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The Vaccine

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Don't worry, it's 99% contained to this thread.

In the same vein though I had my neighbor and I get into an argument about something stupid that is food related. Like vinegar percentage in pickle juice or something equally as non-consequential. He full went nuts on me "Vinegar is the best and if you don't like it you should just go hang yourself"......I had to respond with a smartass "Hey man, if I knew it was that important I wouldn't have brought it up, that's a pretty strong stance for condiments"......We laughed it off, and agreed that the "us versus them" team mentality is eating it's way into everything.
Don't get me started on the heretics who put beans in chili
I blame it on our parents. :oops:

Let me explain. They taught us to stand up and be heard, stand up for what you believe in, don't take no for an answer, go back out there and do it again till it's right, he/she said what, say that again, etc. I think you get my point. But, we are grown up know and we should know better. Right!?! Wrong, we're just like our parents. :(
Don't get me started on the heretics who put beans in chili

You obviously didn't grow up in New England!

On the other hand, having lived in Texas for 8 years, I can appreciate a good bean-free chili! :winkingthumbsup"

Don't get me started on the heretics who put beans in chili
OMG......What? You lunatic!

I learned what chili was when I lived in New Mexico. Beans yes, noodles no. :D :D No beans and noodles is just spicy spaghetti !!
Ok people. keep it civil. this is turning dangerous now.
I feel a fire storm is brewing...
Assuming you're eligible, and within 10 days of infection?

Access was an issue early on. Six days ago it was reported that sufficient monoclonal antibody volume was shipping to US States to treat 20% of known CoVID-19 cases.

In Arkansas it was announced that pharmacies were administering monoclonal antibodies via four subcutaneous injections which would be similar to insulin injections. I know of a healthy preteen who was recently scheduled for the treatment. It appears that, with the available supply, doctors are prescribing monoclonal antibodies to many more patients in an effort to keep them out of overfilled hospitals.

As for the 10 days, that is a guideline but one that I hope is not being followed. The issue is that monoclonal antibodies are more effective if used to supplement or preempt antibody response by the patient's immune system. Once the patient has severe lung involvement from the immune system overly attacking the virus in lung tissue injecting monoclonal antibodies could be harmful. The threshold of benefit versus harm could be crossed much earlier or later than 10 days into the infection.

After severe lung involvement has occurred corticosteroids could be helpful to slow immune response reducing lung damage. Corticosteroids applied earlier could extend the length of infection.

An experienced doctor is the best hope in correctly applying these treatments.

The best option is to have a functional immune system, be vaccinated and if exposed to the virus to have a small exposure all of which will reduce severity and speed of infection. Masking helps to keep initial viral load from exposure small. It is the Swiss Cheese Model.
Access was an issue early on. Six days ago it was reported that sufficient monoclonal antibody volume was shipping to US States to treat 20% of known CoVID-19 cases.

In Arkansas it was announced that pharmacies were administering monoclonal antibodies via four subcutaneous injections which would be similar to insulin injections. I know of a healthy preteen who was recently scheduled for the treatment. It appears that, with the available supply, doctors are prescribing monoclonal antibodies to many more patients in an effort to keep them out of overfilled hospitals.

As for the 10 days, that is a guideline but one that I hope is not being followed. The issue is that monoclonal antibodies are more effective if used to supplement or preempt antibody response by the patient's immune system. Once the patient has severe lung involvement from the immune system overly attacking the virus in lung tissue injecting monoclonal antibodies could be harmful. The threshold of benefit versus harm could be crossed much earlier or later than 10 days into the infection.

After severe lung involvement has occurred corticosteroids could be helpful to slow immune response reducing lung damage. Corticosteroids applied earlier could extend the length of infection.

An experienced doctor is the best hope in correctly applying these treatments.

The best option is to have a functional immune system, be vaccinated and if exposed to the virus to have a small exposure all of which will reduce severity and speed of infection. Masking helps to keep initial viral load from exposure small. It is the Swiss Cheese Model.
Sorry Bruce...we've moved on. This is a condiment and chili thread now. Please try to keep up
@ta 5 days post exposure
I love Dr. Who, the 4th Doctor with Sarah Jane and K-9 are some of my favorite episodes! :p Sorry, wrong Dr. Who. :)

Speaking as a private citizen and not on behalf of my employer, I do not understand the embracing, by some, of Ivermectin as a wonder drug for Covid-19. I have briefly skimmed though the referenced paper, but since I am not knowledgeable to make a peer review, I won't attempt to do so. One snippet I did see however, is that the author did note that randomized controlled trials accounted for 2,869 patients in 42 studies. That is not many patients.

This, I think, is part of the problem with the Invermectin studies for Covid-19. On one of my earlier posts on Ivermectin, FDA has a link to the clinical trails of Ivermectin. I admit I don't follow it closely, but I do not believe there have been many, if any, large scale randomized trials using Ivermectin.

Maybe Ivermectin works to treat Covid-19, but maybe jello shots work as well! Unless someone does the big clinical trails, we frankly will never know. Without real supporting data, my guess is the AMA, CDC, and FDA will not recommend this drug treatment of Covid-19.

I don't want to discount Ivermectin as it a VERY valuable drug for its labeled uses.

So are you a troll or a Russian bot? You joined this site a month ago and 95% of your responses are in this thread. Pretty sure you don’t even own a boat so did you just come here to post in this thread? Serious question because it has been asked of others.
@ta 5 days post exposure

So are you a troll or a Russian bot? You joined this site a month ago and 95% of your responses are in this thread. Pretty sure you don’t even own a boat so did you just come here to post in this thread? Serious question because it has been asked of others.
There’s the way I asked it and then there’s the way you just asked it. For like the 50th time, c’mon dude, tone matters and yours is consistently poor.
There’s the way I asked it and then there’s the way you just asked it. For like the 50th time, c’mon dude, tone matters and yours is consistently poor.

Pretty sure there is a ignore button that’s the word I’m looking for maybe you could just give that a try. If you want I can post some examples of poor tone that I have never seen you post about. Let me know and I’d be happy to help.
To be clear, @Jim_in_Delaware is very welcome on this forum. I am well aware of his career and have great respect for his service to our health.
Pretty sure there is a ignore button that’s the word I’m looking for maybe you could just give that a try. If you want I can post some examples of poor tone that I have never seen you post about. Let me know and I’d be happy to help.
I don’t ignore anyone.

There are a couple people on each side of this argument who will reliably post inflammatory stuff and you are one of them.

Edit: you are correct that I haven’t called out others for their tone (like @swatski :eek:) but you were obviously referring to my recent question for @Lurch so I replied.

I’m obviously using hyperbole but it’s not the first time I’ve mentioned it to you and others have as well.
Or fruit on Pizza!
LOL - Don't incite the infamous pineapple brawls.

I was really weirded out having corn on my pizza in the Czech Republic and seeing squid on pizza in Japan. Weird.
LOL - Don't incite the infamous pineapple brawls.

I was really weirded out having corn on my pizza in the Czech Republic and seeing squid on pizza in Japan. Weird.
In Colombia my freaky compatriots put guava paste on the pizza. Wtf.
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