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2018 Bimini June trip (June 24th - June 30th)

This may also be of interest:

Here is something new I've learned about the boat, few days ago while installing a backup bilge pump:
Those support plates/pieces at the bottom of the stern/bilge - that I assumed were plywood embedded in fiberglass - actually are ALUMINUM - NOT WOOD!

That discovery made me very happy about my boat, albeit made the job more complicated, lol.
Also explains abundance of mysterious aluminum shavings in those new bilges...

But overall - not bad! Bravo Yamaha - those new hulls are really "no wood". :cool:


And here is the pump - installed:

I did something similar yesterday based on your picture. I cut a piece of 16g aluminum 9” long and drilled to holes 7 1/4” on centers then went from bolt to bolt and tightened down with 2 nuts to the existing bolts. I then screwed a Johnson 1100 gph pump to the aluminum. I’m running the 1 1/8 hose out similar to yours.
Thanks for the idea,
6DD92780-392D-40D4-8AAF-0AD930CEB2F7.jpeg 6DD92780-392D-40D4-8AAF-0AD930CEB2F7.jpeg
Douglas Lackey has registered to captain Night Cap with a crew of 2 adults and 1 children. They hail from the home port of Jamestown KY.

The crew is described as: Husband and Wife boating partners fro 15 years. We've owned numerous boats. we primarily boat on Lake Cumberland.

You can register for the event using the form at
https://jetboaters.net/forms/bimini-2018-registration-june-25th-to-30th.8/respond for June 25th to 30th
https://jetboaters.net/forms/bimini-2018-registration-july-9th-to-14th.6/respond for July 9th to 14th
I did something similar yesterday based on your picture. I cut a piece of 16g aluminum 9” long and drilled to holes 7 1/4” on centers then went from bolt to bolt and tightened down with 2 nuts to the existing bolts. I then screwed a Johnson 1100 gph pump to the aluminum. I’m running the 1 1/8 hose out similar to yours.
Thanks for the idea,
View attachment 71093 View attachment 71093
@robert843 - this should be helpful
@Hector - thank you for posting!

@robert843 - this should be helpful
@Hector - thank you for posting!


I have debated even taking this another way. Similar to @Hector idea get a base drill a hole large enough in the base to go over one of those bolts on the pump housing and bolt it right on to there but that maybe more work then its worth.
I used some fiberglass apoxy and sealed the base to the bottom of the boat right in front of the drain plug.
I may have room for you to ride with me... So far I’m solo.

Hey, i am planning to go next year, with 19 ' as well !
15226120043325732184607209021423.jpg It looks like a good day to cross ... From the 16th deck of the Allure of the Seas.
I don't think range is going to be a problem for me. 8ft 6dbi gain mounted high on the tower on a Shakespeare quick connect base. I think I'm going to pick up a 4ft antenna for once we get to bimini. 20180331_172515.jpg
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I dont think range is going to be a problem for me. 8ft 6dbi gain mounted high on the tower on a Shakespeare quick cinnect base. I think I'm going to pick up a 4ft antenna for once we get to bimini. View attachment 71100

No need to swap antennas many will be using 8 footers.
No need to swap antennas many will be using 8 footers.
I hear you

Edit: Just realized that was a non-intended pun
I have debated even taking this another way. Similar to @Hector idea get a base drill a hole large enough in the base to go over one of those bolts on the pump housing and bolt it right on to there but that maybe more work then its worth.
Here is a pic of finished product
I don't think range is going to be a problem for me. 8ft 6dbi gain mounted high on the tower on a Shakespeare quick connect base. I think I'm going to pick up a 4ft antenna for once we get to bimini. View attachment 71100

Yup....no need swap antennas when you get there....first of all you don't want to have to take it off, 2nd - having max range is never a problem! Here is my boat from last year

IMG_20170715_084616 (1).JPG IMG_20170715_084547 (1).JPG
Its a compensation antenna... :D

Not when you cross on your own! Barefoot Island was happy we had it!

Big antennas compensate for our small boats.

Once you arrive in Bimini the guys with big boats will likely question the size of your brain but not of your cojones.
@Julian I see you have a couple rods on your boat. I'm an avid fishermen in the gulf and local lakes and rivers in GA. I have a wide variety of fishing gear but would like to keep it simple. What would you suggest I bring as far as rod and reels and baits.
@Julian I see you have a couple rods on your boat. I'm an avid fishermen in the gulf and local lakes and rivers in GA. I have a wide variety of fishing gear but would like to keep it simple. What would you suggest I bring as far as rod and reels and baits.

My brother is the fisherman....he brought a ton of stuff with us as it was just the two of us! I'm more of a sit on the boat with a cold beverage kind of guy.....if there is some fishing too...cool! LOL

We stopped on a few reefs and just casted with spinning reels. We did some trolling with his big Penn reels but didn't catch anything.....we may hire a guide this year. Unfortunately my brother is not a techie or on the internet much....so he's not on here (yes...heckle him about this when you meet him!!! LOL). My rod holder installs are linked in my 242X in my signature.
@Julian I see you have a couple rods on your boat. I'm an avid fishermen in the gulf and local lakes and rivers in GA. I have a wide variety of fishing gear but would like to keep it simple. What would you suggest I bring as far as rod and reels and baits.

This will help.


Currently I take two spinning reels with 25 pound fluorcarbon and two convential reels with 80 pound braid. We use the spinning reels for reef fish the most.

We take circle hooks for the spinning reels and large stainless hooks for the convential reels. We take squid for bait.

This quick trip fed us for days

These were not for eating but were fun. They were a challenge for the 25# rigs so we switched to the heavy gear.

@tim h and @Andy S are much more serious fisherman than I. I believe Andy is using similar gear. Tim’s boat is bigger and I bet his gear is as well.