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JetBoaters.net Bimini Fling July 10th to 15th 2017

Better now than on the road. I wish everyone who is driving safe travels. Some of us lucked out and only have a 3 or 4 hour drive living here in FL. Anyone else basic tools with them? I got a good size set with essential things but I plan on bringing

On long road trips, I carry a pancake compressor, impact gun, tool kit, and a pneumatic jack. I've changes tires for a lot of people towing trailers and its been my experience the jack with your vehicle will not lift a trailer very easy. I subscribe to best to have it and not need it then need it and not have it. So far I have not had to use my tools for my own vehicles....Hoping this will hold true for this trip as well
On long road trips, I carry a pancake compressor, impact gun, tool kit, and a pneumatic jack. I've changes tires for a lot of people towing trailers and its been my experience the jack with your vehicle will not lift a trailer very easy. I subscribe to best to have it and not need it then need it and not have it. So far I have not had to use my tools for my own vehicles....Hoping this will hold true for this trip as well
I ment taking a kit to bimini with you.
Was vacuum sealing the maps too much?

Do we know how many people are going to be SCUBA diving ?
Do we know how many people are going to be SCUBA diving ?

If there are a number of people that want to dive we can preorder tanks from Neil Watson.
@Julian, is her shirt one of the reprints?
@Water Girl No, all shirts orders but two shipped (Jason and Anan), and Steven R was leaving early so we held his so we could bring it. If it was a small order it went USPS....so it will likely arrive on Wed. (unless your post office is like some of them...less than fast)
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I was just inspecting my boat trailer tires, hum they are pretty warn. I'm getting new tires this week before leaving
Not to jinx it But one year I had 2 blow outs on the way to south Florida It's always its good idea to have 2 spare tires
Even if you don't have to use one The peace of mind is worth it
On long road trips, I carry a pancake compressor, impact gun, tool kit, and a pneumatic jack. I've changes tires for a lot of people towing trailers and its been my experience the jack with your vehicle will not lift a trailer very easy. I subscribe to best to have it and not need it then need it and not have it. So far I have not had to use my tools for my own vehicles....Hoping this will hold true for this trip as well
Karma works both ways

Good will return to you :):thumbsup:
2 people on my boat are most likely going to scuba
Majorsmackdown has registered to captain Cheese (un marked) with a crew of 2 adults and 2 children. They hail from the home port of Camas Washington.

The crew is described as: John, wife (Le - pronounced Lay), Amy and Emily

You can register for the event using the form at https://jetboaters.net/forms/bimini-2017-registration.6/respond
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2 people on my boat are most likely going to scuba

Great, I'm going to most likely dive everyday, and I'm bringing a junior set of gear for our 12 yr old. If anyone wants to dive who may be a bit rusty, I'm a instructor and would be happy to dive with them for peace of mind.
@Majorsmackdown Holy cow....now that is a long tow! Just had to beat out @MrMoose by 250 miles didn't ya! 3251 Miles vs 2963....either way...you guys need some sort of award! Bahamas TV should interview you both! (if there is such a thing as Bahamas TV!)