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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

That's depressing.
I had one of my worst back strains just picking the soap up in the shower one time. Took 2 weeks at the chiro to fix that shit.....
I had one of my worst back strains just picking the soap up in the shower one time. Took 2 weeks at the chiro to fix that shit.....
Didn't anybody in high school ever tell you, "DON'T DROP THE SOAP IN THE SHOWER" ?
Yes, the dreaded Sneeze - "I feel a sneeze coming, hold on let me get in a proper position so I don't throw my back out"
Soooo true. I think about that everytime. LOL
I had one of my worst back strains just picking the soap up in the shower one time. Took 2 weeks at the chiro to fix that shit.....
Everything takes 2 plus weeks at the chiropractor!
I had one of my worst back strains just picking the soap up in the shower one time. Took 2 weeks at the chiro to fix that shit.....
I tried everything chiro, dr, acupuncture (craziest place),
Try 315 extreme salve. I promise it works and you can buy it online. Its Cbd no thc. It is what got me back on my feet from my ruptured disc and 2 slipped discs. Also helps with the sciatia from the discs. Heck my first ski trip was cancelled a d I got this stuff in colorado on the second trip and I skied 30 ish days last season with it. All my guys use it since I bought each a tube and one of their wives, who has had multiple back surgeries, who has a pain implant in her back. It's kind of like icy hot and smells like it with the menthol. It's not though. I tried them all with no success, blue emu and anything it was around on the shelf. This stuff is amazing. I use the 2 oz roll on. Screenshot_20190807-114807_Samsung Internet.jpg
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