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Another Example to Start Carrying a Gun On My Boat


Jetboaters Admiral
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Tampa Bay, FL
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We don’t need one. About every other post or so, we debate the merits and lack there of, of owning a firearm, drilling for oil, how free healthcare is great and or miserable, should biological men be allowed to beat the crap out of women in sports etc. No one’s mind is ever changed, but it sure is fun.
Would be nice to have one to discuss types and upgrades.


Jetboaters Captain
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Louisville, KY
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Jetboaters Lieutenant
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Spartanburg, South Carolina Lake Hartwell/Keowee
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Here’s more of the story….

Well that report puts an end to the professional conclusion jumpers. The only way they can say it was wrong for the pontoon family to shoot the jet ski guy now, is if they just come straight out and say…. “I prefer it when people allow totally ripped criminals to harm or kill their elderly family members, because I hate it when legitimate reasons for owning guns outweigh my totalitarian desire to disarm regular folks”.


Jetboaters Fleet Admiral
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West Allis & Fremont, WI
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I still see some problems with what happened, as well as some support for the final outcome. Witnesses NOT on the boat mentioned the younger guy throwing some fishing rods into the water and attacking the older man "multiple times".

The rescued girl noticed problems with the deceased when she first met up with him - on dry land - and was concerned to the point that she drove the last leg of the journey? Why do you EVER set foot on the jet ski with him, ESPECIALLY if you're not a good swimmer, as she claimed? You don't have a life jacket, and she's getting on in sweats and a hoodie?

The 74-year-old guy MOST DEFINITELY should be hit with a negligent discharge. You do NOT fire "warning shots" if you believe a gun might be warranted, and you damn sure don't know where those shots are going to end up - he had the potential to kill two OTHER people completely untethered to the issue at hand, thanks to firing off those shots "in the air". You have a responsibility for every bullet you discharge, and while I know this was clearly a stressful situation, that does not absolve you of those actions.

The female companion certainly gives compelling info for what seems to have been a necessary action on the old guy's part, and other witnesses corroborate her statements. Given that the guy seems to have been completely unreasonable and unhinged, there's no telling how much further he would have gone, and he doesn't seem to have been in the state of mind to understand that he broke the cutoff switch, rendering the pontoon dead in the water and it would have been impossible for them to get him to the jet ski, no matter how much they may or may not have wanted to help him out further.

I think the guy may very well have beat the old man senseless, if not possibly to death, from the sounds of the state he was in.


Jetboaters Fleet Admiral
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West Allis & Fremont, WI
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Well that report puts an end to the professional conclusion jumpers. The only way they can say it was wrong for the pontoon family to shoot the jet ski guy now, is if they just come straight out and say…. “I prefer it when people allow totally ripped criminals to harm or kill their elderly family members, because I hate it when legitimate reasons for owning guns outweigh my totalitarian desire to disarm regular folks”.
Digging in your heels is assisted by both sides when "the win" is the only thing considered important. Someone is still dead, and someone has to live with this mental anguish. Would that there could be some good that comes out of this, even if it's simply discussion amongst what should be friends. 🤷‍♂️


Jetboaters Commander
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Indianapolis, IN
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Jetboaters Lieutenant
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Spartanburg, South Carolina Lake Hartwell/Keowee
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Wow. Old dude had no choice as far as I'm concerned
And also as far as law enforcement was concerned. The sheriff and deputies met with the prosecutor on the shooters behalf to avoid charges being pressed. That should be enough for the casual observer. Although, circumstances surrounding the shooting don’t seem to matter to some, and this couple wouldn’t have fared so well if some of the above jetboaters were the prosecutor. Just goes to show how political activism in certain regions of our country, can have very different results on a just outcome. I really don’t think certain states should be able to have heavy handed firearms restrictions while others actually honor the right. It isn’t a privilege. Disclaimer: I’m of Native American descent, so “Give us your guns, and we’ll take you to the promised land”…..Doesn’t set well with me. It’s the whole Trail of Tears thing. Armed people remain citizens, unarmed people can rapidly become slaves. “We would never do that again” has been disproven by history over and over. There’s a reason an armed citizenry is an integral part of being Americans. It isn’t for self defense against criminals. It took many decades for us to honor all of the American promises to all races. Why are so many rushing to undo what minorities have only been allowed to participate in for a few decades? Anyone care to dare and tackle this question?……Why weren’t slaves allowed to own guns? I’ll go ahead and answer it for you. Because they wouldn’t have remained slaves.
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Jetboaters Commander
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Indianapolis, IN
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And also as far as law enforcement was concerned. The sheriff and deputies met with the prosecutor on the shooters behalf to avoid charges being pressed. That should be enough for the casual observer. Although, circumstances surrounding the shooting don’t seem to matter to some, and this couple wouldn’t have fared so well if some of the above jetboaters were the prosecutor. Just goes to show how political activism in certain regions of our country, can have very different results on a just outcome. I really don’t think certain states should be able to have heavy handed firearms restrictions while others actually honor the right. It isn’t a privilege. Disclaimer: I’m of Native American descent, so “Give us your guns, and we’ll take you to the promised land”…..Doesn’t set well with me. It’s the whole Trail of Tears thing. Armed people remain citizens, unarmed people can rapidly become slaves. “We would never do that again” has been disproven by history over and over. There’s a reason an armed citizenry is an integral part of being Americans. It isn’t for self defense against criminals. It took many decades for us to honor all of the American promises to all races. Why are so many rushing to undo what minorities have only been allowed to participate in for a few decades? Anyone care to dare and tackle this question?……Why weren’t slaves allowed to own guns? I’ll go ahead and answer it for you. Because they wouldn’t have remained slaves.
And also as far as law enforcement was concerned. The sheriff and deputies met with the prosecutor on the shooters behalf to avoid charges being pressed. That should be enough for the casual observer. Although, circumstances surrounding the shooting don’t seem to matter to some, and this couple wouldn’t have fared so well if some of the above jetboaters were the prosecutor. Just goes to show how political activism in certain regions of our country, can have very different results on a just outcome. I really don’t think certain states should be able to have heavy handed firearms restrictions while others actually honor the right. It isn’t a privilege. Disclaimer: I’m of Native American descent, so “Give us your guns, and we’ll take you to the promised land”…..Doesn’t set well with me. It’s the whole Trail of Tears thing. Armed people remain citizens, unarmed people can rapidly become slaves. “We would never do that again” has been disproven by history over and over. There’s a reason an armed citizenry is an integral part of being Americans. It isn’t for self defense against criminals. It took many decades for us to honor all of the American promises to all races. Why are so many rushing to undo what minorities have only been allowed to participate in for a few decades? Anyone care to dare and tackle this question?……Why weren’t slaves allowed to own guns? I’ll go ahead and answer it for you. Because they wouldn’t have remained slaves.
I agree 100%. I'm from Indiana, and I'm not exaggerating when I say damn near every person I know owns multiple guns. It's just the way it is


Jetboaters Fleet Admiral
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Buffalo, NY
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I agree 100%. I'm from Indiana, and I'm not exaggerating when I say damn near every person I know owns multiple guns. It's just the way it is
I've lived in the Louisville area all but 5 years of my life (New Mexico, long story). It's the same here. You are far and away the "odd man out" if you're NOT a gun owner.

I recently (2015) moved to southern IN. It's a small move of only about 30mi from suburban Louisville, to the beginning of rural Indiana. I was absolutely SHOCKED by the amount of OPEN carry people that exist just this short distance away. To the point that we, as a family, have left several local outdoor establishments because we weren't comfortable with the number of guns around us. We were sitting at a local ice cream stand and counted 12/15 customers with a handgun on their hip one afternoon. It's "just the way it is" around here, but cheese and flipping rice, what are these people doing that they need to carry a firearm EVERYWHERE with them, and even more so while getting ice cream with your kids?

I've learned to accept it, but it's still very unnerving when I see it, and as such will leave if it gets too "heavy". I just can't make the logical jumps to the understanding of why anyone needs to carry at that level.

The biggest fear for me is the number of people that have a gun, and have little to no idea how to handle themselves, or their gun in a high stress situation. That level of training doesn't come with a few hour class, and a target shoot test to get a concealed carry. That kind of understanding comes of years of living through it, and then practicing it on a regular basis to keep those skills sharp.
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Jetboaters Captain
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Louisville, KY
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242 Limited S E-Series
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I've lived in the Louisville area all but 5 years of my life (New Mexico, long story). It's the same here. You are far and away the "odd man out" if you're NOT a gun owner.

I recently (2015) moved to southern IN. It's a small move of only about 30mi from suburban Louisville, to the beginning of rural Indiana. I was absolutely SHOCKED by the amount of OPEN carry people that exist just this short distance away. To the point that we, as a family, have left several local outdoor establishments because we weren't comfortable with the number of guns around us. We were sitting at a local ice cream stand and counted 12/15 customers with a handgun on their hip one afternoon. It's "just the way it is" around here, but cheese and flipping rice, what are these people doing that they need to carry a firearm EVERYWHERE with them, and even more so while getting ice cream with your kids?

I've learn to accept it, but it's still very unnerving when I see it, and as such will leave if it gets too "heavy". I just can't make the logical jumps to the understanding of why anyone needs to carry at that level.

The biggest fear for me is the number of people that have a gun, and have little to know idea how to handle themselves, or their gun in a high stress situation. That level of training doesn't come with a few hour class, and a target shoot test to get a concealed carry. That kind of understanding comes of years of living through it, and then practicing it on a regular basis to keep those skills sharp.
You’re absolutely right about the training and keeping skills sharp. During my “short range” training, they used an example of a conceal carry person confronting an active shooter in a Kroger parking lot space. In that little space, the CC dude shot at the active shooter 11 times and missed every time. I suspect he wasn’t that terrible at the shooting range but you also have to practice mental and adrenaline control. (I know I’m preaching to the choir, but this scenario was compelling fo me, so thought I would share.)

FSH 210 Sport

Jetboaters Admiral
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Here’s more of the story….


I’m wearing my shocked face at the revelation that this guy was so wasted that there was snot and foam coming from his mouth and nose.

Investigators are awaiting the results of a toxicology report.…. How much you want to bet that besides weed and alcohol there will either be meth or fentanyl in high concentrations in his system, to such a level it would kill a non addict. I’m betting on meth.

The fact that the old guy fired a warning shot only proves further to me that he didn’t want to shoot this guy, that warning shot was the drunk guys last warning, he didn’t heed it and he got shot, to coin a phrase from a song, “nobodies fault but ..his”

To go along with the assailants obvious disregard for any life but his own (that is questionable as well), is the fact that the real victims are the elderly couple and the young girl he had with him. Their lives will be forever scarred by morgans choices and actions. Going out on the pontoon boat was probably the old couples shangrala…. Forever destroyed by this guy’s choices and behavior, as well as the 19 year old girl. Although there is a question in my mind as to her innocence. My Mexican friends have a saying, “show me who your friends are and I’ll tell you the type of person you are”.

While talking the situation down is extremely preferable, that course of action(s) is predicated on rational and sane people having the conversation.

Some how the rest of my post disappeared when I went to look for the linked song and lyrics below.. I think Dave sums it up concisely in this song. A la 1984.

Anonymous existence, rendered useless to mankind
Destroy the logic volume in the confines of the mind
Enmassed and purposeless, marching in a perfect line
Neo-neuro torture, mental meltdown, a heinous crime

Mastermind, I tell you what to think
I tell you what you need
I tell you what to feel

Invade the core of souls to wipe the lives away
Design vacant beings, welcome the inhuman race
Encrypted horror codes, directive psyche overwrite
Processing brains to pabulum, delete and format living drives

I tell you what's real

Hail to the power age, lest the viral hour comes
Raise the flag of voltage, bow to circuitry unknown
Kneel before the processor, lords of static laugh
Electrons in submission, you must know who I am

I tell you what to think
I don't care what you thought
I tell you what to get
I don't care what you got
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Jet Boat Addict
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Crazy story but not surprised in this day with how crazy and upside down the world is. For those having a hard time justifying shooting someone that is attacking you I suggest a YouTube channel that is a great learning tool. It’s called Active Self Protection on YouTube and they post some crazy videos that usually is of escalations that go bad but he details things to look for and indicators an attack is coming. Been watching his videos for many years and it’s definitely showed me #1 people are barbarians in nature and can do heinous crimes at unimaginable times and #2 to ALWAYS think about situational awareness especially in transitional places.

Good riddance to this thug who was living the criminal life.
ASP has some good videos and commentary. It still amazes me that in this day and age there's people on here who have no idea what other humans are capable of and how fast things go to crap. Must suck going through life accepting a victim mindset. Over my 20 year career, I've witnessed so many innocent victims succumb to the hands of criminals for absolutely nothing. The story is almost always the same. "we were just trying to be nice and help". For the record, I carry everywhere and there's at least 1 firearm on my boat at all times. Even more when my friends are tagging along. Gas stations and boat ramps seem like a magnet for criminal activity.


Jetboaters Commander
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Indianapolis, IN
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I've lived in the Louisville area all but 5 years of my life (New Mexico, long story). It's the same here. You are far and away the "odd man out" if you're NOT a gun owner.

I recently (2015) moved to southern IN. It's a small move of only about 30mi from suburban Louisville, to the beginning of rural Indiana. I was absolutely SHOCKED by the amount of OPEN carry people that exist just this short distance away. To the point that we, as a family, have left several local outdoor establishments because we weren't comfortable with the number of guns around us. We were sitting at a local ice cream stand and counted 12/15 customers with a handgun on their hip one afternoon. It's "just the way it is" around here, but cheese and flipping rice, what are these people doing that they need to carry a firearm EVERYWHERE with them, and even more so while getting ice cream with your kids?

I've learned to accept it, but it's still very unnerving when I see it, and as such will leave if it gets too "heavy". I just can't make the logical jumps to the understanding of why anyone needs to carry at that level.

The biggest fear for me is the number of people that have a gun, and have little to no idea how to handle themselves, or their gun in a high stress situation. That level of training doesn't come with a few hour class, and a target shoot test to get a concealed carry. That kind of understanding comes of years of living through it, and then practicing it on a regular basis to keep those skills sharp.
Just wait until the no permit carry goes into effect on July 1st...lol. I never understood why people open carry, mine is always concealed when I do carry.


Jetboaters Admiral
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New Bern, NC
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I've lived in the Louisville area all but 5 years of my life (New Mexico, long story). It's the same here. You are far and away the "odd man out" if you're NOT a gun owner.

I recently (2015) moved to southern IN. It's a small move of only about 30mi from suburban Louisville, to the beginning of rural Indiana. I was absolutely SHOCKED by the amount of OPEN carry people that exist just this short distance away. To the point that we, as a family, have left several local outdoor establishments because we weren't comfortable with the number of guns around us. We were sitting at a local ice cream stand and counted 12/15 customers with a handgun on their hip one afternoon. It's "just the way it is" around here, but cheese and flipping rice, what are these people doing that they need to carry a firearm EVERYWHERE with them, and even more so while getting ice cream with your kids?

I've learned to accept it, but it's still very unnerving when I see it, and as such will leave if it gets too "heavy". I just can't make the logical jumps to the understanding of why anyone needs to carry at that level.

The biggest fear for me is the number of people that have a gun, and have little to no idea how to handle themselves, or their gun in a high stress situation. That level of training doesn't come with a few hour class, and a target shoot test to get a concealed carry. That kind of understanding comes of years of living through it, and then practicing it on a regular basis to keep those skills sharp.
When i lived in Southern NE i was always more aware of my surroundings and always felt uneasy in certain places and situations. Crime sucked, cops would show up and say there's only so much they can do, lmfao( you would always see multiple police cars sitting in lots talking to one another wasting time or one staring at his cell phone instead of cruising the streets) .
Of course very strict gun laws.
Moved to Eastern NC and my world was rocked by the amount of guns everywhere.
Now when i go into town for dinner or a block party I am relaxed knowing there is many, probably 75% of the crowd carrying. I dont know anyone that owns guns here that doesn't constantly shoot for practice or fun. So many people know someone with land that they can use for shooting.
With the well known knowledge of so many guns around you dont get much crime at all. Most crime is in the heavier populated areas which i am far from.
Not a lot of greenhorns with guns here.

I have my own range on my land and shoot a few hundreds rounds every other month with my pistols and AR.

FSH 210 Sport

Jetboaters Admiral
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Tranquility Base
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FSH Sport
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When i lived in Southern NE i was always more aware of my surroundings and always felt uneasy in certain places and situations. Crime sucked, cops would show up and say there's only so much they can do, lmfao( you would always see multiple police cars sitting in lots talking to one another wasting time or one staring at his cell phone instead of cruising the streets) .
Of course very strict gun laws.
Moved to Eastern NC and my world was rocked by the amount of guns everywhere.
Now when i go into town for dinner or a block party I am relaxed knowing there is many, probably 75% of the crowd carrying. I dont know anyone that owns guns here that doesn't constantly shoot for practice or fun. So many people know someone with land that they can use for shooting.
With the well known knowledge of so many guns around you dont get much crime at all. Most crime is in the heavier populated areas which i am far from.
Not a lot of greenhorns with guns here.

I have my own range on my land and shoot a few hundreds rounds every other month with my pistols and AR.

Southern NE? Really Nebraska?


Jetboaters Lieutenant
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Spartanburg, South Carolina Lake Hartwell/Keowee
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I’m not sure where the idea that police are better trained than citizens comes from. A good friend of mine is a retired police officer, and he says most of them just shoot the required 60 round annual certification test. Everyone I know who is a firearms owner trains at least 10 times that much in a year.



Jetboaters Admiral
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Tampa Bay, FL
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I’m not sure where the idea that police are better trained than citizens comes from. A good friend of mine is a retired police officer, and he says most of them just shoot the required 60 round annual certification test. Everyone I know who is a firearms owner trains at least 10 times that much in a year.

You have rich friends if they are shooting 600 rounds minimum a year lol.