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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

View attachment 85761 Stole this from one of my snowboarding groups on Facebook. Suppose the same logic would work with wakesurf boards.

Same logic with firearms.

I recently had a conversation that went something like this:

Me: (Cleaning new pistol but making a point of keeping it in the case for one of the old pistols to "mask" the newness) <Whistling Happy Tune>

Her: (Walking past on some other errand) "Ooooh! That's a nice one! Let me see!" (Handles piece. Appreciates weight, balance, and sight picture.)

Me: (Trying to be nonchalant and avoiding eye-contact) "Yeah, I like it too."

Her: (Walking away... exclamation mark appears over head in mid air.... stops suddenly.... comes back.... then with two fingers squeezing firmly on my earlobe and speaking in her "deathly sweet" tone): "Exactly how much did you pay for that My Love?"

Me: "Can you REALLY put a price on happiness???"
"Can you REALLY put a price on happiness???"


I believe my divorce lawyer told me "the price of happiness is half" -- plus lawyer fees.
I think I need to install a flag halyard on the Beneteau.
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Not really a meme, but I found this funny since I have relatives in law enforcement.

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One for the holidays
Woke up this morning to this...;)


Gotta love the Great White North!
ROTFLMAO! So True. Watch out later if she ownes the boat.;) Just sayin.
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That reminds me of this one:

Am I complaining...? I feel like maybe I'm complaining...
The boat show is next month and spring is right around the corner. I. Can. Make. It...