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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

I like it! But I woulda made the bottom one, "hey, hold my beer a minute would ya"!!
Screenshot_20181011-225543_eBaum's Daily.jpg
That is hysterical F.M.!!! Hot coffee going through my nostrils is not a good way to start the work day!
There's a guy in our neighborhood that needs a sign like that. I think there would be enough contributions from the other neighbors to have a deluxe sign with flashing neon lights and could be mounted to the top of his house. o_O:Blackalien:
There's a guy in our neighborhood that needs a sign like that. I think there would be enough contributions from the other neighbors to have a deluxe sign with flashing neon lights and could be mounted to the top of his house. o_O:Blackalien:
Yeah...I think every neighborhood has one of those guys....if yours doesn't.....perhaps its you? LOL
Yeah...I think every neighborhood has one of those guys....if yours doesn't.....perhaps its you? LOL
Oh dang....and i am the corner lot at the entry to the subdivision too
This is exactly like my life!

Screenshot_20181013-123119_eBaum's Daily.jpg
Screenshot_20181015-192141_eBaum's Daily.jpg
This one is of particular interest where I live.
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BMW, the ultimate Bovine machine!
Not really a meme, but anyone know if she's registered for this year's Bimini trip?