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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

I also dig those "guess what this tool is" things. I know a few, I learn a bit about something old but new to me, and sometimes a day or two later you come across something you just saw, and you now know what the heck it is!

I'll show my age......

This is one of my favorite segments on Ask this Old House!

Those guys are like a genuine set of wholesome dad joke machines......and the tools are usually pretty neat.
You Ontario guys are pretty creative.

That's so he can still pull his boat without leaving the snowmobiles at home... right now it's a North - South thing!
That's a brilliant observation, that I never thought of! You'd think being from Michigan, I would have thought of that.
But, do you remember when you go under an overpass or the drive-through, how tall you vehicle really is? I know for certain that if I didn't see a trailer behind me, I wouldn't remember there is one on top of the truck until I heard the crunch! :eek:

But, do you remember when you go under an overpass or the drive-through, how tall you vehicle really is? I know for certain that if I didn't see a trailer behind me, I wouldn't remember there is one on top of the truck until I heard the crunch! :eek:

Like when you go through a drive through with a boat???? Or your Yacht is too big for I95:
Like when you go through a drive through with a boat???? Or your Yacht is too big for I95:
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Or when you use uShip, and neither the shipper or the customer bothers to measure the actual height of the boat on the trailer! :oops:
