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    free hit counter

show off your guns here(fire arms)

That's a steal and worth every penny. I save at least that much every year using the hotel and rental car discounts through my NRA lifetime membership.

Guess you don't fly Delta..... lol
Spent the weekend beside the boat...which is where my lathe is in the garage.

Made a tripod extension leg for my 1919A4. Very pleased with how it turned out!



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My daughters new skeet gun, 1997 well used browning citori with a tube set for sub gauges,

Just added a Glock 40 MOS to the collection today. Was to good of a deal to pass up. And it came with a Fastfire III.

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My daughters new skeet gun, 1997 well used browning citori with a tube set for sub gauges,


For all of you new gun owners or those on the fence wondering a bout a new gun, a word of advice, A new, more expensive gun will always make you hit more targets [flag]:thumbsup:[flag]

After only 4 rounds with the new gun my daughter shot her first perfect round 25 for 25 on the skeet field and in 20 ga.

pattern board, stock fitter ??? phooey, just buy a new gun!

Finally got the boat in the water this evening. I would have had it in about 2 months ago, but I ended up getting requested as the Coach for the Canadian Armed Forces Combat Shooting Team to Bisley this year. I ended up in Edmonton for 3 1/2 weeks training the team, then over in the UK for 3 1/2 weeks of competition, followed by a week of leave when I flew my wife over and we toured London, then up to Scotland for 3 days or so. A great time. Here's a pic of the team...yes, there's a cannon in the middle, and yes, we fired it! We won a few gongs. Nice to see some of our friends from the USNG in Arkansas up to shoot with as well!

While I am not Canadian, I still want to thank you for your service. Cheers and great job coaching the shooters.
Here’s one of them....Probably the best hobby so far. Until I get the boat that is.


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Sorry for the huge pics , new to the picture thing. Just a few of my girls.
Decided to give a different caliber a try!

Glock 40 MOS 10mm with a Burris Fastfire III

New EDC! 12rounds in that mag. Crazy.


Next to my shield 9 m2.0. P365 left. 12 +1 vs 8+ 1.
Is it a first gen or newer? Have they figured out some of the kinks yet?
Very impressive. Not sure I would want the longer clip, for what it is.
Check out the origami @0627Devildog can do with those, lol.


There were apparently some issues with early production guns, but they have been worked out. this one is brand new. just came in from the factory yesterday. I will still put it through its paces before I actually carry it. I carry my m2.0 with the extended mag. doesnt bother me and I like the extra capacity. 10 + 1 in the standard flush mag.
I too was really excited about the release of the P365. However once I began to see more reviews I was rather deterred by the fact that there is no safety on a pistol that is intended to be an EDC.

For now I'll continue to wear my Springfield xds, as it has both a grip safety and "trigger" safety. I don't care for the limited ammo count but it's super thin and fits my mitts perfectly.

I'd love to have the capacity that the P365 offers!!
78D8BA6D-1378-463F-B7B9-176E90C5AFF6.jpeg 3 additions to the collection this year .
M&P 9 2.0 5 in and 4.25 in
G20 Gen 4 I just picked up yesterday .