us go there.

We did not post anything with politics, religion, nudity, etc. So what are we allowed to post and not, maybe this should be clarified further in the rules perhaps? Me poking fun at Julian for his comment "Wow....like I said...moderating is fun! " with a funny meme is not acceptable?
We did not post anything with politics, religion, nudity, etc. So what are we allowed to post and not, maybe this should be clarified further in the rules perhaps? Me poking fun at Julian for his comment "Wow....like I said...moderating is fun! " with a funny meme is not acceptable?

Politics and personal attacks are a no go. Anything that involves discrimination, racism or otherwise insults a group of people should be avoided. Adult content needs to be in NSFW.
@AZDANSX230HO As someone following this thread and watching the events unfold it is my opinion that your "Me poking fun at Julian" was less fun and more personal attack. I don't know what history you two have but it has been unpleasant to follow along in the thread. In the short time I have been involved in the boating community I have never seen such an attack on another member, deserved or not. It definitely feels like a line has been crossed. I'm not a moderator and I'm not offended by any of the memes, I don't care if we make fun of politics or other topics but I strongly feel that we should respect each other and the rules which we agreed to when signing up.
@Scuba_ref I am sorry it has been unpleasant for you, yes there is some history from the old site and I do not care for people with political leanings that are destroying the country I love dearly - but that's another topic in itself. I guess @Zarrella and I will have fun exchanging Meme's with each other on Facebook, no political correctness police in my circle of friends.
Hmm I'm glad I was keeping mine pg. Was about toturnitupto11-header1.jpg