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The Vaccine

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I'm sure that would make many anti Vaxers happy!!!! LOL

Fine. I was unlucky enough to not get my response in before you posted, and this showed up.

That's a flat-out shitty post @Julian

That you can't see people are getting tired of this is... I'll dial it back and say "disappointing". For those who may agree with the vaccines, and HAVE been vaccinated, but simply want to enjoy what you guys envisioned when leaving the old place - a place that you didn't have to feel like you were talking behind closed doors, rifts, divisions amongst people, that's a nice slap in the face to them, since you leave no room for their opinions and/or wishes, to not continue to have this thread shoved in their face ALONG WITH "those anti-vaxxers".

If you can't see what you just did, well, rationalization is the second-most powerful drive in humans.

These completely asinine and douchebag comments that are thrown around, just off-the-cuff, are exactly what I'm talking about, with people not considering how they will be viewed, or worse, not caring enough to think before posting and how it will come across. If I saw that as a jerk post, rest assured that there are more than just me who are too timid to say anything, and simply fade into the background, to the degradation of this forum. Regardless of your view of what you said, you can't explain yourself to someone who simply chooses to drop out, to stop contributing, to stop adding to what you intended this forum to be.

I have no jihad other than to try to slap many of you in the face with just how divisive this thread has become at this point. By all means, do whatever you feel necessary, but passive-aggressive comments like that, thrown around without considering the targets or the collateral damage of who else might want the same common goal... if you feel that was appropriate, I'll wait it out to ignore this thread so I can see your response. I know others will too. With great power comes great responsibility. Perhaps you've not had a moment to step back and consider the way others look at your comments. If not, I urge you to do so.
That's a flat-out shitty post @Julian
Wow.....I thought it was funny wording...nothing more. And you wrote a novel about a joke! Wow.
@drewkaree you didn't direct this at me but I laughed at Julian's message so I guess I feel included. What I saw is that anti-vaxxers would love it if the vaccine was deleted. I thought that was funny. Am I missing something? Seemed like one of those jokes about wording / phrasing.
@drewkaree you didn't direct this at me but I laughed at Julian's message so I guess I feel included. What I saw is that anti-vaxxers would love it if the vaccine was deleted. I thought that was funny. Am I missing something? Seemed like one of those jokes about wording / phrasing.
I can only hope he's turned off this thread and lightens up!
Is short enough @Julian?
I'm still looking at it....and find your reply is totally off base. It was a joke and nothing more. I thought, you of all people, had a decent sense of humor....apparently not today!

You are proving the point that YOU sir do need a break to regain your perspective.

Anti Vaxers would love to delete the vaccine with the click of a button!

Sorry, but you are off your rocker if you think that is offensive.
@drewkaree you didn't direct this at me but I laughed at Julian's message so I guess I feel included.

@Julian @tabbibus

This. In your very own words. THIS. THIS!

YOU feel included in the joke. OTHERS feel included in the passive-aggressive backhanded comment, including those who might agree with you!

Are you guys so mind-numbingly myopic as to not be able to recognize this? Seriously? Your words should be taken in the spirit in which you intended them, but god help you if you're in disagreement and take them differently? HOLY FUCKSTICKS!

I'm off to work. I'm quite glad to have posted what I did. Perhaps it will give others the courage or desire to see what an absolute shitshow this tinderbox thread has become.
I'm still looking at it....and find your reply is totally off base. It was a joke and nothing more. I thought, you of all people, had a decent sense of humor....apparently not today!

You are proving the point that YOU sir do need a break to regain your perspective.

Anti Vaxers would love to delete the vaccine with the click of a button!

Sorry, but you are off your rocker if you think that is offensive.

Let's be clear, I don't think many us care the vaccine exists. What we don't like is being forced to take a vaccine, and bullied for not taking it.
FFS, you cried for an ignore option because you can't stay out of a thread on your own. You get that option, and say it'll be your last time posting here. Then you post again and cry some more about passive-aggressive comments, while littering the rest of your reply with passive-aggressive nonsense. Then you reply two MORE times to try and evoke a response. Leave, or don't. just staahhhhhp.
Sorry, but you are off your rocker if you think that is offensive.

So very very sorry that you cannot bring yourself to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. I have been personally contacted outside this forum about this thread, and would have been fine NEVER coming in this thread after deciding to ignore it. I'm pointing out what others do not feel confident putting out there in public.

I will have no problems with either of you after this - OTHERS WILL, AND YOU CANNOT SEE IT WHEN IT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE!
The arrogance and lack of self-awareness is strong in this thread, and seemingly only this thread.
Let's be clear, I don't think many us care the vaccine exists. What we don't like is being forced to take a vaccine, and bullied for not taking it.
Totally get and understand that.

I just thought the layout of that UI with a Delete button on "The Vaccine" was funny. Perhaps my English dry humor is not understood.

I'll go read some comments on the "Far Side" page on FB to hear some more people offended by jokes.....LOL (Yes...still means LAUGHING OUT LOUD)
Well I guess I'll be blunt and risk whatever is coming for me.

If you have issues with vaccine mandates, with the government, with the way messaging has happened, with policies regarding mitigation... I'm open for discussion 100%

If you think vaccines as a thing are evil, or don't exist, or are simply pushing anti vaxx rhetoric... I have no problem having a laugh.
Fine. I was unlucky enough to not get my response in before you posted, and this showed up.

That's a flat-out shitty post @Julian

That you can't see people are getting tired of this is... I'll dial it back and say "disappointing". For those who may agree with the vaccines, and HAVE been vaccinated, but simply want to enjoy what you guys envisioned when leaving the old place - a place that you didn't have to feel like you were talking behind closed doors, rifts, divisions amongst people, that's a nice slap in the face to them, since you leave no room for their opinions and/or wishes, to not continue to have this thread shoved in their face ALONG WITH "those anti-vaxxers".

If you can't see what you just did, well, rationalization is the second-most powerful drive in humans.

These completely asinine and douchebag comments that are thrown around, just off-the-cuff, are exactly what I'm talking about, with people not considering how they will be viewed, or worse, not caring enough to think before posting and how it will come across. If I saw that as a jerk post, rest assured that there are more than just me who are too timid to say anything, and simply fade into the background, to the degradation of this forum. Regardless of your view of what you said, you can't explain yourself to someone who simply chooses to drop out, to stop contributing, to stop adding to what you intended this forum to be.

I have no jihad other than to try to slap many of you in the face with just how divisive this thread has become at this point. By all means, do whatever you feel necessary, but passive-aggressive comments like that, thrown around without considering the targets or the collateral damage of who else might want the same common goal... if you feel that was appropriate, I'll wait it out to ignore this thread so I can see your response. I know others will too. With great power comes great responsibility. Perhaps you've not had a moment to step back and consider the way others look at your comments. If not, I urge you to do so.

It was some coincidental word play that made it look like he could "delete" the vaccine. Breathe bro
It was some coincidental word play that made it look like he could "delete" the vaccine. Breathe bro
If that was the intent, why specify "anti-vaxxers" - wouldn't everyone cheer if the virus was deleted?

In the context of this thread, at best, it's a total lack of self-awareness.
If that was the intent, why specify "anti-vaxxers" - wouldn't everyone cheer if the virus was deleted?

In the context of this thread, at best, it's a total lack of self-awareness.
Because it wasn't deleting the VIRUS....it was deleting the VACCINE! Who would like the vaccine deleted? Anti Vaxers would like to press a Delete button on it. Not people who are upset with mandates. Not people who want to be vaccinated.
Because it wasn't deleting the VIRUS....it was deleting the VACCINE! Who would like the vaccine deleted? Anti Vaxers would like to press a Delete button on it. Not people who are upset with mandates. Not people who want to be vaccinated.
You're right, I read it wrong. That being said, I have yet to talk to anyone who wished the vaccine didn't exist, just that they'd like to choose for themselves if they wanted it or not. Great joke
You're right, I read it wrong. That being said, I have yet to talk to anyone who wished the vaccine didn't exist, just that they'd like to choose for themselves if they wanted it or not. Great joke
Apparently not the greatest joke.....because it needed explaining! I just thought the UI looked Funny - "The Vaccine" - DELETE?
So now this has eroded to splitting hairs/words. You said this and I said that..
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