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The Vaccine

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Real news died decades ago sadly. Anyone that actually does journalism these days is usually cast aside as a leper. Today’s news media is nothing more than a mouth piece for the elite and far left progressive politicians with few exceptions. The far right has their issues as well but it’s pale in comparison to the majority of news out there. They certainly don’t have pride or accuracy and I honestly don’t know how they sleep at night. In a perfect world yes they would all work to be fair and accurate but that’s not the reality we live in.

I’m not wading into a debate over left and right slanted journalism, but I do chuckle over the idea the conservative news is more honest than liberal news.?

Regarding the comment, that real news died decades ago, when we go back far enough in time that newspapers were the source of news for most Americans, most newspapers almost always had a slant in the way they reported the news. That’s why many cities had two newspapers, one with a more conservative slant and one with a more liberal slant.

Jim via iphone
If the topic wasn’t so serious, I wouldn’t bat an eye to some of these ridiculous posts. Maybe they are smart people saying ‘stupid’ things to get a rise out of others. If that’s the case, they are childish and should really grow up. On the other hand, if they really believe their ridiculous posts then they are ignorant, and any education would be helpful. There is nothing shameful in being ignorant, as we all are ignorant in some areas.

Jim via iPhone
I hope you are correct. I have found that many people have different world views and chose their desired conclusion, then chose their facts that line up with their conclusion. I don't see it as stupidity or ignorance. For instance, I have seen many posts about Sweden banning Moderna for under 30 because of myocarditis. Because this lines up with their conclusions, it gets posted and reposted. Is it true, Yes. I haven't looked it into personally, but I would guess that Pfizer probably doesn't have as high of incidence as Moderna so the Swedish Fauci said all under 30 should use another vaccine. But if you think that at this point in the discussion someone who posts the theory that vaccines alter our DNA just needs a little education, you are more patient than I am.
I’m not wading into a debate over left and right slanted journalism, but I do chuckle over the idea the conservative news is more honest than liberal news.?

Regarding the comment, that real news died decades ago, when we go back far enough in time that newspapers were the source of news for most Americans, most newspapers almost always had a slant in the way they reported the news. That’s why many cities had two newspapers, one with a more conservative slant and one with a more liberal slant.

Jim via iphone
I never implied nor stated one was more honest than the other. Where did you read that? Perhaps you’re misinterpreting my post a bit.

Regardless of the media (physical to digital), one can certainly see there is little merit to these huge multi-billion dollar media companies other than pushing their own narratives for ratings and political influence of the mindless people who can’t think for themselves. This is why I don’t listen or subscribe to any MSM nor matter what side of the aisle. They all suck simply put.
Always good times when Mods go into your account and screw with your personal settings
Slight headaches after both shots, sore arm, second shot couldn't lift arm overhead, stomach cramps and an 1/2 hour of hot flashes. Bit tired after second shot. Nothing else, no body aches to speak of. Worth it to me, rather than being in hospital gasping for air.
These last few pages feel like middle school. The kids are having fun saying ridiculous things and the teacher is taking them serious trying to explain things. At this stage in the game when someone throws out the vaccine changing your DNA, no discussion is going to change their mind if they truly believe that or they are just having fun with you. On the other hand, I think its dangerous when people get to chose what to remove. It leads up to the ending of George Orwell's Animal Farm: "All Animals are Equal, Some are More Equal Than Others". I guess time will tell if freedom of speech can survive the chaos of social media.
Well said
Respectfully, most of this post does not make sense.

First, when we talk about a flu shot, we are talking about a seasonal flu shot. As it takes time to develop a seasonal flu vaccine, a small group of experts travels to Asia each year, and makes educated guesses as to what viral strains will likely be the most prevelant strains in the fall. They then make a cocktail of the most likely strains and that becomes our seasonal flu shot. As the viral strains change every year, we have a different seasonal flu shot every year.

Second, as the COVID-19 strain is different that the seasonal flu, one can actually catch both! Seasonal flu cases were down last year as the precautions we took to avoid the COVID-19 virus also prevented many causes of the seasonal flu as well.

Third, I hate when someone types ‘it’s just hype’. At this time there are over 711,000 fellow Americans dead. To call it hype is just bullshit.

Even with natural immunity from having the virus, there likely will be a decrease in immunity over time, especially as new variants develop.

I sincerely hope you take the time to educate yourself on the science of the virus, because your posts indicate that you do not understand the science. If you want to learn, there are experts on this thread who can help.

jim via IPhone
Did I hurt your feelings? I'm not trying to change your Outlook on it don't attempt to change mine
Always good times when Mods go into your account and screw with your personal settings

While completely off topic that would be concerning if there were any truth to it however the logs show that no such activity has occurred.
Any of the docs have any exposure or insight into the new pill from Merck? Looks interesting

Perhaps in a new off topic whiskey thread?
I looked(not really hard, but I looked)...I just like the passion from everyone in this thread...... Kinda fun in a way when there's this much passion.
Let's talk about whiskey
In my sample size of 1, a weekly neat Hibiki has kept Covid at bay, even when the rest of the house is infected.

ETA - it could be the white russians, more research is needed.
In my sample size of 1, a weekly neat Hibiki has kept Covid at bay, even when the rest of the house is infected.

ETA - it could be the white russians, more research is needed.
I'm making my own.... Whiskey and Rum..... Aging in wooden barrels as I type
One day I hope to visit the Jack Daniels distillery. I’ve heard it’s a good tour. Of course with COVID not sure they allow it but it’s on my wish list of places to visit before I kick the bucket. I don’t drink much these days but don’t mind a good whiskey or bourbon from time to time.
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