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The Vaccine

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So now this has eroded to splitting hairs/words. You said this and I said that..
But at least anyone who doesn't want to see it anymore can now make it go away.
Apparently not the greatest joke.....because it needed explaining! I just thought the UI looked Funny - "The Vaccine" - DELETE?
Sorry but you have been issued one account warning point.
Personal attacks and partisan politics are not allowed.
*lets make that two warning points.
Please return to topic otherwise members who post simply to agitate will be blocked from this thread.

@the MfM, the article you posted appears to be a retelling of a CDC report from March. It is old news with no current relevance. Nursing home patients are a worst case scenario for SARS-CoV-2 as many do not have sufficient immune response to mount a meaningful defense against the virus even after vaccination. Additionally viruses spread rapidly in such facilities. It is unfortunate that the vaccination rate was low among staff. The unvaccinated staff likely contributed to the spread among patients.

"During the outbreak, 46 COVID-19 cases were identified, including cases in 26 residents (18 fully vaccinated) and 20 HCP (four vaccinated)"

Calling out inconsistency and hypocrisy is "Agitation",..in this thread and probably more broadly on this and so many forums,...............................ask me how I know .LOL.

It is the state of this country.

I spent two hours in a hospital today visiting with a close friend who has a wife hanging on for her life, 23 days on a ventilator...................
Oh nice. For those with low self control... like me. haha

Tab, I was wondering if you could share what you (or your group) currently does to treat someone that is admitted into the ICU for covid?

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So is natural immunity better than vaccine induced ? ....
So is natural immunity better than vaccine induced ? ....

So the which fin is better question?

I would put money on fully vaccinated followed by repeated small exposures to the virus creating the most productive antibodies.

This is not a virus that it would be reasonable to choose to try to acquire natural immunity to.
I would say what I have experienced is the most thorough exposure, thereby causing the greatest most expansive immune response. This to the widest variety of pathogen variants..

1. Direct exposure to the early variant from LA.
2. Direct fluid exposure to the variant from NYC.
3. Direct fluid exposure to active Covid in one of my grilfriends.
4. The two part Pfizer.
5. 7 mos later a "Moderna " booster.

Result: Covid what ?...............................

There have been reports of natural immunity being better. There have also been contradictory reports of natural immunity waning over time. Couple that with all the fog of the vaccines and what they can do and not. Mix this with the whole political narrative that's being pushed and you have pudding.

So.................The best is obviously a mixture. You don't need to be a physician to figure that out.

So what I truly believe is demonstrated by my behavior. Thats MY choice. I believe it doesn't have to be yours.
But alas, true choice is falling by the wayside.
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I've linked plenty of articles that state otherwise. At this point, there is no "right" answer.

In my (and my wife, our group of friends) experience, natural anti-bodies work great.
I agree (GAAAAASP!). No right answer. It seems like a robust exposure associated immune response is at least as good and maybe better as a vaccine mediated immune response. The caveat is that exposure is difficult to quantify. So not everyone who got sick will have the same degree of immunity. This is somewhat more predictable in vaccines, granted not 100%.
I agree (GAAAAASP!). No right answer. It seems like a robust exposure associated immune response is at least as good and maybe better as a vaccine mediated immune response. The caveat is that exposure is difficult to quantify. So not everyone who got sick will have the same degree of immunity. This is somewhat more predictable in vaccines, granted not 100%.
So your best bet is to have "dual" immunity....its free, its safe, its effective, and it protects even better than just one type.

I am also wondering if mixing vaccines would also work well. Ie.....I got J&J and am thinking if I got Moderna next....would it give me better coverage? Of course no company is going to run a study like that...but to me it makes logical sense to stimulate the immune response in as many different ways as possible.
So your best bet is to have "dual" immunity....its free, its safe, its effective, and it protects even better than just one type.

I am also wondering if mixing vaccines would also work well. Ie.....I got J&J and am thinking if I got Moderna next....would it give me better coverage? Of course no company is going to run a study like that...but to me it makes logical sense to stimulate the immune response in as many different ways as possible.

To the first point, I recommend to all my patients who've had covid to still get the shot. And I would too if I was in that situation.

Second point, I honestly don't know. Maybe we can summon @swatski and get his opinion on this?
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