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Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

Happy Friday to all engineers! And everyone else too.
Next time, ask for the CAD file first!
Dang. No one ever showed me this print (probably sat on the Project Manager's desk for the better part of construction) so I had to improvise. I put the jelly directly on the peanut butter.
LOL, Funny you say that. I believe the Today Show did a segment on how do you make a P&J sandwich. Honestly, I did it according to the print (above) all my life. :happy:
This is just the sexist pig in me, but I looked at it and thought "of COURSE she's gonna need an assembly schematic! How else would she know how to make me a sammitch!"

I even I even asked my wife if she wanted me to print the picture out for her and hang it on the fridge
Happy Friday to all engineers! And everyone else too.
View attachment 103593
Sorry but I have a problem with this print. The hidden line of the material layout in the top view does not match the "View A" material layout. There is no material volume specification with upper and lower limits. No dimensions for the two materials spread on either bread slice. Width, depth nor thickness. No bread spec. Who are the approved suppliers? There is no assembly stack height spec. I am afraid this drawing has been rejected and back to design for an ECN. ?? Where is my red pen?

Do I miss all this. NOT. Love being retired.
Sorry but I have a problem with this print. The hidden line of the material layout in the top view does not match the "View A" material layout. There is no material volume specification with upper and lower limits. No dimensions for the two materials spread on either bread slice. Width, depth nor thickness. No bread spec. Who are the approved suppliers? There is no assembly stack height spec. I am afraid this drawing has been rejected and back to design for an ECN. ?? Where is my red pen?

Do I miss all this. NOT. Love being retired.
You're right. It leaves a lot to interpretation and would require conference call(s) with the customer and or engineer to make sure we're all on the same page. But it being Friday, I thought we could let it slide (till Monday). Sh!T always hits the fan on Monday.