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Can we get something settled right freakin now????? Did Carole feed her husband to the Tigers or what?!!! I say 'F' yeah she did that psycho B#$@^!
F yeah she did.
Maybe we should start a poll. I thought about it then got tired head trying to figure out the questions and the whole poll setup, so I just went back to The Chive.... I heard there is another episode coming out.
What's really bad, is this all sh!t happened in my backyard. Lots of fcked up people down here...

OH, that's good to know, for some reason I thought that happened in Southern OK
OH, that's good to know, for some reason I thought that happened in Southern OK
LOL, nope. Happened in Tampa, Hillsborough County just on the other side of Tampa Bay. Can't wait for the sequel.
Mean while here in Quebec Canada, we have over half of the cases in all of Canada, 17,553 (Canada) vs 9,340 (Quebec), with the city of Montreal having 4500 of the 9340 cases, in a way the New York city of Canada. Since mid March the Government has had all non essential services, business, schools, parks, restaurant dining rooms, etc shut down. The latest action is that some areas of Québec now have limited access with police check points set up. At these various checkpoints, police officers will restrict entry and exit from these regions and authorize only essential travel. In order to validate the appropriateness of a person's travel, the police may ask them to provide certain supporting documents, such as proof of residence, a driver's licence, or a document provided by an employer. For example all the smaller communities such as "Cottage Country" are restricted, unless you are a permanent resident you will not be allowed in, even if you have a secondary home you're not allowed in . So in other words should you wish to go boating forget it, ride your motorcycle in the country you are out of luck, go hiking, nope, etc!
The obligation for anyone returning from a stay outside Québec to self-isolate for 14 days, that is, both sick travellers or those displaying symptoms and travellers who do not display symptoms and are in perfect health. These people MUST NOT go outside at all, even to go for a walk, even to walk you dog! The authorities are serving large fines to public gatherings, and to individuals not respecting the social distancing guidelines. Police who intervened at a gathering could issue a general offence report, which would then be transferred to investigators and then the DPCP, who could decide whether to issue a fine between $1,000 and $6,000. I am a Realtor and we are ordered to cease showing homes or meeting with individuals regarding any real estate transaction, so basically out of business for the moment. If housing is not considered an essential service I don't know what is. We can expect this situation to extend into the month of June for the time being. Keep safe everyone,
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Just to add to my previous post, check out these penalties!!

Compliance and enforcement of the Quarantine Act

The Government of Canada is working with federal and provincial partners to promote and verify compliance of the emergency order with active communication and spot checks.

If you are permitted to enter Canada, you will be:
•asked if you have a cough, fever or difficulty breathing
•required to acknowledge that you must self-isolate
•given instructions about your obligations under the emergency order

Violating any instructions provided to you when you entered Canada is an offence under the Quarantine Act and could lead to up to:
•6 months in prison and/or
•$750,000 in fines

Further, a person who causes a risk of imminent death or serious bodily harm to another person while wilfully or recklessly contravening this act or the regulations could be liable for:
•a fine of up to $1,000,000 or
•imprisonment of up to 3 years or
LOL, nope. Happened in Tampa, Hillsborough County just on the other side of Tampa Bay. Can't wait for the sequel.
I grew up 3 miles from where that is. A friend of mine grew up next door.
So apparently a WHO official is saying they think the next steps is going into peoples homes and separating families who test positive. Um yea...over my dead Fcking body!! Google for yourself but yes he said it and of course the media didn’t mention it or bat an eye when he did. Can you imagine is leaders of countries said such a thing?? They try this here in the US I can guarantee there will be riots and mass resistance. The virus will be the least thing in a families mind of talking about going into someone’s home and separating them from their family.

Edit found the video. It’s around the 50 minute mark...

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Can we get something settled right freakin now????? Did Carole feed her husband to the Tigers or what?!!! I say 'F' yeah she did that psycho B#$@^!

I tried to watch that show after seeing all the memes pop up but I couldn’t last longer than 5 mins. Brains cells were done lol
So apparently a WHO official is saying they think the next steps is going into peoples homes and separating families who test positive. Um yea...over my dead Fcking body!! Google for yourself but yes he said it and of course the media didn’t mention it or bat an eye when he did. Can you imagine is leaders of countries said such a thing?? They try this here in the US I can guarantee there will be riots and mass resistance. The virus will be the least thing in a families mind of talking about going into someone’s home and separating them from their family.

Edit found the video. It’s around the 50 minute mark...

Better bring a warrant and a bullet proof vest if they try that around here.
Better bring a warrant and a bullet proof vest if they try that around here.


This is why it’s important to train with headshots in addition to critical mass.
That's the who guy that's in China pocket isnt it?

As far as I'm concerned anyone with the WHO is in CCP's pocket. They downplayed this thing so bad they are equally as guilty as China.

I should have bought land long ago instead of a crapload of motorcycles and toys.
Don't know what news you've been watching, but the WHO was on the news I watch and listen to from early on saying this was going to be bad.

Public Health Emergency of International Concern declared
30 January 2020

WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared the 2019-nCoV outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, following a second meeting of the Emergency Committee convened under the International Health Regulations.

Acknowledging that cases have been reported in five WHO regions in one month, the Committee noted that early detection, isolating and treating cases, contact tracing and social distancing measures – in line with the level of risk – can all work to interrupt virus spread.
I don’t watch news but rather read it from all over the spectrum. Bruh lol you must not remember from earlier this year from their own mouths and not a MSM mouth piece. Hell the tweet is STILL up to this day.....


That was Jan 14th well after this thing was spreading like wildfire in China. Believe what you wish but the WHO is inept at best.
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Did u see the head of who refuse to answer questions about China knowledge and finally clicked a button and dropped the video call? The reporter called him back and he did the same thing. Its hilarious to watch..
Did u see the head of who refuse to answer questions about China knowledge and finally clicked a button and dropped the video call? The reporter called him back and he did the same thing. Its hilarious to watch..

Do you have a link to the vid? Would love to see this.
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