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Oh yeah...and warning dished out and posts deleted.
well, when life beats you down... it does with a vengeance. My 39yo wife just had a stroke. A small one but one nonetheless. She is well and likely will be home tomorrow. Because of the pandemic I can't be there with her. Then I again, I still have 3 little ones that need my attention. All this to say, please lets keep this thread going with smart discussions and give support to each and every one of us. We are all struggling in one way or another.

In between all the BS before I saw two things. Someone asked about recoveries. All I can say is that COVID patients recover slowly but they do. We have discharged quite a few from the hospital.

Disinfecting masks... my hospital has a vaporized HP system. It was started last week. To be used until the mask seems worn out. On of our top docs in the covid committee, a dude who transports high risk (like ebola) patients internationally, says it is legit. I trust the man with my life.
Sorry everyone, seems like LIFE might have caught up with all the moderators and/or we all got tired of reading this thread. I've been f'ing swamped at work doing really really really fucking unpleasant shit ruining people's lives. So forgive me for not keeping up on babysitting everyone on here.

Please read the latest on our Warnings process. It clearly states that if you don't like something hit the REPORT button. Not a single person did. So quit whining about moderators not responding......responding to WHAT?????? No REPORT no foul! YES I'm one seriously grumpy miserable person right now. I can't speak for other moderators, but this forum is one of the places I strive to keep my sanity in.

No reports logged....its a simple click.

Yeah it is obvious....its because you didn't press the REPORT button! SMH

Actually the OP DID indeed delete his own post. Totally cool of him to do that!

Sorry I've lost my cool. But I've spent the majority of my last month planning and executing a layoff of a shit ton of really good people. These people will find it very difficult to find work at this time, and there is nothing I can do. That is the really shit part of my job. Then add to this that I also took a massive pay cut (I'm still happy to be employed!) and that there will likely be more of this to come.....yes....this crisis begins to really hit home!

So forgive me if I've not been reading the forum and I've been spending time writing recommendations for people so they have a shot at getting a job to pay their bills.

[USERGROUP=3]@Administrative[/USERGROUP] - this thread went down the shitter again....lets all keep a closer eye on it.

I'm going to drink myself into a stupor.....probably not the wisest thing to do to combat depression but oh well.
Thank you for all you do Sir!
well, when life beats you down... it does with a vengeance. My 39yo wife just had a stroke. A small one but one nonetheless. She is well and likely will be home tomorrow. Because of the pandemic I can't be there with her. Then I again, I still have 3 little ones that need my attention. All this to say, please lets keep this thread going with smart discussions and give support to each and every one of us. We are all struggling in one way or another.

In between all the BS before I saw two things. Someone asked about recoveries. All I can say is that COVID patients recover slowly but they do. We have discharged quite a few from the hospital.

Disinfecting masks... my hospital has a vaporized HP system. It was started last week. To be used until the mask seems worn out. On of our top docs in the covid committee, a dude who transports high risk (like ebola) patients internationally, says it is legit. I trust the man with my life.

Very sorry to hear about your wife. Best wishes to her, you, and your whole family as you navigate this.
Well, I'm going to take a little sabbatical here. If anyone needs me, you already have my number.

I feel bad, basically, having violated forum rules; it's not cool as I'm a guest here - my bad! The admins here deserve respect, help, and nothing but accolades for their work on maintaining this forum.

Yet, with things happening around us that seem both profound and extremely consequential I won't pretend I can hold myself to those high standards - in face of what I see as displays of ignorance, or deliberate misinformation. I like facts. Not alternative facts. Right now, I just don't know how to talk about facts without referring to the status quo.

I'm sure that all shall pass, and there are happy boating days ahead!
See you on the water, happy boating.

@scokill @swatski Thanks for the information. Good to know.

What are your thoughts on these homemade masks?

Best I can tell they are better for the people around you, in preventing any droplets from leaving you, but not so great at keeping any droplets from getting in to you. Thoughts?
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well, when life beats you down... it does with a vengeance. My 39yo wife just had a stroke. A small one but one nonetheless. She is well and likely will be home tomorrow. Because of the pandemic I can't be there with her. Then I again, I still have 3 little ones that need my attention. All this to say, please lets keep this thread going with smart discussions and give support to each and every one of us. We are all struggling in one way or another.

In between all the BS before I saw two things. Someone asked about recoveries. All I can say is that COVID patients recover slowly but they do. We have discharged quite a few from the hospital.

Disinfecting masks... my hospital has a vaporized HP system. It was started last week. To be used until the mask seems worn out. On of our top docs in the covid committee, a dude who transports high risk (like ebola) patients internationally, says it is legit. I trust the man with my life.

Bummer isn't the right emoji there. I didn't know what else to put.

Keep your head up dude. This too shall pass, and those 3 little ones will appreciate all the time you can give them....even if it doesn't feel like it all the time.
@scokill @swatski Thanks for the information. Good to know.

What are your thoughts on these homemade masks?

Best I can tell they are better for the people around you, in preventing and droplets from leaving you, but not so great at keeping any droplets from getting in to you. Thoughts?

There are varying degrees for what it does, but yes, primarily it is to control particulate from the wearers mouth and nose and limiting the distance of expulsion and lingering of the particles in the air and letting gravity do its thing. The virus itself is around .1 micron, but the water droplets are likely around 1 micron. You could get some filtration of gross particles from entering you mouth and nose with any type of fabric...cotton, polyester, etc. That's secondary from what I understand.

I used to teach bloodborne pathogens and preventing infection decades ago to first responders and healthcare workers ....and going back on memory infection goes like this. Pathogen is present, present in sufficient quantities to cause infection, has appropriate entry site for infection, person is susceptible to infection (some immune systems are better than others, some people are generally more healthy than others and naturally prone to fight off infections, etc). So the goal is to limit any one of these, or ideally all of them. You wearing a mask keeps the presence of the pathogen down, and in less quantities (assuming you are infected), and it can do the same when wearing any mask. The bonus of wearing is that entry into nose and mouth is the best point of infection (not the only, but best). I would venture to say that we've all been exposed to the virus and many of us infected and didn't even know it.

The last comment on susceptibility....totally healthy folks even if infected are significantly less likely to have a serious case...not totally insulated, but fairly rare. 86% of all the deaths in NY are people with underlying health conditions. If you do the math for people with no underlying health conditions (varying degrees of health though), and take into account he recent antibody study that extrapolates in to almost 3M in NY having been infected, the death rate for folks with no underlying health condition is .08% or 8/100s of 1%. This varies so it may not be precise but generally accurate. So 99.92% of those that are infected have a strong enough immune response to have no symptoms, mild/moderate symptoms, or 2% of the infected (including those that may die) end up being hospitalized. Even if you don't buy off on the 3M infected as the denominator, it's somewhere tween 263K and 3M, so all the %s above are still fairly low.

So getting back to homemade masks. Generally helpful. My view overall is risk of infection is high, risk of infection with no symptoms high, risk of mild/moderate symptoms high, risk of severe symptoms and hospitalization low, risk of death very low (given 3 recent studies antibody studies that show significant infection rates).

If you have underlying health conditions or obese....you might be totally screwed if you get it. Sorry for rambling.
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well, when life beats you down... it does with a vengeance. My 39yo wife just had a stroke. A small one but one nonetheless. She is well and likely will be home tomorrow. Because of the pandemic I can't be there with her. Then I again, I still have 3 little ones that need my attention. All this to say, please lets keep this thread going with smart discussions and give support to each and every one of us. We are all struggling in one way or another.

In between all the BS before I saw two things. Someone asked about recoveries. All I can say is that COVID patients recover slowly but they do. We have discharged quite a few from the hospital.

Disinfecting masks... my hospital has a vaporized HP system. It was started last week. To be used until the mask seems worn out. On of our top docs in the covid committee, a dude who transports high risk (like ebola) patients internationally, says it is legit. I trust the man with my life.

My prayers are with you and your wife.
well, when life beats you down... it does with a vengeance. My 39yo wife just had a stroke. A small one but one nonetheless. She is well and likely will be home tomorrow. Because of the pandemic I can't be there with her. Then I again, I still have 3 little ones that need my attention. All this to say, please lets keep this thread going with smart discussions and give support to each and every one of us. We are all struggling in one way or another.

In between all the BS before I saw two things. Someone asked about recoveries. All I can say is that COVID patients recover slowly but they do. We have discharged quite a few from the hospital.

Disinfecting masks... my hospital has a vaporized HP system. It was started last week. To be used until the mask seems worn out. On of our top docs in the covid committee, a dude who transports high risk (like ebola) patients internationally, says it is legit. I trust the man with my life.
Wow....hope your wife recovers fully!

Sorry I lost it earlier. Stress won.

@swatski don't be a stranger....I really need your coherent medical perspective!!!!
@swatski remember what happened last time you took a sabbatical from the forum .......
if @crazy4life knew you like some of us, he would have laughed it off.

@tabbibus sorry to hear about your wife. Glad she is okay, as I have been told that stokes at a young age can be very debilitation. Thank you for sharing your experiece on COVID-19.
one more comment if I may.
Each of us have an area of expertise and on that field it is easy for us to separate fact from fiction. I have seen numbers here that mathematically or logically cannot be true and I try to make a no offensive comment, but you know at times humans as we are we loose control ;-)
well, when life beats you down... it does with a vengeance. My 39yo wife just had a stroke. A small one but one nonetheless. She is well and likely will be home tomorrow. Because of the pandemic I can't be there with her. Then I again, I still have 3 little ones that need my attention. All this to say, please lets keep this thread going with smart discussions and give support to each and every one of us. We are all struggling in one way or another.

In between all the BS before I saw two things. Someone asked about recoveries. All I can say is that COVID patients recover slowly but they do. We have discharged quite a few from the hospital.

Disinfecting masks... my hospital has a vaporized HP system. It was started last week. To be used until the mask seems worn out. On of our top docs in the covid committee, a dude who transports high risk (like ebola) patients internationally, says it is legit. I trust the man with my life.
Truly sorry to read this. I can't imagine what you're going thru. These are trying times. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope she and you will all recover. God bless you and all your family...
@tabbibus so sorry to hear about your wife's stroke. Definitely never a good time for that... wishing you and your family strength, health, and a quick recovery.

@Julian I'm not envious of your current circumstance. Your attitude and reaction does nothing but prove you CARE and your heart is in the right place. I hope we find a way to slow both the virus and the economic hemorrhaging. Hopefully this can all be a bitter distant memory we can leave in our wAKEs.
OK, people smarter than me. How often should you change out to a new N95 mask? I have about 6 at home
Partially depends on how much you wear them and why.
I use them for work while making saw cuts and mixing mortar where we literally change the color of the mask and it becomes unusable for the next day. As far as germs, they can last almost a week in your mask. Switch them out and disinfect them but let them sit a few days before wearing again.
We have a guy at work that has been using 2 masks like this since the beginning of the pandemic.
He isn't mixing or cutting just laying block so his particulat is far less than mine.
Our company is running short on masks too. Hopefully this all calms down soon so we can continue to be safe at work.
Read an interesting article this morning. 25% of deaths in New York were from nursing homes. It was mandated that nursing homes had to take in people with Covid. I would expect NJ to be similar. Together NY and NJ make up almost half of the deaths in US, so that would be about 12% of deaths in nursing homes. Nursing home residents make up .2% of the population. Probably where many of the underlying condition deaths came from.
Study I read yesterday talked about UV light and humidity’s negative effect on the virus. The half-life if the virus drops to about 2 hours in full sunlight and even shorter when there is high humidity. Would thus mean the summer months that are upon us could really knock this thing down substantially? Are Southern States going to have a much lower 2nd wave than Northern States? And most importantly, can I plan a trip to Mexico for this summer!!
Study I read yesterday talked about UV light and humidity’s negative effect on the virus. The half-life if the virus drops to about 2 hours in full sunlight and even shorter when there is high humidity. Would thus mean the summer months that are upon us could really knock this thing down substantially? Are Southern States going to have a much lower 2nd wave than Northern States? And most importantly, can I plan a trip to Mexico for this summer!!
All these studies pertain to how long can it live outside the body. It has nothing to do with human to human contact. I'd still be Leary. I live in a very humid and hot state and my groceries are still being delivered.
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