I agree.......And I think we can stand here and bicker/argue/discuss mandates legal basis, the efficacy of treatments and preventative measures, and any other myriad of details until we're blue in the face.
For me, it has really opened my eyes as to the lack of advancement of society within this country in areas such as critical thinking and empathy. Most, if not all, of the measures are relatively low risk and/or low effort. Lives could have been spared, economy could have been largely unhurt, and we could have moved past this in short order (or maybe just shorter order) with just a few changes to daily life. By and large however, the average citizen appears to give zero shits beyond his/her small personal circle of influence and cannot see the greater good that could come from any of these small steps. It's wildly disheartening to have things that I thought were "Surely people aren't really like that" be shown to me over and over again, even in my own close group of friends and family. I don't claim to be some sage philosopher, but damn, some of the stuff I've heard come out of peoples mouths is just so blatantly wrong, and worse, some of it's overly hateful.
I feel like a kid that learns what death is when his first dog dies. I can't close that box of knowledge back up and go back to before. I know what lives in peoples thoughts on basic reasoning and care for others around them, and that sucks.