I love Dr. Who, the 4th Doctor with Sarah Jane and K-9 are some of my favorite episodes!

Sorry, wrong Dr. Who.
Speaking as a private citizen and not on behalf of my employer, I do not understand the embracing, by some, of Ivermectin as a wonder drug for Covid-19. I have briefly skimmed though the referenced paper, but since I am not knowledgeable to make a peer review, I won't attempt to do so. One snippet I did see however, is that the author did note that randomized controlled trials accounted for 2,869 patients in 42 studies. That is not many patients.
This, I think, is part of the problem with the Invermectin studies for Covid-19. On one of my earlier posts on Ivermectin, FDA has a link to the clinical trails of Ivermectin. I admit I don't follow it closely, but I do not believe there have been many, if any, large scale randomized trials using Ivermectin.
Maybe Ivermectin works to treat Covid-19, but maybe jello shots work as well! Unless someone does the big clinical trails, we frankly will never know. Without real supporting data, my guess is the AMA, CDC, and FDA will not recommend this drug treatment of Covid-19.
I don't want to discount Ivermectin as it a VERY valuable drug for its labeled uses.