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FSH 210 Sport

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Fed the ropes into the bucket, put the bucket in the shower, pour the fabric softener over the ropes, fill with hot-ish water to cover the ropes, then agitate for a minute or so.

I did this before we headed home for the week, then drained everything when we got back to the lake house the following weekend. Worked out to be about 4-5 days. I dumped the water, filled it back up with hot water and kept rinsing until the water was clear. Hung the ropes up to dry.

Some folks are wary of certain chemicals on anything on the boat. I look at that in regards to stitching on seats, and harsh chemicals like bleach for ropes (degrades them or at least weakens them, who knows when they'll give out on you then?). I may be 100% incorrect, but I don't feel any qualms about the fabric softener. Use at your own risk, as I am currently doing.
I look at it this way. If liquid fabric softner is good to use on clothing it shouldn’t hurt a yacht braid rope.