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Tubing with two tubes!


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Hi all!

I have a 2021 AR190 and my two boys (13 and 11) have been having a blast skiing, wakeboarding, and tubing this summer. We keep seeing boats on our lake pulling multiple tubes. I’m really on the fence about this and don’t know how safe it is. Has anyone ever had experience pulling two tubes with their boat? If so, how are you attaching the two ropes? I’m curious to hear thoughts on this topic.
We did this all the time several years ago... Especially when I brought these two brothers out. They're older (mid-30's) so they understood the risks as I explained them and they would proceed to "chicken fight" or try to knock the other off their tube.
Great laughs... Mostly pulled in straight lines... Always funny to see one brother hop onto the others tube and they'd wrestle each other til one or both fell off ?
I do pull my kids and friends double tube. I can get crazy but tons of fun. It’s up to you as the boat driver to keep it mild so no injuries. The same tube makes a huge difference. I use two war birds by airhead. I have used two singles that was just begging for injuries. The younger kids 11 weight a lot less then my older kids. When my older son and his buddy’s are out will still do it but they weight in the 150 range it can and does get crazy lots of bumping and kids flying everywhere. For the most part the driver can control what goes on behind the boat. Just take it easy at first till you get a feel for it.
... The same tube makes a huge difference. I use two war birds by airhead.
... For the most part the driver can control what goes on behind the boat. Just take it easy at first till you get a feel for it.

This right here.
We do tube wars. The driver me or my wife slings the crap out of the tube riders while they try to knock the other off. Best of three wins. Never laughed so much in my life.
We started doing that last year. Need to be very careful when you sling them, that rope coming across can get wrapped around the neck of someone in the other tube pretty quick if one tub flies off the wake and goes airborne a couple of feet when it crosses over. For the most part no issues. The first time we tried it I went slow and had two different tubes, wasn't great. Bought another one of the screamers O'Brien and had two of the same and it was much butter. Still experimenting with the rope length. When I tow two tubes I always go lower tow point so it keeps the rope low.
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I tie one tube behind the other so no one gets hurt lol
I did this as a kid....and remember the knot on my head from hitting heads with a friend.

Just make sure you know the kids and parents really well! The lawyers are out there waiting....
I did this as a kid....and remember the knot on my head from hitting heads with a friend.

Just make sure you know the kids and parents really well! The lawyers are out there waiting....

I am looking into wakeboarding helmets. Going to grab 4 of them and try them out. Even on a single tube like the Big Mable 3 person. Every now and then they knock heads. Not sure they are going to be a fan.
I am looking into wakeboarding helmets. Going to grab 4 of them and try them out. Even on a single tube like the Big Mable 3 person. Every now and then they knock heads. Not sure they are going to be a fan.

I've had a buddy get knocked out for a few seconds from wakeboarding. Front lip of the board caught the wake as he came across it, hard face plant. The water alone will give you a concussion - another person head sounds much worse.