You know the virus definitely causes deaths and serious health issues. It's not like the vaccine exists for no reason or is killing/harming anywhere near the numbers that the virus is. It's not a perfect solution but its the best we have.
The problem with a lot of your arguments is that you're coming from a fairly illogical conspiracy theorist point of view. This is not an attack, it's just an observation:
- You are demanding answers that don't yet exist. You believe that the government/pharmas have a complete understanding and all the answers around covid and the vaccines, but that they choose to not share it with you so that they can...what?...ruin our lives with a toxic vaccine for fun? For mind control? For money? What?
- Then there's these fringe medical groups, for-profit publications, etc promoting alternative medicines and cures and you're willing to believe that those groups are definitely legit and have your best interests in mind, solely because the government is telling you to be careful with what those groups are saying?
The situation, this virus, and what we know about it is evolving every single day. Them changing their guidance or getting things wrong as it evolves is not "lies" that prove the conspiracy, its trying to chase a moving target. Mask guidance has gone up and down with what they are seeing as far as spread. Vaccine efficacy numbers are unfortunately moving because of virus variants that weren't prevalent when the vaccines were rolled out. That's just how complex problem solving goes.
If there were a silver bullet or magical medicine sitting on the shelf to cure covid they would use it. Trump would have used it, Biden would use it, most every other world leader would use it. If you distrust and fear the government, the society that you live in, and even your fellow jetboaters ? so much that you really believe the whole world is in on an evil conspiracy of this scale, then covid and the vaccine are the absolute least of your concerns. Hopefully you believed in our government and your fellow Americans on some level when you served, so why the hard turn now?
As far as the comments on personal attacks - you're kind of throwing it right back at people or even escalating, so it sounds kind of silly when you get all up in arms about it. Some of the comments are harsh, I'll give you that, but yours are as well. There is a difference between someone pointing out that you're referencing questionable information or not understanding the technical details (which I don't claim to understand) vs. someone just personally attacking you for who you are. Maybe let that stuff go a little bit and it will die down.