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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

Funny - that's exactly how I remember my grandfather teaching me about sailboats.

"Snatch the line boy" - "Get me a beer boy" - "What is so damn hard to understand about a rudder?" - and of course... "NO, we can't go any faster!!"
This will be a eunuch experience. I have some of these if anybody is game. The ram lambs hated it.:stop:
Jill goes home one night with a guy she met at a club. He's tall, super hot, and seems different than most guys she meets. They arrive at his place and head straight to his room. Jill can't help but notice a shelf full of teddy bears. On the bottom are small teddy bears, on the middle are medium-sized teddy bears, and finally, on the top are large teddy bears, all lined up beside each other. She begins to think that he is sentimental and sweet, and isn't afraid to show it. Her heart melts and she want to give him the best night of his life. She gives him a bl*wjob, and lets him really give it to her, and even takes it in the rear! In the morning, she slowly gets dressed, and smiles at him and asks, "How was that?" He nods and says, "Not too f*ckin' bad at all. Help yourself to a prize on the second shelf!"
I see this kind of damage a lot in Vermont. I always thought it was beavers.;)
This reminds me of the south park episode where Stan’s brother is seduced by his teacher, Stan complains to the cops and the cops wonder and complain why they did not have a hot teacher seducing them when they were growing up. Lol.
This reminds me of the south park episode where Stan’s brother is seduced by his teacher, Stan complains to the cops and the cops wonder and complain why they did not have a hot teacher seducing them when they were growing up. Lol.
This one really got me laughing for whatever reason...
IMG_5588.JPG Stole this from one of my snowboarding groups on Facebook. Suppose the same logic would work with wakesurf boards.
You're gonna get busted. Better have a way to wiggle out of it.
Couldn't decide if this belongs in the "What's in your toolbox" thread, or in here...?

