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    free hit counter

show off your guns here(fire arms)

They offer 40% off MSRP for LEO and military.

Their discount goes through eXperticity.com. I looked into it and found that you need to register and provide them with an awful lot of information. It gets mediocre reviews. Plus the 40% is off their inflated website prices. I actually got a better price through a reputable seller on eBay. I paid $149.00 for a Sparc II. Sparc is $139.00

Their discount goes through eXperticity.com. I looked into it and found that you need to register and provide them with an awful lot of information. It gets mediocre reviews. Plus the 40% is off their inflated website prices. I actually got a better price through a reputable seller on eBay. I paid $149.00 for a Sparc II. Sparc is $139.00


Experticity is more cumbersome than the old way true but it still works. 40% off MSRP and off course, everywhere sells below that MSRP. The discount is still effective on some of the products. I couldn't find a better deal on the Strike Eagle but you do need to shop around a bit.
Good price you found on the Sparc. I've been eyeing those too...
Ended up ordering the Sig Sauer Romeo 5. I splurged a little more for the XDR variant. I like the fact it uses a AAA battery like the Sparc AR, 50k battery life using the motion activated on/off feature, dual reticle 2 MOA red dot and 65 MOA circle w/ 2 MOA dot in the middle, turrets are flush and don't need the caps and a few other features I liked over the Vortex Sparc. Wife asked what I wanted for my 40th so this was a little gift for myself :)

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Grr wife still won't let me have it until Tuesday on my bday. Oh well I got to test it out with the battery at least :D




Thanks @biglar155

Took it to the range today to zeroing in the optic and had a blast! They even waived my range fees for my bday lol!


Early Marine Corps birthday present for me. . . . . . . 20171104_211656.jpg
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That’s my next purchase. Love the SK so the full size has got to be a dream.

I've only had it a few hours with no range time yet, but the ergonomics alone are amazing. Trigger pull is crisp. Breaks super clean.
Do they have a quick release mount avail for it?

Not that I'm aware of. Mine will pretty much live on my rifle.

Here's a first impressions video I shot of it with what's included, features and zeroing it in at range toward the end...

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Today I even got to use my HK, I must say it was a good day . . . 20171105_140405.jpg

I need to get back out to the range. My 1919A4 is too clean...
Damn look at those accidental discharge shots along the bench frame! :eek:

There were quite a few AD holes on that range. . . . . . I rarely ever go there as I have a private club membership I use 95% of the time. This is the local county range and there are holes in some scary places.
There were quite a few AD holes on that range. . . . . . I rarely ever go there as I have a private club membership I use 95% of the time. This is the local county range and there are holes in some scary places.

lol I hear ya on that! Last week while I was at the range with the new red dot some guy and his 2 coworkers comes in with his AR that some guy built for them. Of course he gets the stall next to me me proceeds to put his "zombie target" like 15 yards most down range when we have a rule of minimum 25 yards in the rifle range. His first full magazine he just dumps the hell out of it boom, boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom...and all I see are sparks on the back deflector wall all over the place, some not even in his lane! Hell he might have been hip firing like a video game for all I know. Sure enough here comes one of the range masters letting this idiot know you can't shoot less than 25 yards to his "zombie target". I guess the big signs taped up in each stall with the rules laid out were too much of a hassle for him to read. Anyways he puts the target down at 25 yards (for 30+ rounds shot at it I sure didn't see many holes lol). Next magazine he loads in I hear one single loud bang that sounded different than it should have and I see a cloud of dust and sparks up top about 10 yards away. Dude shot the freaking track that pulls the targets! How the fu?? Apparently the guy didn't know what he was doing, or his buddy can't build a gun safely, or maybe the guy can't hit the side of a barn....hell it could be all 3 lol. All I know is they left just after that mishap lol.
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