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I’d rather be displacing water as a liquid than displacing it as a solid.


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New mower arrived this morning


Had to get the tiller out to smooth out the old garden, started on first pull after sitting for about two years

Did my third oil change of the season today… had 85 hours on this oil, prepping to go to Lake Mohave again in the spring, I expect to put on roughly 40 hours when I’m there. It was a nice 63*day today so I took advantage of it.


The oil came out pretty darn clean again.. loving the amsoil and amsoil filters.


As a fyi, I made an effort to make sure I got as much oil out as I could, a little over 7L came out per the mighty vac evacuator. I put in 3.25 quarts to start and worked up to 3.5 quarts of oil (3.59 is the capacity that the service manual states) into each engine (with new oil filters of course), that put the oil level at exactly the half way mark on the dipstick.

Next will be new plugs and check the grease cones at the rear of the jet pumps.
New mower arrived this morning

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Had to get the tiller out to smooth out the old garden, started on first pull after sitting for about two years

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New mower arrived this morning

View attachment 229334

Had to get the tiller out to smooth out the old garden, started on first pull after sitting for about two years

View attachment 229335View attachment 229336
Did you drain the gas? I always add stabilizer to prevent problems?
Christmas lights went up yesterday. And a gator in the pond behind the house.
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My wife’s choice of cards.

This is probably the most ridiculous desighn i have come across. Working on a 2021 Can Am Defender hd8 side by side. Customer tried to replace the water pump impeller but the shaft wasn't turning with the engine and brought it to me because it was beyond his knowledge.
The problem is the plastic gears that make it turn are stripped. To access and replace them the engine must be removed and totally disassembled.
Snapped this pic this morning with an iPhone after deer hunting. Got about 10ft from him.

View attachment 229547
wow, great shot. I love how he's looking at you like he's got some serious questions for you. Look for him every time you go out in that area...barred owls don't go anywhere. They don't migrate, and pretty much stay right in the same area for years.
While I was out hunting eagles this morning, I shot this guy having some breakfast while the crows waited patiently for something to fall. He dropped two different pieces during his meal, and about 8 crows would dive to the ground to try to grab it first.



This afternoon, my dog got my attention and showed me this opossum, digging in the leaves for bugs. Looked healthy and happy in spite of that minor injury on his front right shoulder...

I dug up these two Chris Fix vids on cleaning your windshield for a friend of mine tonight. it’s amazing how much stuff gets stuck on the outside of your windshield. I use 0000 steel wool on the outside of the windshield and side windows instead of a clay bar.

DO NOT USE 0000 steel wool on the side view mirrors, these are first surface mirrors and steel wool will wreck them.

This is probably the most ridiculous desighn i have come across. Working on a 2021 Can Am Defender hd8 side by side. Customer tried to replace the water pump impeller but the shaft wasn't turning with the engine and brought it to me because it was beyond his knowledge.
The problem is the plastic gears that make it turn are stripped. To access and replace them the engine must be removed and totally disassembled.
View attachment 229527View attachment 229528View attachment 229529

Looks like this person keeps the inside of the engine as clean as the rest of the vehicle. That’s nice they brought to you filthy as heck for you to work on.
Looks like this person keeps the inside of the engine as clean as the rest of the vehicle. That’s nice they brought to you filthy as heck for you to work on.
I know. But he has deep pockets and lots of things for me to fix. This side by side is a 21 and has 25000 miles on it.
He has 400 acres and raises 200 head of cattle at a time. As a hobby.
If i have to spend time cleaning it costs them more. Lol