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show off your guns here(fire arms)

Thats a good looking AR pistol. Glad to see another stamp collector on the board.
I’m waiting for the day we don’t need a silly stamp to protect our hearing! Hope it’s soon.
Got my Deer rifle out this week. Marlin 19894CSS suppressed with a SilencerCo Octane 45k. Didn't get any deer though.
Love it same can on my bo 300
One could not add to a collection that does not exist but - hypothetically - if one got a sweet Christmas gift brand new squirrel gun, it could (in theory) look like this :D

One could not add to a collection that does not exist but - hypothetically - if one got a sweet Christmas gift brand new squirrel gun, it could (in theory) look like this :D
View attachment 67151

My friend has one of those as part of a Michigan bear deterrent....IN A SHORT BARREL......i want to see the night-fire fireball!!!
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Today I got to go out to an outdoor range near my house that recently reopened. You may remember last year the Colonial Gas Pipeline explosion in 2016 which was a few miles from my house and the range was on the same land. The EPA shut things down and during this time the Cahaba Wildlife Management Area renovated the land so we now have an actual nice shooting range. In the past all we had were 5 benches packed close together and a 100 yard range that had clothes line type stringers running across at 25 and 50 yards. It was rare to see any game warden of enforcement agency there but thankfully those days are long gone. The new facility is so much nicer and we even have a port-a-potty :D!! It's a remote area in the wilderness but those are the places I love to shoot most rather than indoors. It has been a long time coming but they just reopened a few weeks ago and this makes me happy I won't have to spend as much money shooting now since there are no range fees like the indoor range I've been going to. All you need is to have a freshwater fishing, hunting or WMA license :).

I had the 25-50 yard range all to myself! :winkingthumbsup"

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I would like to introduce you all to my neighbor, 1/2 mile away at the end of our dead end road. He has been a friend for years in the maple industry and have used his services when he owned Whitetail Manufacturing, supurb work. A few years ago he sold that business and semi-retired to his farm just beyond me. I have been hearing the testing of his firearms, on his range for a few years now. His name is Harold AKA Bonhomme, French for good man. Check out his website. Torre Rifle Co. http://www.torreriflecompany.com That muzzle loader, 45 cal., Is accurate out to 400 yards. He has a nice cnc machine shop just up the road. So for any of you that want to reach out and touch something a long way away, check it out.

Sidebar: One of his testimonials is from a local short track driver and one of my favorites when I was a kid in the 60's and 70's. His name is Beaver Dragon and he hunts all over North America. The funny thing is ,we had a joke about his name...It goes like this, What do call a woman with no legs pulling herself across the floor? Appologies for my sense of humor ahead of time.
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Glock Killer

This time - for real, LOL.
(I'm told!) :D

Saw it on the internet:

So, this is interesting... (Best squirrel gun EVER?)

Start by mounting a trusty old Ultradot 30mm

Load up

BTW - this is what a S&W .500 vs a 9mm cartridge looks like...

(This is completely unexpected...)

Shooting at 25yrd, after only a quick zero/sighting job... Unbelievable! Yes - there are 5 holes there (the blue circle is 3"). Keep in mind, this shooter is average at best. Really, this shouldn't even be on paper with an average EDC.
This is nuts. Obviously - not your average EDC, but still.
Does this S&W 500 rock????

I feel like I need that in my life.
Saw it on the internet:

So, this is interesting... (Best squirrel gun EVER?)
Start by mounting a trusty old Ultradot 30mm
View attachment 68043View attachment 68044
View attachment 68045View attachment 68046

Load up
View attachment 68042

BTW - this is what a S&W .500 vs a 9mm cartridge looks like...
View attachment 68040

View attachment 68047
(This is completely unexpected...)

Shooting at 25yrd, after only a quick zero/sighting job... Unbelievable! Yes - there are 5 holes there (the blue circle is 3"). Keep in mind, this shooter is average at best. Really, this shouldn't even be on paper with an average EDC.
This is nuts. Obviously - not your average EDC, but still.
Does this S&W 500 rock????

Squirrel gun? I can tell you dont eat much squirrel. That is a hand cannon, you could add a pivot mount to it and mount to the bow of your boat to ward off unwanted boarders.;)
Squirrel gun? I can tell you dont eat much squirrel. ;)
They told me you shoot the tree, squirrel falls out.

No thank you. I feed my family with my hands. I don't need them injured.
Range day. . . .VP9. . . . 23yds. . . . #Riggs

Range day. . . .VP9. . . . 23yds. . . . #Riggs


Dude, that’s insane.

Even if your VP9 comes with an 18” barrel...
F@&$ me.

EDIT: @0627Devildog that comment about the barrel of your gun was meant as a joke.
And no, I’m not looking for a fight!

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Dude, that’s insane.

Even if your VP9 comes with an 18” barrel...
F@&$ me.

EDIT: @0627Devildog that comment about the barrel of your gun was meant as a joke.
And no, I’m not looking for a fight!

Hahahaha . . . . To be fair, I have been practicing that for years. I probably went through a dozen targets and 100rds of ammo in that session before I nailed that last take.
I’m looking for a Trijicon TA31F or TA31F-G

I passed up a great deal weeks ago and now I am sorry!

Any help finding a deal is appreciated or if any of you have one you want to sell...

Thoughts on a less expensive unit?