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Bimini 2019 July 7th (Bahia Mar) depart July 8th for Bimini return July 13th

I looked into BGC, but was cautioned about the condition of their dock.

I would tip their guys to tie the boats up and watch them for you. They have a great marina staff. You will be climbing down to or up from your boats at low tide but properly tied there should not be an issue.
I confirmed my booking at Bimini Big Game club. With a room for 4 (or more) nights you get Marina free for 4 nights. I pay 5 nights hotel and 1 night marina.
thats a great deal !
is there a need to bring a chain or some sort of locking apparatus for the boat? or am I wasting my time thinking about it?
it'll suck to lose my ride home.
is there a need to bring a chain or some sort of locking apparatus for the boat? or am I wasting my time thinking about it?
it'll suck to lose my ride home.

A few boats have been stolen from Resorts World's docks in recent years. I am not aware of any thefts at BGC.
A few boats have been stolen from Resorts World's docks in recent years. I am not aware of any thefts at BGC.
now, you made me worry.......................lol , but really, gonna think about that now , any good sugestion É
now, you made me worry.......................lol , but really, gonna think about that now , any good sugestion É
Make sure your insurance is up to date and covers the Bahamas. Then relax and enjoy!
now, you made me worry.......................lol , but really, gonna think about that now , any good sugestion É
Take plenty of mosquito repellent and use it before you start. You will get an unforgettable welcome from the “no seeums “ when you reach Bimini :)
Take plenty of mosquito repellent and use it before you start. You will get an unforgettable welcome from the “no seeums “ when you reach Bimini :)
Heck...that is the same for all of coastal Florida from my experience! Learned that the hard way when I was installing a radio antenna and radio in my brother's driveway at dusk....drove me freakin nuts!
Heading down to KY where the boat is stored... Maintenance weekend. Oil, plugs, hope to install VHF and second bildge. I probably have more to do then time, also, its supposed to be 72 and sunny.... soooooooo probably cruise some, maybe take a nap out on the lake.... talk about a destresser!!
A few boats have been stolen from Resorts World's docks in recent years. I am not aware of any thefts at BGC.

10 feet of 1/2" thick steel chain enough to lock the boat to the dock? I'm staying in the canal, and from what I read on another forum chaining boats are the norm over there

I read it on the internet, it has to be true....
10 feet of 1/2" thick steel chain enough to lock the boat to the dock? I'm staying in the canal, and from what I read on another forum chaining boats are the norm over there

I read it on the internet, it has to be true....

Two fenders, two 1/2” dock lines and insurance is the norm for me.
How are you attaching the chain without damaging the gelcoat? I guess you could have one of those chains with a cloth sleeve. It might be better to get some kind of tracking device placed in the boat. Time for Google.

10 feet of 1/2" thick steel chain enough to lock the boat to the dock? I'm staying in the canal, and from what I read on another forum chaining boats are the norm over there

I read it on the internet, it has to be true....
I really don’t think you need to chain your boats up. Yamaha jets boat are at the bottom of the list. If you had a CC with triple or quad 400’s I might be worried
Make sure your insurance is up to date and covers the Bahamas. Then relax and enjoy!
All covered, what the worst part could happen, a brand new boat !
How are you attaching the chain without damaging the gelcoat? I guess you could have one of those chains with a cloth sleeve. It might be better to get some kind of tracking device placed in the boat. Time for Google.
I was looking at coated chains or the steel chains with a vinyl covering.
I have stayed at the canal 3 times. No issues.

I have never seen a boat chained to a dock anywhere on North or South Bimini.
My group size changed, total of 4 adults, so I was looking around for a 2 bedroom reservation. The one I found is near Alice Town, with Blue Waters Marina nearby. I called the marina and they quoted my $35/night for a slip. All they took was the boat's name and stated that an additional 5% charge would be included if I paid with a credit card upon arrival. This seems incredibly low, should I be worried?

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