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show off your guns here(fire arms)

Here are some unique weapons I have.

Ed Brown Kobra Carry LW -45
Ruger .22 revolver
Glock 30S -45
Kimber Target -22

UTS-15 15-shot 12 gauge
Israeli Tavor .556
FN-PS90 5.7mm

Wilson Combat Recon, .556/300BO upper with a Whisper Suppressor

Ruger .22/45 with AAC Suppressor

FN 5.7

I have numerous other Glocks but once you have seen one, you have seen them all.
I have some 9mm carry pistols not shown. Kahr PM9, Sig 938, Glock 43.


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A fellow Stamp Collector. Glad I'm in good company
Two of my guns I built for long range
6mm dasher In front
6br in back missing barrel which I have installed now


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Found a little something on sale at Fleet Farm:


7+1 single-stack 9mm (extended 9-round mags available). Striker fired, no external safety, and no magazine disconnect (LC9s has those but the "Pro" does not.)

Regular price was $394. It was marked down to $349 and they were handing out $25 gift cards for purchases over $300 this weekend.
Anyone using a Vortex Sparc AR rds? Reviews seem pretty favorable but would love to hear from anyone on here who has one.

I'm also looking at getting a Meprolite FT Bullseye for my XD40 and wondering if any of you guys have tried one? Seems like like a nice blend of optics technology for CC and self defense.

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Anyone using a Vortex Sparc AR rds? Reviews seem pretty favorable but would love to hear from anyone on here who has one.

I'm also looking at getting a Meprolite FT Bullseye for my XD40 and wondering if any of you guys have tried one? Seems like like a nice blend of optics technology for CC and self defense.

Be interested in any feedback on the SPARC AR as well. . . . I ditched my EOTECH's I had and need some replacements. I would love to save some cash by getting into these.
Be interested in any feedback on the SPARC AR as well. . . . I ditched my EOTECH's I had and need some replacements. I would love to save some cash by getting into these.

You can't go wrong with the SPARC. I've used a few and liked them. Can't beat the Vortex warranty either. Also look at the new Sig line of optics. They are getting some great reviews too
Anyone using a Vortex Sparc AR rds? Reviews seem pretty favorable but would love to hear from anyone on here who has one.

I'm also looking at getting a Meprolite FT Bullseye for my XD40 and wondering if any of you guys have tried one? Seems like like a nice blend of optics technology for CC and self defense.

Interesting sight. Seems like I’d have to retrain my sight picture though. I like less sight and more target. This one seems to cover too much of the target. Hard to tell in the video but that’s my hunch. I would definitely like to try it out or at least hear your review if you get it.
Interesting sight. Seems like I’d have to retrain my sight picture though. I like less sight and more target. This one seems to cover too much of the target. Hard to tell in the video but that’s my hunch. I would definitely like to try it out or at least hear your review if you get it.

Shit for $200 I may have to just . . . . . pull the trigger. . . . . Ba-dump-bump.
You can't go wrong with the SPARC. I've used a few and liked them. Can't beat the Vortex warranty either. Also look at the new Sig line of optics. They are getting some great reviews too

I was also looking at the Sig Sauer Romeo 5. One thing I really liked about the Sparc was the AAA battery and the fact its all contained in the riser. You can get those things anywhere unlike the much more expensive Cxxxx batteries. Both of them seem pretty comparable and in the same price range for entry level quality red dots. I don't think I'd go wrong with either of them tbh but leaning Sparc a little more.
I have a SPARC II on my duty AR that I like alot. Very good quality and features. :thumbsup:
That Meprolight sight is intriguing...

Can't go wrong with Vortex. Decent quality but an amazing warranty. I have the Strike Eagle scope and it is very nice. They offer 40% off MSRP for LEO and military.
That Meprolight sight is intriguing...

I was thinking the same thing. I also think it would take a whole lot of re-training (my instant reaction to watching the video).

I've been looking at sites a certain way for 35 years now. I think I know what my brain will be trying to do when the schmidt hits the fan no matter how hard I try to change it.

A new shooter on the other hand...
The Meprolight Bullseye is intended for close combat where most real world self defense scenarios happen. If you're looking to do precision pistol shooting or plinking further than 25 yards or so out then it's for sure not the right sight for that. My vision isn't what it used to be and I like fiber optics but they're useless at night and I like tritium but they aren't as bright as fiber optics during the day, so this was my thinking of the Meprolight Bullseye. It's definitely different but I don't usually have much of an issue adapting to sights. It sort of reminds me of ghost ring sights as far as sight picture goes except ultra vibrant. I use a Magpull MBUS flip up rear sight which has ghost ring apertures combined with an A2 front post on my AR and I haven't had an issue acquiring sight picture with my AR immediately after firing my XD which has dovetail sights. Certainly not new to firearms but everyone's eyes and habits are different so it may take you longer to get used to seeing something different than what you're used to looking through.

At one time I was interested in trying the funky Advanced Tactical sights but just couldn't get past the ugly looks lol. I would still love to try a gun out with them on as I like the concept but man they're fugly :D

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