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The Vaccine

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This virus, just like children, did not come with a handbook. We accept mistake made from our children and we should accept changes as the scientist/science shows us. Right? Is this flawed thinking? No one is perfect; no one.

I'm amazed we're able to fight covid and slow it down enough to study it and hopefully put it behind us.
@haknslash You're a funny guy. :winkingthumbsup"

Please stop being a part of the problem and start being a part of the solution.
Just returning the favor and same behavior you’ve displayed...

PS, you made a post about not fighting and all that, to work together then right after that started with your typical crap lol. That’s rich coming from you.

I still don’t know what your issue with me is. I don’t think you could show me either but that ship has sailed for you. Put me on your ignore list if you like.
@tabbibus, I think we all respect your strong passion about this topic. What city is your hospital in?

I don't know if you're dealing with a regional issue, but there is rising evidence that hospitals globally aren't seeing the same thing you are, and that the vaccinations could be provoking the situation. Locally, I hear first hand accounts from people in our hospital system that they aren't being inundated with the unvaccinated. It's also perplexing that we're also seeing about as many press reports that say that hospitals are bursting with unvaccinated cases as reports that show the contrary. Several times a week we're seeing fully-vaccinated sports personalities benched due to Covid19 infections. Now, we're starting to see numerous press reports of Israel, arguably the MOST vaccinated and herd immune country in the world becoming a hotbed of breakout cases.

Does this mean the vaccine is losing it's efficacy?
Just returning the favor and same behavior you’ve displayed...
What would you do with covid and all the misinformation and distrust out there today?
My point was that Swatski and the Dr. in question likely fell into the confirmation bias trap, further dividing people. A quick google search on "Oklahoma Ivermectin story" will show the truth vs misinformation.
I didn't it happened in Oklahoma. Where did I say it was Oklahoma data??? The guy went to high school in OK, that's the OK connection. Apparently, also a beginning of a new conspiracy plot, lol????

The remark pertained to situation in a rural place in Arkansas.

I very obviously stated this was a personal/family friend private post, therefore "anecdotal evidence" is explicitly implied in the statement, not an opinion piece, nor a cdc.gov report.

But yeah, keep going dude. :banghead:

What would you do with covid and all the misinformation and distrust out there today?

Nothing. I did my part and got vaccinated months ago. Nothing more I care to do.

@MidnightRider, honestly I think there are 3 camps rather than just 2. The 3rd would be those who are in the middle of the 2 highly debated camps. They got vaccinated but still have long term concerns and worry if any issues that may arise, especially for the younger generations. That is where I am.
This virus, just like children, did not come with a handbook. We accept mistake made from our children and we should accept changes as the scientist/science shows us. Right? Is this flawed thinking? No one is perfect; no one.

I'm amazed we're able to fight covid and slow it down enough to study it and hopefully put it behind us.
I couldn't agree more, Dean. When you stop learning, you stop growing. The only person I know who is 100% right All. The. Time. is my 17 year old son. That being said, I have to question why isn't more being communicated to the public about other effective mitigation methods to lessen the severity of a COVID infection? Why is the vaccine the only path?
Just returning the favor and same behavior you’ve displayed...

PS, you made a post about not fighting and all that, to work together then right after that started with your typical crap lol. That’s rich coming from you.

I still don’t know what your issue with me is. I don’t think you could show me either but that ship has sailed for you. Put me on your ignore list if you like.
You keep showing your true colors my friend as we go way back. I hoped you had changed. You too can ignore me, but what fun would that be?
You keep showing your true colors my friend as we go way back. I hoped you had changed. You too can ignore me, but what fun would that be?
I keep it ?
I didn't it happened in Oklahoma. Where did I say it was Oklahoma data??? The guy went to high school in OK, that's the OK connection. Apparently, also a beginning of a new conspiracy plot, lol????

The remark pertained to situation in a rural place in Arkansas.

I very obviously stated this was a personal/family friend private post, therefore "anecdotal evidence" is explicitly implied in the statement, not an opinion piece, nor a cdc.gov report.

But yeah, keep going dude. :banghead:

Lol, ok. I'll dig into the numbers in AR as well, but a quick search indicates that in the entire state, Arkansas Poison Center got 24 total calls to the hotline in all of 2021. Not hospitalizations, just calls to the hotline.

Keep on keeping on, dude...
Nothing. I did my part and got vaccinated months ago. Nothing more I care to do.
Then please stop spreading BS and pushing others further from the truth/science.
Then please stop spreading BS and pushing others further from the truth/science.
Show examples. I keep seeing you and others say I post misinformation. Where?

I’m not antivax and never acted as such. I got vaccinated. I agree it helps and better than the alternative. I also agree with individual rights. These are the views I’ve shared plenty of times. That doesn’t mean I can’t have concerns with what I put in my body. That’s the concept I think some of y’all are having a hard time grasping. There are many people like myself who took the vaccine but can still have reason to worry. It’s is not just 2 sides of pro vaccine and anti vaccine.
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I found this article interesting - it discusses how we might reach a level of "normalcy" with the pandemic - when and how might it "end".

They are now suggesting that herd immunity may not be where we land, and that we may shift to treating Covid as an endemic disease. The clear call out here is that there aren't any more dangerous variants like "delta", and that we are willing to effectively allow the unvaccinated population to let covid run its course - since this population is getting small enough that hospital overruns are less frequent. Not surprising as this has been discussed for a while, but a little depressing for healthcare workers in areas of low vaccination adoption. Hopefully vaccine incentives will enough of a "life raft" to encourage more adoption....but I expect many will continue to fight against vaccines no matter what we do. The Delta variant certainly scared more people into getting vaccinated, but hopefully "Delta" wanes - and doesn't explode in school populations (for example).

It is interesting how so many of the anti vax arguments have been around and unchanged for 135 years. There is clearly no way to thwart the movement, but as others have said, one can only keep providing the evidence (data) that vaccines (or disease inhibitors) work, and work well. That there is no fixed stance on a pandemic, and that as conditions evolve, so too will our response to those conditions (the perfect example being the learning that vaccinated people can carry the disease as effectively as unvaccinated - thus the need to continue containment measures to reduce the spread - so fewer unvaccinated people are hospitalized or killed). Much like the Titanic.....some will remain on deck steadfastly standing by their conviction that the ship simply cannot sink.

@swatski not sure if the doctor you quoted is the same one that appears to have been misquoted elsewhere, but clearly (and thankfully) the burden of Ivermectin overdose cases isn't swamping any OK ERs. So hopefully stupidity isn't adding to the death toll of this pandemic (too much) - there was a 245% jump in reported exposure cases from July to August — from 133 to 459 (and this is simply a count of cases....so 459 in the grand scheme of things is pretty tiny).

@Bizywk Israel is indeed providing great information on breakthrough cases, and is the driving force behind study data that additional boosters are needed. This is because their population was one of the first large scale vaccinated populations - so we get to learn from them! (unlike one of the absurd assertions of the article you linked to - it has NOTHING to do with any relationship with big pharma! A ludicrous conspiracy theory)
Show examples. I keep seeing you and others say I post misinformation. Where?
LOL, What's the point? It's not going to change anything. You are who you are and I am who I am. But, I will comment/react to whatever you (or anyone else) as I deem fit. Carry on my friend...
LOL, What's the point? It's not going to change anything. You are who you are and I am who I am. But, I will comment/react to whatever you (or anyone else) as I deem fit. Carry on my friend...
Do you even read my posts? I don’t think you do. I’ve laid it all out for you and you can’t provide a single example of your issue towards me. Going to consider you a troll and treat you accordingly. We are not friends, rest assured.
@Dean P I’ll even put it in big ass letters in case it helps your eyes ....
  • I’m not antivax and never acted as such.
  • I got vaccinated in May IIRC.
  • I agree it helps and better than the alternative.
  • I also agree with individual rights.
  • These are the views I’ve shared plenty of times.
  • That doesn’t mean I can’t have concerns with what I put in my body.
  • That’s the concept I think some of y’all are having a hard time grasping.
  • There are many people like myself who took the vaccine but can still have reason to worry.
  • It’s is not just 2 sides of pro vaccine and anti vaccine.
  • I don’t understand why this is an issue for you and why you think it = misinformation. Provide examples.
Here is an up-to-date FDA Consumer Report on why one should not use Ivermectin to treat of prevent Covid-19.

I couldn't agree more, Dean. When you stop learning, you stop growing. The only person I know who is 100% right All. The. Time. is my 17 year old son. That being said, I have to question why isn't more being communicated to the public about other effective mitigation methods to lessen the severity of a COVID infection? Why is the vaccine the only path?
Because there isn't any. Why do you think there are? There is no magic bullet. People like being noticed and apparently will do anything to get there. I'm sure if the science was there to back it up we'd all join the bandwagon. But, it's not...
haknslash, But you disagree with the so called Medical people here so you are Wrong and should be shamed:banghead:
haknslash, But you disagree with the so called Medical people here so you are Wrong and should be shamed:banghead:

PS, it’s ok to disagree with people. That doesn’t mean what I post is misinformation. Just because I don’t agree with every single thing out of the medical field or question things doesn’t make me a criminal. It’s actually good to question government and other high power entities to keep things in check and perspective. I don’t blindly trust anyone. Just like any profession, there are good people and bad people and the medical field is no different. We are human after all.
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