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Ooooo....I read on another forum that jetboaters.net is imploding, without reading 73 pages what did I miss? Should I make some popcorn?
Not your fault that you can post pure political bullshit. When someone else posts their political bullshit and it is deleted by the moderators of this so called non political forum. This is where the problem is. Why are all political posts not removed from this thread? This is not the first time that you have posted political bullshit in this thread and it was allowed to stay up. If the place is going to censored it should be total and absolute.
That's a bit of an assumption, in my mind. How do you know the original poster didn't delete his own post? If he was sincere in his belief that it was a reasonable article... then once it was pointed out via Snopes that it was not legitimate... maybe he removed it. At least, that's what I choose to believe. The moderators have stated many times that they very rarely delete posts... and I believe them. (whether it be naive of me or not)
Actually, I think @crazy4life is correct here, there is a reason the forum is supposed to be a-political and a-religious.
My bad, I overreacted to something that just screamed ignorance at me. Probably more than once.

I guess working from home is not a great thing for everyone, lol

EDIT: I'm going f@cking crazy.

I'm sorry but his/her verbiage is way too strong (especially for the number of post he has posted - doesn't really know anybody here). IMO, that's a total lack of respect. Did you go overboard, probably but it should end with what you stated earlier. There are people that surf different sites just to cause trouble. They do not bring any value other than to call "you" out. I don't understand their motives. Okay, fine, make your point and move on.
Ooooo....I read on another forum that jetboaters.net is imploding, without reading 73 pages what did I miss? Should I make some popcorn?
It's not imploding. IMO people are going stir crazy from being cooped up too long. Forums are a good way to communicate with the outside. Sure it can get out of line but eventually we all get back in line. :winkingthumbsup"
OK, people smarter than me. How often should you change out to a new N95 mask? I have about 6 at home
OK, people smarter than me. How often should you change out to a new N95 mask? I have about 6 at home
Can you get them? In 4 weeks I have not left the house to go shopping. On Wednesday, I did go to CVS to get some scripts. I wore a standard mask.
I had them from previous projects around the house and just found them actually & I am leaving the house every day due to being essential
I'm sorry but his/her verbiage is way too strong (especially for the number of post he has posted - doesn't really know anybody here). IMO, that's a total lack of respect. Did you go overboard, probably but it should end with what you stated earlier. There are people that surf different sites just to cause trouble. They do not bring any value other than to call "you" out. I don't understand their motives. Okay, fine, make your point and move on.

Respect is something that is earned and not given. Don't really care what you think but you do have the right to say it. By the way how many posts do you need to have rights? I have no respect for you because I do not know you. Respect is something I have for my father who fought in 2 wars and is buried in a place of honor at Arlington National Cemetery so that you can have an inflated sense of self worth. Respect is something I have for the young men we ask to go into battle so you can sit behind your keyboard and tell me I am disrespectful. Respect is something I have for my mother who lost 2 brothers fighting for your rights. Respect is something that I have for the pimple faced teenagers that got blown to bits so you can sit in your house in comfort and tell me about respect. I have zero respect for any man that did not earn it. So go ahead and keep sitting on your sofa and tell me about respect.
OK, people smarter than me. How often should you change out to a new N95 mask? I have about 6 at home

For quick trip to the store really no need to switch out. Just make sure you have a dry one. You can let them dry in the heat of the car. That would be ideal.
Thanks for the info @scokill

I managed contamination control products for a manufacturer for more than a decade...including N95. That was a lifetime ago. Our company got bought out and 2 manufacturing plants shuttered and moved.
Seems to be the way things go anymore.
Ooooo....I read on another forum that jetboaters.net is imploding, without reading 73 pages what did I miss? Should I make some popcorn?
There are forums to talk about drama on this forum? That's pretty cool!
@scokill Can you comment on any reason we can't treat and reuse existing masks?

In a previous position I fabricated a ton of parts for use in biological experiments aboard the ISS. During the cleaning phase we would run them through an Ethylene Oxide Machine. Clean parts well with Ethanol/water mix, wipe and dry with lint free wipes (KimWipes), then place in individual bags that were gas permeable. Run a 24hr cycle, and you aseptic pieces and parts. We even ran some "filters" through here to ensure they were aseptic before assembly, and those are inherent porous.

Any reason we can't do the same thing with masks (N95 or otherwise)? What keeps a mask from being "re-sterilizable" so to speak?

Thanks in advance for the education.

*edit*....Found a picture of the stuff I used to run through the ETO machine. That white disc is a fluid permeable filter for catching cardiac cells from escaping during a fluid changeover. Surely if that can be "cleaned" to an aseptic condition, a normal N95 mask could as well. Right?
There are very good sterilization protocols for N95s, I'm sure I can find one.

EDIT: I know for a fact my pathology colleagues have been using one lately.

Don't know if this helps, but that's the new recommendation coming out of Barnes-Jewish Hospital /WashU affiliate:

  • According to the BJH Bulletin a team of BJH and Washington University experts in infection prevention, environmental health and safety, comparative medicine and engineering came together to design a process for sterilizing respirators using vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP). This allows N95 respirator masks to be collected, sterilized and then returned to the original user. VHP is a proven process used in Washington University laboratories for sterilizing equipment and spaces. Currently, only a few U.S. hospitals are using this method for sterilizing respirators.
@scokill Can you comment on any reason we can't treat and reuse existing masks?

In a previous position I fabricated a ton of parts for use in biological experiments aboard the ISS. During the cleaning phase we would run them through an Ethylene Oxide Machine. Clean parts well with Ethanol/water mix, wipe and dry with lint free wipes (KimWipes), then place in individual bags that were gas permeable. Run a 24hr cycle, and you aseptic pieces and parts. We even ran some "filters" through here to ensure they were aseptic before assembly, and those are inherent porous.

Any reason we can't do the same thing with masks (N95 or otherwise)? What keeps a mask from being "re-sterilizable" so to speak?

Thanks in advance for the education.

*edit*....Found a picture of the stuff I used to run through the ETO machine. That white disc is a fluid permeable filter for catching cardiac cells from escaping during a fluid changeover. Surely if that can be "cleaned" to an aseptic condition, a normal N95 mask could as well. Right?
View attachment 116727
There is no reason why you can't. Obviously limited cycles. I don't think ETO will breakdown spunbonded or meltblown polyester or polyethylene, or any headband elastic material. N95 aren't and don't need to be sterile unless used in an OR. I would say 99% are not sterile and if they are using sterile it's because they have them already sterile or are reusing them. Radiation is the only other option as heat would likely degrade the materials, but I see some steam or hydrogen peroxide mist is being used.

For personal use going to the grocery store, running errands, or for enhancement of social distancing you will see no benefit of any type of "protection" the mask will offer by any form of sterilization and/or cleaning. To be honest the masks are designed to be disposable, and I think they have limited utility and efficacy from preventing the wearer from a disease in and under normal circumstances. and should only be worn by the most immunocompromised and healthcare workers. If you have a few laying around then obviously wear them if you want, rotate them, keep them dry as possible and move on. I could go on about my thoughts in general, but are off of this topic.
Don't know if this helps, but that's the new recommendation coming out of Barnes-Jewish Hospital /WashU affiliate:

  • According to the BJH Bulletin a team of BJH and Washington University experts in infection prevention, environmental health and safety, comparative medicine and engineering came together to design a process for sterilizing respirators using vaporized hydrogen peroxide (VHP). This allows N95 respirator masks to be collected, sterilized and then returned to the original user. VHP is a proven process used in Washington University laboratories for sterilizing equipment and spaces. Currently, only a few U.S. hospitals are using this method for sterilizing respirators.
I saw this. I would separate what healthcare workers are doing vs. John Q Public running to the grocery store. As above, I see no reason for a normal person to worry about cleaning or sterilizing any mask. If you went this far you would be sterilizing everything in your house and your hands 1,000 times a day.
Guess that's not political. This place is a joke.

Sorry everyone, seems like LIFE might have caught up with all the moderators and/or we all got tired of reading this thread. I've been f'ing swamped at work doing really really really fucking unpleasant shit ruining people's lives. So forgive me for not keeping up on babysitting everyone on here.

Please read the latest on our Warnings process. It clearly states that if you don't like something hit the REPORT button. Not a single person did. So quit whining about moderators not responding......responding to WHAT?????? No REPORT no foul! YES I'm one seriously grumpy miserable person right now. I can't speak for other moderators, but this forum is one of the places I strive to keep my sanity in.

Not your fault that you can post pure political bullshit. When someone else posts their political bullshit and it is deleted by the moderators of this so called non political forum. This is where the problem is. Why are all political posts not removed from this thread? This is not the first time that you have posted political bullshit in this thread and it was allowed to stay up. If the place is going to censored it should be total and absolute.
No reports logged....its a simple click.

It's obvious to me why certain things are allowed to stay and why certain thing are deleted, all you have to do is look at the content of the things that stay.
Yeah it is obvious....its because you didn't press the REPORT button! SMH

That's a bit of an assumption, in my mind. How do you know the original poster didn't delete his own post? If he was sincere in his belief that it was a reasonable article... then once it was pointed out via Snopes that it was not legitimate... maybe he removed it. At least, that's what I choose to believe. The moderators have stated many times that they very rarely delete posts... and I believe them. (whether it be naive of me or not)
Actually the OP DID indeed delete his own post. Totally cool of him to do that!

Sorry I've lost my cool. But I've spent the majority of my last month planning and executing a layoff of a shit ton of really good people. These people will find it very difficult to find work at this time, and there is nothing I can do. That is the really shit part of my job. Then add to this that I also took a massive pay cut (I'm still happy to be employed!) and that there will likely be more of this to come.....yes....this crisis begins to really hit home!

So forgive me if I've not been reading the forum and I've been spending time writing recommendations for people so they have a shot at getting a job to pay their bills.

[USERGROUP=3]@Administrative[/USERGROUP] - this thread went down the shitter again....lets all keep a closer eye on it.

I'm going to drink myself into a stupor.....probably not the wisest thing to do to combat depression but oh well.
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