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The Vaccine

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I guess Jetboaters is just becoming another troll social media site where honest debate gets trashed in favor of name calling and disrespect.

This thread is NOT indicative of the rest of the site. If you're not pleased with the content in this thread, you don't have to watch/read/participate. There are literally dozens of other, quite active, threads that are very much on topic, civil, and full of excellent content. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater here.
@Lurch this is not an accusation but a genuine curiosity. You popped up on this site a few days ago and have generally only replied to this thread. Did you hear about this discussion somewhere outside of jetboaters.net or did you join for boating and get immediately sucked into this vortex?

You do not appear to be straight up trolling but you definitely came in here ready to rumble on this topic.
My wife has recovered from CV19. She had 2 bad days, and the rest was like normal flu with a cough. 7 days after her positive test, I came home from work, and she had cut the grass, and was trimming bushes. She is also starting to be able to smell and taste a little. I never had any symptoms other than a headache, and had 2 negative tests. Appreciate you all, and your concern.
Glad to hear. Hope she's back to full health soon.
My wife has recovered from CV19. She had 2 bad days, and the rest was like normal flu with a cough. 7 days after her positive test, I came home from work, and she had cut the grass, and was trimming bushes. She is also starting to be able to smell and taste a little. I never had any symptoms other than a headache, and had 2 negative tests. Appreciate you all, and your concern.
Genuinely glad to hear you guys made it through the tunnel relatively unscathed.
This thread is NOT indicative of the rest of the site. If you're not pleased with the content in this thread, you don't have to watch/read/participate. There are literally dozens of other, quite active, threads that are very much on topic, civil, and full of excellent content. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater here.
COULDN'T AGREE MORE. Even this thread is pretty civil vs. the internet. Everyone settle down with the histrionics about this being the downfall of the site. We're all adults here - I get in way bigger fights with my family and friends - they actually sound remarkably like @Dean P and @haknslash yesterday :p
This thread is NOT indicative of the rest of the site. If you're not pleased with the content in this thread, you don't have to watch/read/participate. There are literally dozens of other, quite active, threads that are very much on topic, civil, and full of excellent content. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater here.
That's a great point. I agree. It's not the content I object to, its the disrespect of fellow members.

My concern is that the moderation authorities are actively complicit in this contentious thread and don't appear to be upholding the standards of respect and non-political partisanship that this site stands for.
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And to ensure all due transparency, the account that was created solely to create a poll on this topic was deleted. We don't normally announce the SPAM accounts that we delete - but this one was "Reported" using the report feature and was clearly just trying to fan flames.
Please read this paper written by the Doctor Who won the Nobel prize for its discovery. This paper discusses everything you wanna know in detail and it’s 52 pages long and I guarantee you nobody here but me has read the entire paper. Please read the paper by the Doctor Who discovered this wonderful drug and then get back to me. Every expert here did not read this paper and what a shame because you know.... the science.

Anyone who wants to discuss this paper AFTER reading it I would love to hear your thoughts on it. Please keep your attacks on how stupid this guy is to yourself. Pretty sure he is as smart or smarter then anyone hear so no personnel attacks please. (You know who you are)
No posting allowed until you have read the entire paper.

like that’s gonna happen..,., maybe but probably not.

I love Dr. Who, the 4th Doctor with Sarah Jane and K-9 are some of my favorite episodes! :p Sorry, wrong Dr. Who. :)

Speaking as a private citizen and not on behalf of my employer, I do not understand the embracing, by some, of Ivermectin as a wonder drug for Covid-19. I have briefly skimmed though the referenced paper, but since I am not knowledgeable to make a peer review, I won't attempt to do so. One snippet I did see however, is that the author did note that randomized controlled trials accounted for 2,869 patients in 42 studies. That is not many patients.

This, I think, is part of the problem with the Invermectin studies for Covid-19. On one of my earlier posts on Ivermectin, FDA has a link to the clinical trails of Ivermectin. I admit I don't follow it closely, but I do not believe there have been many, if any, large scale randomized trials using Ivermectin.

Maybe Ivermectin works to treat Covid-19, but maybe jello shots work as well! Unless someone does the big clinical trails, we frankly will never know. Without real supporting data, my guess is the AMA, CDC, and FDA will not recommend this drug treatment of Covid-19.

I don't want to discount Ivermectin as it a VERY valuable drug for its labeled uses.

@Lurch this is not an accusation but a genuine curiosity. You popped up on this site a few days ago and have generally only replied to this thread. Did you hear about this discussion somewhere outside of jetboaters.net or did you join for boating and get immediately sucked into this vortex?

You do not appear to be straight up trolling but you definitely came in here ready to rumble on this topic.

Fair question, @AZMark - I've owned a number of boats over the years, and jumped in with my first jet boat just a couple of weeks ago. This site has been a gold mine of information for someone coming from the prop world, kudos to Bruce and staff!

As to this topic, it directly ties into my profession, the details of which I'd sent to Bruce per his request. I responded to some heresay, and got sucked into this imbroglio. I'm not trolling to get a response, just advocating a viewpoint that isn't that different from many posters here.
My concern is that the moderation authorities are actively complicit in this contentious thread and don't appear to be upholding the standards of respect and non-political partisanship that this site stands for.
Please report any posts where a moderator or admin have been either:
  1. Disrespectful
  2. Political
We are happy to hand out warnings to each other (and in fact have had those discussions in the background). As I've said before, and will say again, we have opinions and perspectives too. We do our best to bottle them up and STFU, but sometimes fail.

We have an active discussion going on right now about if we should cease participation in these discussions entirely. It would suck for us as we have opinions, but perhaps that is our lot in running a public forum. Now that we have over 30,000 members and more than double that in non member visits - it gets challenging to keep up and to post well thought out replies - without rushing. Often I write a reply, then just don't post it.
My wife has recovered from CV19. She had 2 bad days, and the rest was like normal flu with a cough. 7 days after her positive test, I came home from work, and she had cut the grass, and was trimming bushes. She is also starting to be able to smell and taste a little. I never had any symptoms other than a headache, and had 2 negative tests. Appreciate you all, and your concern.

I am very glad to her that your wife is doing better and that your symptoms were mild! :)

On another topic, how do I get my wife to cut the grass! ?

There were preclinical indications that ivermectin, an anti-parasitic, might have some effect in fighting SARS-CoV-2 infections. Small early studies using medical grade Ivermectin were inconclusive. Some found small amounts of benefit others did not. Larger studies have been the same. There are ongoing studies. Benefit and appropriate dosing has not been established.

Veterinary Ivermectin has been promoted for use outside of clinical studies. Often that was for political and financial gain. It is quite popular with some segments of society, especially those that distrust government. Major medical organizations recommend against humans taking veterinary ivermectin. Some have been hospitalized from overdosing on veterinary ivermectin. With issues as severe as liver failure some will have very bad outcomes.

It may be determined that medical grade ivermectin has a small benefit. Comparing to vaccination and monoclonal antibody study data it is clear that any eventually proven benefit will be many fold lower than that of vaccination or antibodies.

Yeah...I just shake my head.
So, lets assume a trial is done and it is helpful and approved by the FDA to treat covid. What do these people do since they don't trust the government or the FDA approval process? Now their brains are in a pretzel. These conspiracies just fall apart so fast. It's all very sad.
Yeah...I just shake my head.
So, lets assume a trial is done and it is helpful and approved by the FDA to treat covid. What do these people do since they don't trust the government or the FDA approval process? Now their brains are in a pretzel. These conspiracies just fall apart so fast. It's all very sad.
It's not a binary choice, @scbruet. From my perspective, it's not a conspiracy, and there are not just 2 camps of vax/anti-vax viewpoints. It can be a question of treatments for those who have already been vaccinated, yet still develop a severe COVID infection.
Please report any posts where a moderator or admin have been either:
  1. Disrespectful
  2. Political
We are happy to hand out warnings to each other (and in fact have had those discussions in the background). As I've said before, and will say again, we have opinions and perspectives too. We do our best to bottle them up and STFU, but sometimes fail.

We have an active discussion going on right now about if we should cease participation in these discussions entirely. It would suck for us as we have opinions, but perhaps that is our lot in running a public forum. Now that we have over 30,000 members and more than double that in non member visits - it gets challenging to keep up and to post well thought out replies - without rushing. Often I write a reply, then just don't post it.
Being in charge is never easy, and comes with some significant disadvantages sometimes. Freedom of expression while in a leadership position is sadly often one of them, and I can really equate with typing up responses and not sending them. A few good minutes to rethink a response is a very good thing. :)

My concern is based on this topic thread. If I had an issue with something a moderator may have said, I would have addressed the comment directly. This thread has significantly degraded from it's original purpose and is a hive of disrespect and slander. Why are the moderators not throttling emotional outbursts and swearing? Why are the moderators tolerating the disrespectful behavior in this thread?
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It's not a binary choice, @scbruet. From my perspective, it's not a conspiracy, and there are not just 2 camps of vax/anti-vax viewpoints. It can be a question of treatments for those who have already been vaccinated, yet still develop a severe COVID infection.

So why take ivermectin over Remdesivir in that case?
It can be a question of treatments for those who have already been vaccinated, yet still develop a severe COVID infection.

And for that the most effective treatment, currently available, is monoclonal antibodies dosed early in the disease course. The earlier the better.
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Why are the moderators not throttling emotional outbursts and swearing? Why are the moderators tolerating the disrespectful behavior in this thread?
  1. We have handed out multiple warnings. We don't publicize them.
  2. We have also installed a new capability/addon to enable a "thread ban". We haven't yet written up a policy on how this will be used, but it is in the works, and we think it would quieten down contentious threads when the disrespect starts. The idea is....you do a personal attack - you can't reply to that thread for x Days. Do it multiple times....you will be banned from the thread permanently. Writing these policies takes time. We all have day jobs (ok....many of us have jobs that start way early in the AM and go way late in the PM - some dealing with people all over the world)
That sounds like a pretty reasonable solution. You've recognized the problem and are taking steps to correct it. Nice Job. Thank You.

This forum has high value, and some really great people. Please let me know if I can assist.
@Bizywk, @Julian, Bizwyk has the report feature to report posts that he finds offensive. Lets not play out

And for that the most effective treatment, currently available, is monoclonal antibodies dosed early in the disease course. The earlier the better.
Assuming you're eligible, and within 10 days of infection?
It’s really kind of strange how no one gets upset over different ideas of how to fix a boat…..:. “I think it happened because you sucked up sand”. “You have a bad sensor”. But anything slightly political….. “Go pound sand”! “You have no sense”! It’s all fun and games, until everyone is mad at you, and no one will tell you how to yank your pump. I haven’t had to yank my own pump yet, but if I ever do, I’d like for there to be people willing to help, instead of just laughing at my predicament.
Don't worry, it's 99% contained to this thread.

In the same vein though I had my neighbor and I get into an argument about something stupid that is food related. Like vinegar percentage in pickle juice or something equally as non-consequential. He full went nuts on me "Vinegar is the best and if you don't like it you should just go hang yourself"......I had to respond with a smartass "Hey man, if I knew it was that important I wouldn't have brought it up, that's a pretty strong stance for condiments"......We laughed it off, and agreed that the "us versus them" team mentality is eating it's way into everything.
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