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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

EDIT - I'm going to run this one by Kate...

haha -- my wife happened to be right next to me when I saw that meme.
We BOTH agree ---- f'n Hilarious!!!
I had to look up who she is! LOL Found this while googling her:

Public service announcement:

I dont believe that Ground hog, the Palm trees have the answer.

@robert843 That might be a little too close to home. Lol

I'm still concerned the wife sent me a message about a boat I liked that I sent her a week ago and I got the message tonight saying to buy it and then an hour later got a message with this meme from her so to say I'm scared as to what she is about to ask for is an understatement
I'm still concerned the wife sent me a message about a boat I liked that I sent her a week ago and I got the message tonight saying to buy it and then an hour later got a message with this meme from her so to say I'm scared as to what she is about to ask for is an understatement

Wait.....your WIFE sent you a message to go buy a boat, and we aren't seeing posts of the photos of you and this boat in your driveway yet?????

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Wait.....your WIFE sent you a message to go buy a boat, and we aren't seeing posts of the photos of you and this boat in your driveway yet?????

View attachment 87331

Yeah I found out what she wanted the conversation didn’t end well. There was a list of items being requested by her a few being a dog and I had to finance the new boat longer then 5 years and both I’m unwilling to do at this time. I could have lived with the financing request and just paid it off in 5 years any way but to request I pick up dog poo for the next 15-20 years is to much I will wait till she wants a new pair of shoes or something instead.

No..... if SHE asks for the dog, then SHE picks up the fecal.
Ie: I feed our cat, but my wife is responsible for the litter box.