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    free hit counter

show off your guns here(fire arms)

My newest build.

G34 Gen 4
LWD stainless threaded barrel with comp/muzzle brake
Zev magwell with heavy insert
Heavy trigger spring
Ghost Rocket 3.5 connector with custom polishing
Skeletonized and polished striker with 3# spring
Guide rod conversion with 12# recoil spring
Zev mag extensions

Next mod will be to have the slide milled for for a RMR or a Deltapoint Pro

And the wifey just bought me a new holster for Valentine's Day. I got in a little practice with it, and some friends and I have our local range rented out on Friday evening for some friendly bracket racing with a steel plate rack.


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I went with a Primary Arms Compact 3x instead of the high dollar Trijicon. I like it thus far and now I’m ready for the range next weekend. Gotta hit the range before the snowflakes prevent me to enjoy it.

I went with a Primary Arms Compact 3x instead of the high dollar Trijicon. I like it thus far and now I’m ready for the range next weekend. Gitta hit the range before the snowflakes prevent me to enjoy it.

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Jesus, that foregrip is almost in the next room. . . . . . Lol
Jesus, that foregrip is almost in the next room. . . . . . Lol
Yeah....it came like that and I couldn’t find my long Allen wrench to slide her back.
Sig p365 (v 1.5). . . . . Shot it last week, Ordered it today, Pick it up tomorrow. . . . Who's got one? Anyone know who to go to for a good AIWB holster?
Partial to these guys myself -


Mostly because they are about 4 miles from my lakehouse, but it's a seriously great product.
Went with this for the time being. . . . https://www.etsy.com/listing/585090...alment-wing-dual-carry?ref=shop_home_active_1

Took her out to the range today. . . . . 200 flawless rounds later and I think I might have found my summertime EDC. Sig P365 with 10+1. . . .

Side by side with my current summertime EDC. Kahr P380 with 7+1. . . .

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Slight side bar from thread intent BUT, for anyone in need of 9mm amm0:

AMAZING Deal on some solid 9mm target ammo. . . . . Ordered yesterday, was delivered this afternoon, $379.99 for 2K rounds of Fiocchi shipped to your door.
(Free t-shirt, pen, and stickers too)

I was amazed by not only the price, but the customer service (and what turned out to be FREE Next Day shipping).


(for the record, I have ZERO affiliation with this place)

OK, now onto the p365 review:

After putting 500 rounds of various Ball and HP ammo through it over the past 2 days without a single failure I can say that I am EXTREMELY impressed. Not only with the accuracy and capacity but the feel. It was not nearly as punishing as you would imagine shooting 500rds through a small frame sub compact would be. I believe we are going to see a LOT of manufacturers follow suite with this Mag design (or a variation of it).

Once my holster gets here this will be rotated into my EDC for the warmer weather. Really can't say enough about this thing so far.
I've got a couple of M&P9c 9mm 12round mags in case anyone is interested. They're about to be banned in NJ, so replaced with some 10 rounders.
I've got a couple of M&P9c 9mm 12round mags in case anyone is interested. They're about to be banned in NJ, so replaced with some 10 rounders.

F-ing Jersey. . . . .
I've got a couple of M&P9c 9mm 12round mags in case anyone is interested. They're about to be banned in NJ, so replaced with some 10 rounders.

Though I holistically do not support it -- I do understand the desire to ban (aka: confusion on need of ownership) of 30 round banana magazines. However what good comes from legislating that magazines remove TWO rounds?!?
I could understand if companies stopped selling larger round magazines... or if future purchases required an ATF licensed.

But to "BAN" currently owned (pistol) magazines just makes no sense to me at all. Sounds like it's time to move.
Just another squeeze by the left on our second amendment rights. - IMHO
Though I holistically do not support it -- I do understand the desire to ban (aka: confusion on need of ownership) of 30 round banana magazines. However what good comes from legislating that magazines remove TWO rounds?!?
I could understand if companies stopped selling larger round magazines... or if future purchases required an ATF licensed.

But to "BAN" currently owned (pistol) magazines just makes no sense to me at all. Sounds like it's time to move.
Just another squeeze by the left on our second amendment rights. - IMHO

Well the current mag cap in NJ is 15, changing to 10. No grandfathering either, you have 180 days from implementation to having to surrender/discard. Jokes on them though, I only had 2 mags before, now I have 4.
I've got a couple of M&P9c 9mm 12round mags in case anyone is interested. They're about to be banned in NJ, so replaced with some 10 rounders.

sounds like a seal-a-meal and shovel project
sounds like a seal-a-meal and shovel project

6" PVC/rubber caps/aquarium silicone works wonders. . . . . . Or so I've heard.
6" PVC/rubber caps/aquarium silicone works wonders. . . . . . Or so I've heard.
You must be a wizard..cause you just described the contents in a drawer behind me...

In a threat to another thread hijack. Car holsters....have yet to fund a good solution

Gum creek comes closest but i’d like it less visible....
Car holsters....have yet to fund a good solution

I personally use a magnetic universal kydex holster for the truck. I wanted one that would fit the few different side arms that I may have with me in the truck, provide a VERY quick draw and hold my pistol when going over rough terrain (hunting camp).

Despite a 30 minute Google search I can not find the exact one that I have. The holster that I have has two very strong magnets on the top to engage the slide and firmly retain my firearm. So far no complaints about it.