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@Ronnie, I do not know what to say other than hers was such terrible and tragic loss.

I worry about the toll this is taking on medical workers, on their families and later on our ability to access medical care.
@Ronnie sorry to hear of your loss.

While I wasn't cavalier about protection before, seeing more of these stories, and watching front line workers this week from close range has brought about a change in my attitude and motivation.

I hope others take note and do the same. These lives don't have to be lost in vain!
@Ronnie sorry to hear of your loss.

While I wasn't cavalier about protection before, seeing more of these stories, and watching front line workers this week from close range has brought about a change in my attitude and motivation.

I hope others take note and do the same. These lives don't have to be lost in vain!
You cannot put a price on human life. Just can't...
This is made by a nurse in our ICU

Heard there was a blood shortage due to low donations. Our country club held a Red Cross blood drive so I let them hit me this morning. I just hope they can strain all the Basil Hayden Bourbon out of that pint of blood!!!

Heard there was a blood shortage due to low donations. Our country club held a Red Cross blood drive so I let them hit me this morning. I just hope they can strain all the Basil Hayden Bourbon out of that pint of blood!!!

View attachment 118074
I always wonder about that kinda thing. Since my stroke the doc put me on a statin and aspirin as a precaution but said even my ldl levels were pretty good. But do meds mess with giving blood?
I always wonder about that kinda thing. Since my stroke the doc put me on a statin and aspirin as a precaution but said even my ldl levels were pretty good. But do meds mess with giving blood?

Good drill-down guide here that should answer your questions:
So as a follow up to this, when you are down a pint of blood and have 2 Basil Hayden Old Fashioneds you get a really good buzz really quick! Oh Lord.
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this virus is so crazy variable. Our hospital is down to only 3 patients, only one in ICU. Our sister hospital has 20. Nearby hospital but other county has over 90! Our mortality has been only around 15-20%. I guess it is all just a lottery.
WI is opened back up by rule of ACTUAL law. While I was for a temp lock down to flatten the curve, as per usual the politicians used it (both sides) for their party messages. In the end the extension of the WI law became another symbol of how split this state is between their two tribal parties.

Me? I'm happy that I can sit outside on a deck and eat with my family again. It'll be nice to get back to church. We aren't going to rush back into the big crowds again - but fear cannot outweigh liberty. Ever.
Very interesting video. Worth the 26 minutes I believe.

Sorry, but plandemic has been repeatedly proven to be full of lies and debunked by multiple sources. But google plandemic debunked and read any of the top 10 returns!. A very cleverly shot show featuring a doctor who published flawed research she was forced to retract and was subsequently fired, and then arrested for theft.

This whole thing has been politicized from the start, every politician claims “science and facts” but almost none of it contains either one. At this point I’m getting really close to moving somewhere without any news or internet.
This whole thing has been politicized from the start, every politician claims “science and facts” but almost none of it contains either one. At this point I’m getting really close to moving somewhere without any news or internet.
I agree that the politics in this whole thing sucks. Also the lack up information and understanding of how dangerous/contagious the virus is has made it challenging.

The virus has killed 100k people with the single largest quarantine implemented in world history. Probably safe to say it would have been much worse had we not isolated. But what would have the death toll without shutting down? 200k. 500k a million?

Is any of those death tolls worth not shutting down? I dont think so....
Some interesting information in today's Twitter update from the COVID Tracking Project:

I agree that the politics in this whole thing sucks. Also the lack up information and understanding of how dangerous/contagious the virus is has made it challenging.

The virus has killed 100k people with the single largest quarantine implemented in world history. Probably safe to say it would have been much worse had we not isolated. But what would have the death toll without shutting down? 200k. 500k a million?

Is any of those death tolls worth not shutting down? I dont think so....

The biggest problem I have is the reporting of the numbers, both cases and deaths. Mathematically they do not jive, but most people don’t bother to hash it out for themselves. First of all, to me the total cases numbers don’t mean jack. Those are just confirmed numbers based on testing, which may as well be made up. Until we test 7 billion people you don’t get a picture. Looking at percentages of positive tests gives you a better idea. Early in the game, we started around 20% positive rates. This tell me we still aren’t really close to an accurate total confirmed number of cases. Currently, the positivity rate is around 8-10% where I live, last national average I saw was 13%. Now, there is another issue because some of the tests use different methods to come up with a “positive”. Some are antibody tests, some are active RNA tests, they don’t specify. The active tests are the only ones that say for sure who is currently ill from it, the other could be someone who had it recently, someone who had it months ago, we don’t know how long the antibodies remain.

Problem 2, the numbers themselves. Last count this morning shows 5.5 million global cases, and 350,000 deaths. Of those, the U.S. reports about 30% of the deaths, along with 30% of the cases. 7 billion people on earth, and the US is 5% of the population. I realize this thing is a fluid situation with the infection spreading through a population, but to me the numbers do not jive. We are probably testing more than anywhere else, but that doesn’t explain it fully.

Problem 3, give me data not opinion from the media. I don't need a “journalist” telling me what to think. I’ll figure it out.

I’ll agree the death toll is large from this virus. How large is it really? I don’t think anyone truly knows. Politics has even gotten in the way of accurate death numbers, since there ARE discrepancies in reporting. I’ve seen first hand, politics has even permeated the medical system. Once again, the likelihood that a country has 5% of the world’s population but 30% of its Covid deaths is pretty unlikely. How many are too many deaths from it? That’s for each of us to decide for ourselves. There is a death toll involved with shutting down the economy too. Suicide rate increases nearly 1 to 1 with unemployment. So if unemployment jumps 15%, suicide rate makes the same jump in deaths per 100,000. Will we see cancer deaths spike after this? People went a couple months already without some of those screenings. Certain cancers that’s all it takes is a couple months. Other health screening not done or postponed, that could be a factor. Many smaller health systems are laying off doctors and nurses, due to empty hospitals and clinics. Will that have an effect on health care availability? I guess what I’m saying is it’s not very cut and dried, and I’ll reserve my judgement on potential value in our actions until seeing the whole picture, which isn’t very clear right now.
I would have to concur. I am not minimizing this virus nor the people who have went beyond to do their jobs as essential workers.

But as I run the the math, things don't add up. Here where I live, Heart Attacks, Old Age deaths, Strokes, Cancer and a myriad of other things that typically relate to death are down significantly to the point where it is unbelievable, yet there are significantly high numbers of Covid deaths. I have spoken with a some doctors I know and they see and/or are involved in a a lot misreporting as they have been directed to do so.

I am not sure what to believe or whom to believe. The data doesn't jive in a lot of areas.
I would have to concur. I am not minimizing this virus nor the people who have went beyond to do their jobs as essential workers.

But as I run the the math, things don't add up. Here where I live, Heart Attacks, Old Age deaths, Strokes, Cancer and a myriad of other things that typically relate to death are down significantly to the point where it is unbelievable, yet there are significantly high numbers of Covid deaths. I have spoken with a some doctors I know and they see and/or are involved in a a lot misreporting as they have been directed to do so.

I am not sure what to believe or whom to believe. The data doesn't jive in a lot of areas.

I've never been directed to misreport. Not have any of the colleagues that I know in my area in different medical systems. I won't say it doesn't happen because I can't confirm such a thing. But in my neck of the woods it is not a thing.

Our numbers for non covid illnesses have ramped and many patients have told us that they simply didn't want to come to the hospital and have pushed it out as much as possible due to covid.

If I may be bold... Maybe your doctor friends need to stand up to fraud (which misreporting is)
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