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What size are your sap lines? IIRC, that's PEX, or something else I misremembered?

The 5/16" laterals that run to each tree are fed from 1" mainline. The 1" lines connect to the 1 1/4" wet and dry lines. Black being vacuum (dry) line, unless you are having a good run and any extra will use that path to get down, especially if the sap in the blue lines is frozen in the morning.

The 5/16" material is UV resistant food grade low density polyethylene.
The 1" and up is HDPE all food grade.

My new to beretta 682 skeet special with sub gauge tube set, bought from original owner,
No more picking up empties from that 1100!

Time to go plow some snow. First look out the window.

Four things I’ve seen in the last week:

1. My son with his new (to him) 2010 Subaru Outback Sport.
2. The new (to him) screw sticking out of one of my son’s Subaru tires.
3. My son and I soon after I taught him how to tie a single Windsor knot/put a tie on.
4. In my son’s own words, “putting on a suit and tie would have been awesome if for any other occasion.”
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America's Cup challenger American Magic goes airborn then capsizes leaving a big hole in the hull during challenge races in the Prada cup leading to the Americas Cup races on March 6. These guys/gals are nuts going 30+ kts, then to get airborn and crash.

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Reminded me of the opening to the Pierce Brosan remake of Thomas Crown Affair.

America's Cup challenger American Magic goes airborn then capsizes leaving a big hole in the hull during challenge races in the Prada cup leading to the Americas Cup races on March 6. These guys/gals are nuts going 30+ kts, then to get airborn and crash.

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I clipped on this cheap Bell & Howell telephoto lens to my cell phone camera. I wanted to get a closer view of Malletts bay that just skimmed over with ice in the last 24hrs.

View attachment 139883

Malletts Bay, Colchester, Vermont lower left and Whiteface Mtn., New York on the upper right. View from the living room, zoomed in.

View attachment 139885
C507B2F7-5D1F-4CDA-B3E2-B3819E12B74C.pngHer some of Zippers is in here.
We know them, next town over, No, none of mine in there, that I know of. I remember when this couple started at the Burlington farmers market before they started infusing maple syrup, not so good for them selling veggies on their soil type. Once they were viewed on "Opra's favorite things" and it took off...now they are famous around here. How This Vermont Company Is Taking Maple Syrup Way Beyond Pancakes

You may find my Sap in some of these though. Products As well as maple syrup.
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We know them, next town over, No, none of mine in there, that I know of. I remember when this couple started at the Burlington farmers market before they started infusing maple syrup, not so good for them selling veggies on their soil type. Once they were viewed on "Opra's favorite things" and it took off...now they are famous around here. How This Vermont Company Is Taking Maple Syrup Way Beyond Pancakes

You may find my Sap in some of these though. Products As well as maple syrup.
Do you know which brands your maple syrup would also be in? Looks like that link was just maple water/drinks of some nature. We spend a fairly exhorbitant amount of money on maple syrup. If I can get yours I have no issue pointing my wife that direction. Right now we purchase ours from whole foods......can't remember what brand.
Do you know which brands your maple syrup would also be in? Looks like that link was just maple water/drinks of some nature. We spend a fairly exhorbitant amount of money on maple syrup. If I can get yours I have no issue pointing my wife that direction. Right now we purchase ours from whole foods......can't remember what brand.

Sorry, no I don't. I changed buyers last year. It would be organic what ever form it was in.
Momma says he's cold so baby needs the heating pad,

Sorry, no I don't. I changed buyers last year. It would be organic what ever form it was in.
That's a shame. Nearly everything we buy is either organic, and/or from local farms. We spend an insane amount of money for the tiniest bit of food. LOL! My wife is hell bent on quality meats/veggies/supporting local farms/farmers.
Momma says he's cold so baby needs the heating pad,

View attachment 140465

Kai wanted to tell him to get his butt off the warm couch, put on a long coat and get out there and play like a dog. 20° is not that cold.

It snowed another 4" of powder overnight.
Don't mind the old guy huffin and puffin in the snow.

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My brother and I are in the shop working yesterday morning when, at 10:53am I get a message from my wife, "The dude just pissed on our trailer 10:51".

She recieved a notification from our Next Cam outside of a person outside the shop. I immediately pulled up camera on my phone and scrolled back on the footage. Sure enough, "dude" was strolling down the street, ducks behind the trailer, whips it out (not shown) and drains it right on the rear gate...
Not on the ground, not the building... on the trailer. What the actual hell?

After taking a look at the "evidence" left on the trailer and ground, I decided to pursue the culprit. It was clear in the video he was wearing a SF 49'er hat, fresh with a sticker. Being on foot, I knew he couldn't have gone far. I jumped in my truck knowing he went one of 2 ways at the end of the street. I went left and drove as far ad I thought he could have traveled with no luck. I doubled back the other way and BINGO! I pulled up to him as he was walking thru a parking lot and interrogated him. I eloquently let him know my disgust, selecting a few "colorful" adjectives. He denied at first, but I suggested, the next time he decides to piss on someone's personal property to make sure he's not on camera. After our brief encounter, I returned to the scene and hosed off the contaminated surfaces.

I hope he was humiliated and subsequently inspired to make better choices. The Maverick is right around the block...
My brother and I are in the shop working yesterday morning when, at 10:53am I get a message from my wife, "The dude just pissed on our trailer 10:51".

I hope he was humiliated and subsequently inspired to make better choices. The Maverick is right around the block...

when you weigh this against people pooping on the sidewalk in our major cities
I don't know.... in 2021 I guess I'm just happy he chose to go behind the trailer instead of just stopping wherever he was in the street,

My daughter started driving my old dually to work, she called a coworker out to show it to them, I can't remember if the comment was "BOSS" or "Bitch'n" ride but when they looked in the bed somebody had thrown their bag of fast food trash in the bed and my daughter was revolted, I told her it's unfortunate but that's where we live don't be surprised and be prepared for worse,

when you weigh this against people pooping on the sidewalk in our major cities
I don't know.... in 2021 I guess I'm just happy he chose to go behind the trailer instead of just stopping wherever he was in the street,

My daughter started driving my old dually to work, she called a coworker out to show it to them, I can't remember if the comment was "BOSS" or "Bitch'n" ride but when they looked in the bed somebody had thrown their bag of fast food trash in the bed and my daughter was revolted, I told her it's unfortunate but that's where we live don't be surprised and be prepared for worse,

Yeah, it's a sad state of affairs. I am capable of some sympathy for an emergency situation, but this was just poor decision making and thoughtless disregard for others. He had the entire empty lot across the street he could have made use of... I think most people would think differently about peeing on someone's something when there's other arguably more obvious options available.


I think I can 1-up the fast food bag. I woke up one morning 8 years ago to find this in the bed of my truck. I actually thought it was pretty hilarious. Solid prank!