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show off your guns here(fire arms)

lol I hear ya on that! Last week while I was at the range with the new red dot some guy comes in with his AR that some guy built for them. Of course he gets the stall next to me me proceeds to put his "zombie target" like 15 yards most down range when we have a rule of minimum 25 yards in the rifle range. His first full magazine he just dumps the hell out of it boom, boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom...and all I see are sparks on the back deflector wall all over the place, some not even in his lane! Hell he might have been hip firing like a video game for all I know. Sure enough here comes one of the range masters letting this idiot know you can't shoot less than 25 yards to his "zombie target". I guess the big signs taped up in each stall with the rules laid out were too much of a hassle for him to read. Anyways he puts the target down at 25 yards (for 30+ rounds shot at it I sure didn't see many holes lol). Next magazine he loads in I hear one single loud bang that sounded different than it should have and I see a cloud of dust and sparks up top about 10 yards away. Dude shot the freaking track that pulls the targets! How the fu?? Apparently the guy didn't know what he was doing, or his buddy can't build a gun safely, or maybe the guy can't hit the side of a barn....hell it could be all 3 lol. All I know is they left just after that mishap lol.

I would have called a ceasefire and left the line with someone like that out there. . . . . .especially with a 5.56 that can cut through stall barriers.
Me and the other guy next to me had the place all to ourselves and we're having good conversation before that other guy came in. Once he shot in the track both of us stopped what we were doing and kind of let the guy know through body language and expression we didn't approve of him or his firearm malfunctioning or whatever was the case. A range boss was eye balling them after the first incident of shooting like a goon at 15 yards so I think they just got the message they were idiots and left. It certainly made me feel uneasy knowing this guy either thought the range was a video game like Call of Duty or brought in a gun that wasn't safe.
Yeah, it's good you had a proactive RO. . . . Unfortunately, I didn't at the county range and often don't which is why I rarely go there.

They have 1 rover and one watching video from the front desk while checking people in (useless). This is for about 30 stalls on 5 different range groups (6 stalls per range).

If someone is acting the fool it can be a long time before an RO notices. I don't like any confrontations (even positive constructive coaching ones) on the range but have said something on more than one occassion. You just never know how someone is going to take it.
Oh yea I'm familiar county ranges here sounds like the same people visit them lol. I used to go to the one by my house as it was free so long as you donated to one of the wildlife management organizations or paid for a fishing and hunting license since it was on wildlife management land. There was never a RO there and it was so nerve racking anytime you wanted to change targets as you would yell "is the range cold?" And only hoped the rest of the people knew knew to put down their firearms completely, unloaded and hands off. Unfortunately most people though that meant just not fire down range, so every time you walked to change a target you had to wonder if someone was going to accidentally shoot you in the back lol. I liked going there because it was convenient but man it was scary at times. They closed it down when we had the pipeline explosion here a year or so ago since the EPA came out and did surveys. The good news is they are supposed to completely revamp the area and add in a designated rifle and pistol range (currently the rifle and pistol were together for a 100 yard range with 5 picnic tables). The bad news is that was supposed to be completed earlier this summer and I doubt they will employ or staff a RO there to make it any safer in the future. Shame as its outdoors and I prefer that to shooting indoors any day.
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Early Christmas. . . . . . .20171113_173143.jpg
Late to this thread. Is that a VP9 @Devildog? If so, love it. Mine didn't come with the cool knife though, lol!

Yes sir it is. . . .so far so good. Not sure it will out match my TRP Operator as my favorite but it sure is sexy and smooth.

Knife just happened to come at the same time. ; )
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Went out yesterday with my brother. We sure burn through the .22 ammo.
Went out yesterday with my brother. We sure burn through the .22 ammo.

Jim come down to Texas and I’ll get you behind my real AK, 7.62!! Looks like y’all had some fun with those 15-22s!
Jim come down to Texas and I’ll get you behind my real AK, 7.62!! Looks like y’all had some fun with those 15-22s!

Speaking of shooting in TX. . . .if anyone has a chance to visit The Range at Austin. . . . .I highly recommend it. Put 250 rds thru the VP9 while there. . . . .awesome range.
Speaking of shooting in TX. . . .if anyone has a chance to visit The Range at Austin. . . . .I highly recommend it. Put 250 rds thru the VP9 while there. . . . .awesome range.

Liked it so much in fact I posted a Google Review:

Spent 2 hours at the Range at Austin today to kill some time before my flight . . . .the staff was outstanding. They were highly safety conscious without being total jerks about it. They were very friendly and helpful. The shooting lanes were pristine, with super fast target rails that had several preset yardages. (1,3,5,7,10,15,20, and 25yds) Or you could stop it anywhere in between. If I lived anywhere near here I would immediatley sign up to be a life member and spend significant time on site.
Boom! I conned 10 guys to come out and work on my boat storage shed at the river with the promise we would shoot. Loads of tannerite, propane bottles, and gasoline. It got pretty wild!


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My rig. We used silencers (mine) and night sights (borrowed) so they don't20171220_214731.jpg run away
Got my Deer rifle out this week. Marlin 19894CSS suppressed with a SilencerCo Octane 45k. Didn't get any deer though.


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