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Raleigh/durham end of summer / fall gathering

Well I had something come up for work that forced a trip to Charllotte today. I thought I was going to make it back to the beach in plenty of time to turn around and make it up for this but that has not worked out. I hope you guys have fun tomorrow and it sucks we won't make it but def next time.
Come straight from charlotte to the lake!! There will be plenty of boats for u to be on!!
Sorry I am missing it. You all have fun tomorrow!
Just leave the keys in your boat and we'll be happy to put some hours on her! It would help keep the bottom clean...right? :-)
Come straight from charlotte to the lake!! There will be plenty of boats for u to be on!!

I tried that one at about 5pm today and told my crew just to meet me up there but lost that battle. @DieselCamel was kind enough to offer to haul us around but due to various factors they didn't want to make the drive with out me.
Great seeing everyone today. We had a good time meeting all the nice fellow Yamaha owners.


Everyone checkbyour bags if u had any in the beach... we picked up a centipede and it bot the crap out of my wife inside the boat.... check you stuff
Great pictures.. we just got home. Had an awesome day.. Definitely need to meet up more often.
Great pictures.. we just got home. Had an awesome day.. Definitely need to meet up more often.

Was great to meet all the new folks and to see those we've met before! Next time we need to have a few boats running a tube or wakeboarding/surfing! Sorry Caitlin didn't make it out and we had to leave earlier than we wanted....kids.... :rolleyes::banghead:
Man love seeing the photos hate we missed it but did take the chance to get the newest crew member out for his first time locally and even had a special guest appearance of Mrs @Andy S hope to catch everyone next time and look forward to seeing some of you on the fall locks run next weekend.

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