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Boy Bayliner just can't climb out of that nasty quality hole they dug themselves last decade can they?

At least the last 3 decades.
At least the last 3 decades.

I'm with you, I remember my FIL talking about how he "almost bought one of those POS Bayliners and I lucked into a deal on my SeaRay" over 20+ years ago.
At least the last 3 decades.
I still think 1995 was "just a few years ago".....You're right, over about the last 30 years or so it's not been great for them.

Uncle has an '84 Bayliner that has served him well for many many years. Good maintenance has surely helped, but it's lived the majority of its' life on a trailer, with what I would consider "normal" use every summer. No major problems to speak of.
In the late ‘90s if you bought a new home in some SF Bay Area suburbs they offered to include an entry level 18’ Bayliner bow rider with the purchase of the home. Most people opted for the $10k credit instead.
I'm with you, I remember my FIL talking about how he "almost bought one of those POS Bayliners and I lucked into a deal on my SeaRay" over 20+ years ago.
Funny, because both Sea Ray and Bayliner have been owned by the same corporation (Brunswick) since 1986... though they probably operate independently for the most part, I'm sure.

I just remember the late 80's little Capri's being the ugliest boats on the water.... like something Elon took styling cues from for the Cyber Truck. Although we did have done family friends who enjoyed a couple 90's versions of their 30'+ cabin cruisers without issue. I remember them being nice. They seem to have gone away from that market though.
Sea Ray and Bayliner have been owned by the same corporation (Brunswick) since 1986

Did not know that. I loved my '97 SeaRay. One of my best boats ever. Have lots of good memories. Here's a picture taken 11/97 at Clearwater Marina where we spent the night.
I never knew that either. Am I right in thinking "Brunswick" is/was the same company that had something to do with bowling and/or pool tables?
And Harley Davidson at one point I believe ... they almost ruined that brand before the employees took it back
I never knew that either. Am I right in thinking "Brunswick" is/was the same company that had something to do with bowling and/or pool tables?

Brunswick Bowling and Billiards is/was a different segment of the corporation than Brunswick Boat Group. But yes your thinking is correct.


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And Harley Davidson at one point I believe ... they almost ruined that brand before the employees took it back
Actually correction I think it was AMF ...another bowling co that once owned Harley
I never knew that either. Am I right in thinking "Brunswick" is/was the same company that had something to do with bowling and/or pool tables?
As @zipper confirmed, apparently it is the same parent corporation. They were even an arms manufacturer at one point.