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Dr Risch responded to critics with an Op Ed today. This man is under withering attack, and does not back down. Well worth 5 minutes on a Friday to read this piece.

Washington Examiner|Hydroxychloroquine works in high-risk patients, and saying otherwise is dangerous.
If you haven’t read the letter from his Yale colleagues, it’s a good read.

I’m very tired of the theory dad big Pharma doesn’t make money out of hcq hence fda blocks it. The obvious counter to that is that dexamethasone is also a very cheap drug and the study showed it worked and the FDA has not stone walled or.
I don't see them going off the rails at all. The AZT reference was a poignant one - minority opinions from well-credentialed people can cause serious harm, especially in today's world where voices are rapidly amplified and people decide for themselves that they are qualified to interpret data and propagate information.
I don't see them going off the rails at all. The AZT reference was a poignant one - minority opinions from well-credentialed people can cause serious harm, especially in today's world where voices are rapidly amplified and people decide for themselves that they are qualified to interpret data and propagate information.
Agreed. As we can see here....his misinformation is propogating all over the place when its a waste and potentially diverting resources from investigating different approaches that might actually be helpful. I wonder if he's tenured....
That is exactly why Dr Risch said they were studying the wrong people. The EUA focused on hospitalized patients. I think everyone is in agreement now that HCQ does not work after the virus has taken hold. It's value, according to many studies, is when used prophylactically or within 72 hours of EDIT> "exposure".

Based on thousands of hospitalized patients.....

Interesting that HCQ effectiveness has been questioned just because great results happen when teamed with a steroid or zpack.......It is such an inexpensive drug that it shouldn’t matter.....only results should matter (the neg. press seems to have political elements and also keep in mind the alternatives pharma are developing will cost $3k and up per treatment....HCQ is pennies a tablet......)

Also, I believe the cardiovascular issues have been associated with extremely high doses........

Based on thousands of hospitalized patients.....

Interesting that HCQ effectiveness has been questioned just because great results happen when teamed with a steroid or zpack.......It is such an inexpensive drug that it shouldn’t matter.....only results should matter (the neg. press seems to have political elements and also keep in mind the alternatives pharma are developing will cost $3k and up per treatment....HCQ is pennies a tablet......)

Also, I believe the cardiovascular issues have been associated with extremely high doses........
@tabbibus commented on this earlier. I think he said that docs have determined that steroids and zpack are what's been determined to be effective. So giving HCQ is not what's helping, and can potentially be harmful.
I’ve read that advocating the use of HCQ is problematic not only because it has been determined to be ineffective at treating or preventing COVID 19 by the World’s leading (And applicable) experts but because their is a limited supply of HCQ so patients already using the drug to treat other ailments are not able to get it or won’t be able to get it in the near future since COVID users are buying/using up the supply.

I am certainly glad that I don’t use HCQ and I don’t know anyone who does for non COVID related ailments. It’s also reasonable to assume that as demand for HCQ increases so will it’s price regardless of whether there is adequate supply on hand to meet such demand.
Agreed. As we can see here....his misinformation is propogating all over the place when its a waste and potentially diverting resources from investigating different approaches that might actually be helpful. I wonder if he's tenured....

You seem awfully sure of your sentiments that HCQ doesn't work. How did you come to such a strong conclusion? There are many studies that say it does work. There are many Dr's that say it does work. What particular element in this conversation gives you such confidence? I genuinely want to know, because I sure haven't seen anything to give me that level of confidence, one way or another.
I’ve read that advocating the use of HCQ is problematic not only because it has been determined to be ineffective at treating or preventing COVID 19 by the World’s leading (And applicable) experts but because their is a limited supply of HCQ so patients already using the drug to treat other ailments are not able to get it or won’t be able to get it in the near future since COVID users are buying/using up the supply.

I am certainly glad that I don’t use HCQ and I don’t know anyone who does for non COVID related ailments. It’s also reasonable to assume that as demand for HCQ increases so will it’s price regardless of whether there is adequate supply on hand to meet such demand.

HCQ is easily synthesized and widely available. India alone is exporting 40 tons of it, per month.
You seem awfully sure of your sentiments that HCQ doesn't work. How did you come to such a strong conclusion? There are many studies that say it does work. There are many Dr's that say it does work. What particular element in this conversation gives you such confidence? I genuinely want to know, because I sure haven't seen anything to give me that level of confidence, one way or another.

Isn’t it ironic that there are a ton of medical people out there saying it DOES work??? There seems to be a VERY political element to this as to what side of the argument people are on.....

@tabbibus commented on this earlier. I think he said that docs have determined that steroids and zpack are what's been determined to be effective. So giving HCQ is not what's helping, and can potentially be harmful.

Then someone show me the thousands of patients in hospitals that have been given a treatment of just the steroids and zpack with the same results.....

There seems to be a lot of opinion driven into all this by everyone.....when peoples health is at stake....and again the heath risks overall have to VERY low if it has been prescribed to millions since the 1950’s......and in some countries it is available over-the-counter.....

FYI if it is really not worth taking, why did MN Governor (a democrat by the way) just reverse course and now allow its use for COVID-19 Treatment:

@tabbibus commented on this earlier. I think he said that docs have determined that steroids and zpack are what's been determined to be effective. So giving HCQ is not what's helping, and can potentially be harmful.
There are studies with and without zpacs and with and without steroids. Early use of HCQ in the process is effective, late use, not so much.
I only share this tracking site as a reference point, freely admitting the studies may not be ideal.
I’ve read that advocating the use of HCQ is problematic not only because it has been determined to be ineffective at treating or preventing COVID 19 by the World’s leading (And applicable) experts but because their is a limited supply of HCQ so patients already using the drug to treat other ailments are not able to get it or won’t be able to get it in the near future since COVID users are buying/using up the supply.

I am certainly glad that I don’t use HCQ and I don’t know anyone who does for non COVID related ailments. It’s also reasonable to assume that as demand for HCQ increases so will it’s price regardless of whether there is adequate supply on hand to meet such demand.

I would disagree as there are a bunch of experts in the field that have experienced success using HCQ, they just haven’t have had the same platform opportunities to tell their successes for obvious reasons....

Here is just one recent study that I will post again with thousands of patients involved:

And IF HCQ doesn’t work at all, why did this happen:

Your second line about the price going up.....purely speculation.....but if it did, lets say a 100%-300% Increase......you are now talking dimes instead of pennies per pill....and I personally do not believe that people using it for other treatments wouldn’t be able to get it.

But lets say HCQ DOES work with Covid and supplies become limited? Who should then get it first, a person with Covid or a person with arthritis or some other ailments that there may be other comparable treatments for????
You seem awfully sure of your sentiments that HCQ doesn't work. How did you come to such a strong conclusion? There are many studies that say it does work. There are many Dr's that say it does work. What particular element in this conversation gives you such confidence? I genuinely want to know, because I sure haven't seen anything to give me that level of confidence, one way or another.
Talking to the doctors I work with on a daily basis got me to where I am. People on the internet are fantastic advocates for its use and can post til the cows come home about how great it is etc. Doctors like the ones we have on the forum aren't giving it to their patients in the battle against Covid.....there are much more effective treatments.

Magic pillows are next....what do they say...."any publicity is good"....that guys probably laughing his way to the bank.
Talking to the doctors I work with on a daily basis got me to where I am. People on the internet are fantastic advocates for its use and can post til the cows come home about how great it is etc. Doctors like the ones we have on the forum aren't giving it to their patients in the battle against Covid.....there are much more effective treatments.

Magic pillows are next....what do they say...."any publicity is good"....that guys probably laughing his way to the bank.

“Much more effective treatments”

Really? You do understand that NOTHING has gone through a double-blind study yet to confirm a treatment for something no one had ever heard of before Valentine’s Day right?

But I’ll agree with you people are divided.....and in a “free” country doctors should be able to “off label prescribe” if THEY feel it will help the patient.....which has ALWAYS been at a doctors discretion.....until now that is with some of the governors stepping in to block the practice (all D governors btw, how Ironic).

I will post this a third time:

Do you think the MN governor got pressure from some well-known Doctors in MN to reverse this or just some crack-pot internet Chiropractor to reverse his position??
Talking to the doctors I work with on a daily basis got me to where I am. People on the internet are fantastic advocates for its use and can post til the cows come home about how great it is etc. Doctors like the ones we have on the forum aren't giving it to their patients in the battle against Covid.....there are much more effective treatments.
Well, there aren't a whole lot of options. Fortunately most people under 45 don't need to do anything at all, other than ride it out. So I presume the 'much more effective treatment' you are referring to is Gilead Remdesivir. It has EUA, but is also not an approved-Covid therapy. It comes with a long list of side effects; studies show 60-70% of those taking it have serious side effects. Magic pill or magic pillow?
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