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The Vaccine

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That's unfortunate. Can you help me find some details? All I can find is that no information has been provided on why he's in the ICU
Like I said there isn’t much in the news. The globe had a story that briefly mentioned the timing.
Local talk radio had friends/coworkers of the officer speculating that the vaccine caused the reaction in an otherwise healthy individual.

In Maine there is talk of the the 600+ that have died within 28 days of taking the shot.

….yeah yeah ***disclaimer-*** nothing has been proven. Trust the science team.
I'm flattered...truly. Feel free to push it for me. It may help assuage some of the anger bubbling up through your posts.
Sorry, I guess I should have realized from the above that you were not serious. :rolleyes:

And no, we don't need to go into your account to do this. We have backend tools that enable us to do this.
In Maine there is talk of the the 600+ that have died within 28 days of taking the shot.
15,000 people die every year in Maine (2019)....so the 600 number is a little low. Maine is at a vaccination rate of 60%? So 15,000*.6=9000. Divide that by 12=750 (monthly rate). Been giving vaccines for 8 months, so that equals 6000 (8*750) dead since getting the vaccine. I wonder if somewhere along the way someone dropped a zero because the number just seemed to high?
Sorry, I guess I should have realized from the above that you were not serious. :rolleyes:

And no, we don't need to go into your account to do this. We have backend tools that enable us to do this.

15,000 people die every year in Maine (2019)....so the 600 number is a little low. Maine is at a vaccination rate of 60%? So 15,000*.6=9000. Divide that by 12=750 (monthly rate). Been giving vaccines for 8 months, so that equals 6000 (8*750) dead since getting the vaccine. I wonder if somewhere along the way someone dropped a zero because the number just seemed to high?
I believe the 600 is the number of deaths reported to VAERS in Maine.

Singapore is an interesting case study for where we are maybe heading. Singapore has been in a harsh lockdown for 18 months.

"Since first lifting some COVID-19 curbs in August, Singapore is now logging more than 3,000 cases per day, over three times as high as its previous peak of 1,000 in the spring of 2020. The vast majority—98.5%—of Singapore’s cases are mild or asymptomatic infections, likely thanks to Singapore’s full vaccination rate of 83%.

But Singapore’s higher caseload is leading to more deaths. Singapore is now averaging seven COVID-19 deaths per day. In the past month, 104 people have died from COVID-19, making up nearly two-thirds of Singapore’s total death toll since the beginning of the pandemic."

For a reference, Ohio is twice as populous as Singapore (10m vs 5m) and is reporting just under 5k per day and trending down and reporting 68 deaths per day. Thus, at this point Singapore has a higher case rate, but a much lower death rate. This is our likely future as more of the population gets some immunity. As a side note, I don't think we could or would ever want to have a lockdown like Singapore. Singapore has always been an extremely strict Nation with chewing gum in public illegal and the public caning of an American made the news in the 90's.

Singapore’s rocky reopening still model for ending COVID zero era | Fortune
Singapore is an interesting case study for where we are maybe heading. Singapore has been in a harsh lockdown for 18 months.

"Since first lifting some COVID-19 curbs in August, Singapore is now logging more than 3,000 cases per day, over three times as high as its previous peak of 1,000 in the spring of 2020. The vast majority—98.5%—of Singapore’s cases are mild or asymptomatic infections, likely thanks to Singapore’s full vaccination rate of 83%.

But Singapore’s higher caseload is leading to more deaths. Singapore is now averaging seven COVID-19 deaths per day. In the past month, 104 people have died from COVID-19, making up nearly two-thirds of Singapore’s total death toll since the beginning of the pandemic."

For a reference, Ohio is twice as populous as Singapore (10m vs 5m) and is reporting just under 5k per day and trending down and reporting 68 deaths per day. Thus, at this point Singapore has a higher case rate, but a much lower death rate. This is our likely future as more of the population gets some immunity. As a side note, I don't think we could or would ever want to have a lockdown like Singapore. Singapore has always been an extremely strict Nation with chewing gum in public illegal and the public caning of an American made the news in the 90's.

Singapore’s rocky reopening still model for ending COVID zero era | Fortune

At what point do they stop the lockdowns? 104 people is sad but really its nothing. Thats many people die in car accidents each day (also about same of Flu Deaths per day, which means this is now less deadly than the flu... based on those numbers)
I believe the 600 is the number of deaths reported to VAERS in Maine.

One has to be very careful about the data pulled from VAERS. From the CDC site where VAERS resides: "The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database contains information on unverified reports of adverse events (illnesses, health problems and/or symptoms) following immunization with US-licensed vaccines. Reports are accepted from anyone and can be submitted electronically at www.vaers.hhs.gov. "

I don't know enough to parse through the data, but maybe this is the difference between the 600 and 34 numbers? Maybe Julian's numbers are verified reports?

So did anyone listen the Joe Rogan and Dr. Sanjay Gupta post cast? I have not had the opportunity do so but hopefully tonight.
At what point do they stop the lockdowns? 104 people is sad but really its nothing. Thats many people die in car accidents each day (also about same of Flu Deaths per day, which means this is now less deadly than the flu... based on those numbers)
Exactly, that is the question we should be talking about as a Nation. When can we go back to normal. I personally live a life very similar to pre covid with the exception of a mask on the plane and airport. But I tend to eat and drink a lot on the plane and its not a very air restrictive mask. I haven't got Covid, I received the booster, and if I get Covid I expect it to be a light case. So I try to live a normal life and have been for 6 months.
I literally JUST downloaded the 2021 VAERS database and filtered 2 columns - State (ME) and DIED (Yes)


Pretty simple....I didn't burrow much more into it than that as that looked pretty straight forward.....perhaps there is some nuance I've missed.
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At what point do they stop the lockdowns? 104 people is sad but really its nothing. Thats many people die in car accidents each day (also about same of Flu Deaths per day, which means this is now less deadly than the flu... based on those numbers)

It is an interesting article that @mwalker4 has linked. It does note, "Singapore is the first among several countries in Asia to transition away from COVID zero—a policy that seeks no COVID-19 infections—to a “living with COVID” strategy that tolerates some COVID-19 cases once a vast majority of the population is fully vaccinated. "

So did anyone listen the Joe Rogan and Dr. Sanjay Gupta post cast? I have not had the opportunity do so but hopefully tonight.

No, but I read about the podcast, this morning, on both CNN and Fox News.

I literally JUST downloaded the 2021 VAERS database and filtered 2 columns - State (ME) and DIED (Yes)

View attachment 165297

Pretty simple....I didn't burrow much more into it than that as that looked pretty straight forward.....perhaps there is some nuance I've missed.
I haven’t looked into it much but it’s been in the news/water cooler talk since the Maine cdc director (dr shaw) was questioned in court and evaded answering questions about the adverse events.

I could be wrong but the 31 vs 664 numbers are the investigated and confirmed deaths vs the reported to vaers deaths (28 days). Apparently the state cdc has not investigated the reported adverse events unless they are pulmonary or cardiac related.

And no I don’t have links. This is what people are saying to each other and is on talk radio. It seems people locally are less afraid to speak up about vaccine hesitancy. The fear of being ostracized over the last week or so has declined. And Maine has one of the highest vaccinated rates.
A bullet and Covid,.....................
At what point do they stop the lockdowns? 104 people is sad but really its nothing. Thats many people die in car accidents each day (also about same of Flu Deaths per day, which means this is now less deadly than the flu... based on those numbers)
Lockdowns of any size or duration do not work. How many times, how many countries have demonstrated this.

Just like any old masks worn any old way don't either,...............or maybe they do ? Where are we at now, revision 43, Oh I know, double masks
So did anyone listen the Joe Rogan and Dr. Sanjay Gupta post cast? I have not had the opportunity do so but hopefully tonight.

Yes and it was pretty interesting. You have to give Gupta props for wanting to go on Rogan's podcast. Rogan admitted he had plans to get vaccinated but he had a scheduling conflict and couldn't make the appointment. Then he had a friend who had a bad reaction to the vaccine and he changed his mind. He grilled Gupta on why CNN was spreading misinformation about him. CNN hates Rogan, I wonder if they will change their minds when he disclosed which political party he supports.
I've never watched Rogan. What I've heard is that he spreads lots of misinformation. Regardless of political party that sucks
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